
Prime Video and Amazon Music Accessibility Feedback Process

This page provides a description of the Amazon Accessibility Feedback Process.

Amazon welcomes your feedback on any accessibility barriers that you may have encountered in dealing with Amazon Music or Prime Video, or your feedback on the manner in which Amazon is implementing its Accessibility Plan.

The person at Amazon responsible for receiving feedback is the Accessibility Champion.

Feedback can be general or specific, but providing more details such as the date, the name of the webpage, application or activity involved, may make it easier for us to understand your concerns.

Feedback can be submitted by:

Anonymous Feedback

Individuals providing feedback can provide personal information and contact information at the Digital Services and Device Support Accessibility Hub.

If you wish to submit feedback anonymously, please do so by way of mail to the mailing address listed above, or by phone call request through the Call Me Service.

Acknowledgment of Feedback

Automatic acknowledgment of receipt will be sent for feedback received by email. Feedback provided through telephone and live chat involve direct interaction with an Amazon employee and therefore the employee will acknowledge receipt of the feedback. For feedback received by mail, if contact information is provided, an acknowledgement letter will be mailed to the address provided.

Alternative Formats

Alternative formats of this feedback process description in print, large print, Braille, audio format or an electronic format that is compatible with adaptive technology can be provided upon request.