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Neo Follicle Transplant Clinic

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Dr. Harish Prasad B.R

17 years experience overall
1000 Consultation fee at clinic
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Dr. Sreekar Harinatha

Hair Transplant Surgeon
20 years experience overall
800 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Parthasarathi Dutta Roy

Hair Transplant Surgeon
21 years experience overall

Dr. Ramanjanayalu

18 years experience overall
800 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Ranganath v s

Hair Transplant Surgeon
22 years experience overall
750 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Kiran Prasad N V

Hair Transplant Surgeon
19 years experience overall
500 Consultation fee at clinic
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Dr. Haritha Ravipati

12 years experience overall
500 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Ravikant Chauhan

15 years experience overall
700 Consultation fee at clinic
FAQs on Hair Transplant Surgery
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Dr. Chandrashekara Aithal

34 years experience overall
600 Consultation fee at clinic

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Hair Transplant in Bangalore

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is Hair transplant?

Hair transplantation, it is a common surgical technique in which hair follicles are removed from a part of the body which is referred to or called as the donor site (as the site is from the follicles are taken) and then is placed on to the bald or balding site which is called the recipient site (as it is where we transplant the follicles). 

What are the causes of male pattern baldness?

  1. Genetics 
  2. Androgen – male sex hormone is also responsible for regulating the growth of hair
  3. Cancer
  4. Side effect of some medication
  5. Thyroid condition
  6. Nutritional deficiency
  7. Environmental factor
  8. Fungal infection or dryness of scalp 

What are the types of hair transplant surgeries?

First, we will discuss on the basis of the harvesting of the donor area. As per harvesting from the donor area, it is of two types :

  1. Strip harvesting
  2. Follicular unit extraction also known as FUE

Another classification is on the basis of equipment used

  1. Manual
  2. Robotic

What are the side effects of Hair Transplantation?

  1. Tissue scarring due to the ability of the surgeon
  2. On-site infection
  3. Allergy due to anesthesia
  4. Shock loss- loss of hair post-operation expected as the hair then grows back

Is hair transplant permanent?

Yes, it is. But we still do need to take care of the area and get routine checkups with the surgeon

What is the cost of the hair transplant?

The Cost of Hair Transplant varies from person to person due to the following reasons:

  1. The extent of your Hair Loss
  2. Number of Grafts to be planted
  3. The technique of Hair Transplant Used by Surgeon (FUT or FUE)
  4. Geographic Location of the Clinic or service provider
  5. Experience and Goodwill of Surgeon
  6. Affiliation of Doctor
  7. Hair Characteristics or texture

On average, hair transplant in Bangalore might cost you this much:

Minimum price may be at Rs.50,000

Average price may be Rs.1,00,000

Maximum price may go upto Rs.2,65,000

Each graft costs about Rs. 20/- to Rs.120/-, depending upon a surgeon’s experience and center’s reputation and the technology implemented.

You may also want to know

Hair transplant or hair transplantation is a surgical technique in which hair follicles are removed from one part of the body which is referred to as the donor site (as the site is from the follicles are taken) and then is placed on to the bald or balding site which is called the recipient site (as it is where we transplant the follicles). Hair transplant is a process which is used to treat balding pattern often in males. Hence generally refer to this treatment of the male balding pattern. Hair transplant can also be used to treat or restore the areas around eyes for example eyelashes, eyebrows or areas around the beard and chest. Sometimes it is also used to cover up an area where a scar is present due to trauma and needs covering up. Rarely, people use the technique in the pubic area also.

Indications for getting a hair transplant

Balding is the major condition in which hair transplant is recommended and especially when there are areas in which hair is present at some and not at others. This is more of an aesthetic related purpose surgery that we do as today good and vibrant hairline is a mark of confidence as well. Eg: Some Movies stars endorse hair shampoos and we buy that shampoo as we want such beautiful hair, hence people do not like balding pattern unless by choice as good hair makes us feel more confident.

Stages of male baldness pattern

There are various ways in which the baldness pattern is classified. We will be discussing the most common classification pattern, the Norwood scale pattern. As per the Norwood scale pattern the balding pattern is divided into seven stages. We will discuss the stages in brief to have a better understanding.

