The Reading Room: Cities Where You’ll Make More Money, and Doubts About Detroit’s Angel Investors

By Oie Lian Yeh
Apr 29, 2015

Who doesn’t want to make more money? OK, if your answer is “no,” never mind. Everyone else, check out these intriguing tips, which include moving to the right city. [The Billfold]

Two billionaires have stepped in to help Detroit out of bankruptcy and rebuild its public infrastructure, but some residents and workers see flaws in their vision. [Gawker]

An Army specialist who lost both his legs in Afghanistan was given keys to a mortgage-free house in Hanford, CA, by Homes for Our Troops, a nonprofit that builds houses for injured veterans. [Fresno Bee]

Note to home history buffs: Find out how your home and neighborhood have changed over time—more local and national resources are now available. [CityLab]

In the four years since Facebook announced plans to decamp from Palo Alto to Menlo Park, neighboring cities such as East Palo Alto have seen profound price increases in real estate. [TechCrunch]