Integrated Supplier Management

Your company needs to establish seamless communication with suppliers to effectively navigate market volatility and meet changing customer demands. Building stronger relationships with suppliers offers the ability to make well-informed decisions when choosing supply partners, improved procurement management, swift responses to supply disruptions and a significant reduction in supply risks.

We have gained transparency of our sourcing activities from the very beginning till the very end. From the setup and the planning of an event to execution and nomination at the end.

Central Purchasing Manager, Kromberg & Schubert

Key Business Challenges

  • Lack of real-time information flow with suppliers

  • Limited visibility into supplier quality performance

  • Complex cross border trade regulations

  • Manually intensive procurement processes

QAD Key Capabilities

  • Transform supplier management
  • Your team is under great pressure to select and manage long term suppliers - not simply the lowest cost supplier at the time.
    View Supplier Management Solution
  • Address import regulations and reduce risk
  • Implementing automation for import processes, documentation production and customs reporting effectively mitigates risks and lowers costs linked to international suppliers.
    View Import Management Solution

  • Engage in strategic partnerships
  • Enhance visibility with suppliers, foster supplier collaboration, coordinate efforts for timely and complete deliveries and rapidly adapt to any unexpected changes.
    View QAD Demand and Delivery Solution
  • Better align supply with demand
  • Implement a comprehensive and holistic supply plan to determine an optimal distribution, production and procurement strategy.
    View Procurement Planning Solution

Counting the Costs of an Unethical Supply Chain

Description of facts, figures and data - if you still need a good rationale for more ethics and sustainability in the supply chain, this infographic provides it.

Checklist: Best Practices to Create a More Ethical Supply Chain

Businesses need to do more while continuing to deliver value to their customers and investors. Here are seven guideposts to consider on the path to creating a more ethical supply chain.

7 Ethical Supply Chain Missteps to Avoid

Ignoring the ethical and environmental impact of supply chain activity is no longer an option. What ethical and environmental missteps should you avoid to effectively deploy your efforts?

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Kromberg & Schubert Gain Notable Procurement Savings

Speciality automotive cable manufacturer achieves end-to-end visibility and effective supplier collaboration with QAD.

ANCA Boosts Supplier Collaboration

Grinding machine manufacturer ANCA simplifies complex supply chain processes with suppliers and improves communication and planning.

JJA Increases Inventory Turnover While Reducing Procurement Lead Times

This home furnishings and decoration company optimizes inventory control with robust Sales and Operations Planning and Procurement Planning.

AVL Improves Supplier Communication with QAD

Global technology provider simplifies, accelerates and automates the sourcing process with higher process security and efficiency.

Further Information

Collaborative Supplier Relationship Cut Supply Risks

Defining Supplier Development

What You Need to Know About Supplier Management and SRM Software

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