Physiotherapy helps restore movement and function when someone is affected by injury, illness or disability.

Back pain is a common problem that affects most people at some point in their life.

  1. It may be triggered by bad posture while sitting or standing, bending awkwardly or lifting incorrectly. It is not generally caused by a serious condition.
  2. In most cases, back pain will improve in a few weeks or months, Although some people experience long-term pain or pain that keeps coming back.

Types of Back Pain:

A backache is most common in the lower back, although It can be felt anywhere along your spine, from your neck down to your hips.

What To Do:

Most cases of back pain get better on their own and you may not need to see a doctor. If you had back pain for a few days or weeks, the following advice may help relieve your symptoms and speed up your recovery

  1. Remain as active as possible and try to continue with your daily activities
  2. Use hot or cold compression pads, You can buy these from your local pharmacy or a bay of frozen vegetables and a hot water bottle will work just as well
  3. Although it can be difficult to be cheerful or optimistic if you are in pain, It is important to stay positive because this can help you recover faster

Treatment For Long Term Back Pain:

If you are worried about your back or your pain has not improved by time, It is a good idea to visit your physiotherapist, who can advise you about the treatments available.

  • These include exercise classes where you are taught specific exercises to strengthen your muscles & improve your posture.
  • Manual therapy.
  • Electro therapy·      
  • Advanced Manual Therapy techniques preventing back pain

Ergonomic advice:

How you sit, stand, lie & lift can all affect the health of your back.

At Home:

  1. Avoid sitting in deep lounge chairs or sofa seats. If you have to sit on them, use a cushion to support your lower back curve. These types of chairs really flex your low back and can be an aggravation
  2. Use a good computer chair if you are working on the computer or laptop, don’t use the lounge or sofa
  3. If you are watching TV, why not lie down on the ground or on the lounge instead of always sitting
  4. Consider buying a recliner chair, they are often better for your back.

In The Car:

  1. Use a cushion/rolled up towel or lumbar support in the arch of your low back for more support
  2. Have the seat up high and forward towards the wheel to help you sit up straighter.
  3. If you are doing long drives, stop every hour and get out the car. Walk and stretch your back for a few minutes will help a lot.

Core Stability Exercise

What are Core Stability Exercises?

  • Core stability exercises train the muscles surrounding the trunk; these include the muscles of the abdomen, back, pelvic floor and even muscles we use to breathe (the diaphragm).
  • Your core muscles should ideally work together in a well balanced and coordinated manner.

Do this exercise with precaution and under proper guidance. If you feel pain during this exercise stop doing exercise.