
Cancel an Accidental Purchase

You may be able to return a Prime Video order if you haven't attempted to watch or download it.

To return an accidental or unwanted Prime Video order:

  1. From the website, select My Stuff, then Purchases & Rentals.
  2. Select the title that has been purchased or rented in error. This will load the title’s detail page.
    When the page loads don’t click on the play button.
  3. Select Cancel Your Order.
  4. Choose a reason for the cancellation from the drop-down menu, and then click Cancel This Purchase.
    After the cancellation is complete, your refund is issued to the payment method used for the order. The video is also removed from "Purchases & Rentals" in "My Stuff" as a part of the refund process.
    Note: If you have paid through Apple, you must browse to the relevant product page on the website or Prime Video app to see your cancellation options.

Note: To prevent accidental purchases, you can turn on parental controls for your account from your Prime Video Settings. To set up a Prime Video PIN, go to Account & Settings then select Parental Controls.