The Rainforest Alliance is pleased to announce the launch of a ground-breaking new e-course and toolkit on Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD). It is accessible to all for free.
The HRDD e-course and toolkit were developed for farmer groups and mining associations in Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire, but other sectors and regions will find these tools useful as well. Companies can also use the tools by customizing them.
Smallholder farmers and small-scale miners can find it daunting to navigate human rights issues. The HRDD Toolkit is a comprehensive set of templates, guides, and resources, that aim to support them in addressing forced and child labor, as well as other human rights abuses like workplace violence and harassment. Gender-related aspects have also been carefully embedded throughout the e-course.
It includes interactive videos diving into eight essential topics:
- Understanding Child Labor
- Unpacking Forced Labor
- Introduction to HRDD
- The HRDD Toolkit
- Commitment and Communication
- Risk Assessment & Mitigation
- Grievance Mechanism and Remediation
- Monitoring and Reporting
The Rainforest Alliance is pleased to share these tools with the public.