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"ms-windows-store://pdp/?productid=" : "ms-windows-store:navigate?appid=" } return "https://click.google-analytics.com/redirect?tid=UA-81294240-2&url=https%3A%2F%2Fitunes.apple.com%2Fin%2Fapp%2Frehlat%2Fid1141857583%3Fmt%3D8&aid=com.Rehlat.RehlatMobile&cs=" + $.cookie("utm_source") + "&cm=" + $.cookie("utm_medium") + "&cn=" + utm_campaign; }.call(this) + this.appId, o = (s && function () { var t = s + " - "; switch (this.type) { case "android": return t + this.options.inGooglePlay; case "kindle": return t + this.options.inAmazonAppStore; case "windows": return t + this.options.inWindowsStore } return t + this.options.inAppStore }.call(this), null == this.options.iconGloss ? "ios" == this.type : this.options.iconGloss); "android" == this.type && this.options.GooglePlayParams && (e += "&referrer=" + this.options.GooglePlayParams); var a = ''; this.options.layer ? t(this.options.appendToSelector).append(a) : t(this.options.appendToSelector).prepend(a), this.options.icon ? n = this.options.icon : this.iconUrl ? n = this.iconUrl : t('link[rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed"]').length > 0 ? (n = t('link[rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed"]').attr("href"), null == this.options.iconGloss && (o = !1)) : t('link[rel="apple-touch-icon"]').length > 0 ? n = t('link[rel="apple-touch-icon"]').attr("href") : t('meta[name="msApplication-TileImage"]').length > 0 ? n = t('meta[name="msApplication-TileImage"]').attr("content") : t('meta[name="msapplication-TileImage"]').length > 0 && (n = t('meta[name="msapplication-TileImage"]').attr("content")); var r = nativeImage; t(".sb-icon").css("background-image", "url(" + r + ")"), n && o && t("#smartbanner .sb-icon").addClass("gloss"), this.bannerHeight = t("#smartbanner").outerHeight() + 2, this.scale > 1 && (t("#smartbanner").css("height", parseFloat(t("#smartbanner").css("height")) * this.scale).hide(), t("#smartbanner .sb-container").css("-webkit-transform", "scale(" + this.scale + ")").css("-msie-transform", "scale(" + this.scale + ")").css("-moz-transform", "scale(" + this.scale + ")").css("width", t(window).width() / this.scale)) }, listen: function () { t("#smartbanner .sb-close").on("click", t.proxy(this.close, this)), t("#smartbanner .sb-button").on("click", t.proxy(this.install, this)) }, show: function (n) { var s = t("#smartbanner"); if (s.stop(), this.options.layer) s.animate({ bottom: 0, display: "block" }, this.options.speedIn).addClass("shown").show(), t(this.pushSelector).animate({ paddingTop: this.origHtmlMargin + this.bannerHeight * this.scale }, this.options.speedIn, "swing", n); else if (t.support.transition) { s.animate({ bottom: 0 }, this.options.speedIn).addClass("shown"); t(this.pushSelector).addClass("sb-animation").one(t.support.transition.end, function () { t("html").removeClass("sb-animation"), n && n() }).emulateTransitionEnd(this.options.speedIn).css("margin-top", this.origHtmlMargin + this.bannerHeight * this.scale) } else s.slideDown(this.options.speedIn).addClass("shown") }, hide: function (n) { var s = t("#smartbanner"); if (s.stop(), this.options.layer) s.animate({ top: -1 * this.bannerHeight * this.scale, display: "block" }, this.options.speedIn).removeClass("shown"), t(this.pushSelector).animate({ paddingTop: this.origHtmlMargin }, this.options.speedIn, "swing", n); else if (t.support.transition) { this.type, s.css({ display: "none" }).removeClass("shown"); t(this.pushSelector).addClass("sb-animation").one(t.support.transition.end, function () { t("html").removeClass("sb-animation"), n && n() }).emulateTransitionEnd(this.options.speedOut).css("margin-top", this.origHtmlMargin) } else s.slideUp(this.options.speedOut).removeClass("shown") }, close: function (t) { dataLayer.push({ 'event': 'eventTracking', 'category': 'AppBanner', 'action': 'AppBanner', 'label': this.type + "_Close" }); ga("send", "event", "mwebappbanner", "mwebappbanner", this.type + "_Close"), t.preventDefault(), this.hide(), this.setCookie("sb-closed", "true", this.options.daysHidden), this.options.onClose(t) }, install: function (t) { ga("send", "event", "mwebappbanner", "mwebappbanner", this.type); ga("send", "event", "mwebappbanner", "mwebappbanner", this.type), this.options.hideOnInstall && this.hide(), this.setCookie("sb-installed", "true", this.options.daysReminder), this.options.onInstall(t) }, setCookie: function (t, n, s) { var i = new Date; i.setDate(i.getDate() + s), n = encodeURI(n) + (null == s ? "" : "; expires=" + i.toUTCString()), document.cookie = t + "=" + n + "; path=/;" }, getCookie: function (t) { var n, s, i, e = document.cookie.split(";"); for (n = 0; n < e.length; n++) if (s = e[n].substr(0, e[n].indexOf("=")), i = e[n].substr(e[n].indexOf("=") + 1), (s = s.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "")) == t) return decodeURI(i); return null }, switchType: function () { var n = this; this.hide(function () { n.type = "android" == n.type ? "ios" : "android"; var s = t("android" == n.type ? 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