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Migrating to RevenueCat

If you already have an existing app that is using in-app purchases, it's easy to migrate them over to RevenueCat. Whether you're looking to replace all of your in-app-purchase code, or use RevenueCat alongside your current setup, this guide will help you get started.

If you're building in-app purchases into your app for the first time, a migration should not be required and you can start from our Quickstart guide.


👍Request a migration consultation

If a customer migration sounds like a scary process, we're here to help. We've helped hundreds of large apps make the switch to RevenueCat seamlessly.

Work with a member of the RevenueCat team to start building your custom migration plan.

Subscription and purchase status

Subscriptions status tracking has been at the core of RevenueCat from the early beginning - keeping a single source-of-truth across iOS, Android, Amazon, and web subscriptions - and today powers some of the worlds top grossing apps. Billions of API calls every day check RevenueCat servers to reliably grant the correct level of access to customers across the globe.

If your engineering team is tired of writing and maintaining code to determine subscription state and aren't confident in the exact subscription status of every subscriber at any point in time, then you're in the right place.

When using RevenueCat as a subscription status source-of-truth you typically want to migrate 100% of your existing subscriptions into RevenueCat. There are mobile SDK methods to migrate customers or REST APIs and bulk scripts to perform server-side migrations.

Subscription and purchase events, data, and analytics

Because RevenueCat knows the rich subscription status of all customers, it can send that information into other systems along with notifications of any changes. If you're not ready or unable to migrate your entire subscription infrastructure to RevenueCat you can still take advantage of these features to unlock growth for your business.

Level up your data, marketing, and product teams be sending actionable events into the tools they use and finally get clean, normalized, and actionable subscription data into you systems.

Choosing your integration path

To migrate an existing app, you will first need to decide whether to integrate the RevenueCat SDK in your apps, or if a server-side integration is sufficient for your needs. You can even use the RevenueCat SDK alongside your existing in-app purchasing code to selectively use RevenueCat SDK features.

Read more about how to decide whether or not you need the RevenueCat SDK →

Importing historical purchases

Once you have determined your integration path, you will also want to send your historical purchases to RevenueCat in order to have the full customer history and have accurate historic information in charts, customer lists, etc.

Read more about how to import historical purchase data →