Stage One

In this, thinning of hair is noticed around the temples and slightly receding hairline or recession of hair. But, it often is not noticed by an untrained eye.
Stage Two

In this, we notice that the balding near the temples area has increased and moved further inwards, often described as creating M-shaped hairline. It is very commonly noticed in males.
Stage Three

In this stage, the baldness becomes more visible and the recession in the temple area increases and grows to the extent that there is little or no hair in the temporal regions. Also, during this stage, we notice that the area on the top of the head becomes thinner and noticeable. During this stage, often some people notice spotting or spots where hair is missing.
Stage Four 

This is an advanced stage and when the patient reaches this stage, he is sure that he is experiencing balding and it is very much evident and noticeable by the human naked eye. During this stage, the patient often develops bald spots which are noticeable and difficult to hide. There is hair thinning on the crown portion of your head and you might lose large patch or patches of hair.

Stage Five

In this, the most common and early sign is that of the horseshoe-shaped hairline. This marks the stage when the hair loss is becoming severe and becomes difficult to treat.

Stage Six

By the time the patient reaches this stage, he has managed to lose a large portion of his hair and there is a major loss of hairline. The amount of hair covering the crown portion of the head is minimal hair. 

Stage Seven

This stage is considered to be full baldness. This is the classic horseshoe or cul-de-sac pattern, in this, the crown portion is completely bald. If no actions have been taken, the chances of recovery are very slim. Often, surgeons evaluating the patient in stage seven, generally recommend hair transplant and only do so after explaining to the patient about the success chances and making him aware of what he should expect. 


Causes of male pattern baldness

  1. Genetics - This is the most common cause. Genes play an important role. Having a family history of baldness is often seen as a major factor.
  2. Androgen - Male baldness is often related to hormone androgen which is the male sex hormone. Androgen is also responsible for regulating the growth of hair. 
  3. Cancer - Some sort of cancers also cause balding.
  4. Medication - In some cases, for example, epileptic patients who are taking medication are prone to hair loss as a side effect of the medication
  5. Thyroid condition - Minor but has been seen causing hair loss.
  6. Nutritional deficiency - If the protein content in our diet is not sufficient we are prone to lose hair.
  7. Environmental factor - Sometimes, the surrounding polluted air and water might also cause hair loss.
  8. Infection – Due to some fungal infection dryness of scalp can lead to hair loss.

Eligibility criteria

When we notice balding we often think, is hair transplant a good option for me? Will it be successful? Am I the correct candidate for this?

These are some very important questions that we ask ourselves and hence go visit doctors for medical consultations. 

So, some basic pointers we should keep in mind while we consult the doctor are :

  1. The hair color matters. If there is too much of a contrast between your hair and skin tone it will be difficult to cover the area.
  2. The thickness of the hair - One whose hair thickness is better, is a better candidate than the one whose hair is thin. Even if balding is severe in case of the person who has thick hair.
  3. Shape of the hair - the more curly your hair, better the coverage you will get so this also an important aspect
  4. Flexibility of scalp - Yes, I understand that this might sound weird as how can my scalp be flexible. But the matter of truth is our scalps are flexible. The more flexible it is, the more follicles the surgeon can put and give you a better result. If you have a rigid scalp, the results would be less than pleasing.
  5. No scalp disease - If you have alopecia then this is a risky deal as the chances are that it will fail. 
  6. Money - Yes, a hair transplant can be expensive as it is not just the surgery but the postoperative care in terms of using special hair products and getting routine check-ups followed by routine vitamin injections or meso treatments could be required. So please be sure to take all of this into account otherwise you might just spend money and not get its worth.

When Am I not a good candidate for hair transplant?

  1. Diagnosed with Stage six on Norwood scale
  2. Diagnosed with Stage seven on Norwood scale
  3. Diagnosed with alopecia
  4. Rigid scalp

Types of hair transplant surgeries

It is actually classified into various types. First, we will discuss on the basis of the harvesting of the donor area. As per harvesting from donor area, it is of two types

Strip harvesting

  1. It is the most common method used to get hair from the donor site. 
  2. In this we take or harvest a strip of skin from the donor site; generally the posterior or back part of the scalp which has good hair growth. Then scalp is used to remove the strips of hair-bearing tissue making sure so as intact hair follicles are removed. 
  3. The normal size of the strip that is harvested ranges between 15cm to 30cm. 
  4. The hair follicles then using a microscope are treated and the excessive fatty and fibrous tissues are removed so as the follicular cells can be used for grafting. 
  5. In this very small and tiny micro blades are used in association with fine needles where the then harvested follicles are placed. 
  6. There is a thin linear scar that is noticed at the donor site which is covered by the hair of the patient even at short length. 
  7. The recovery period is of around two week approximately and might require staples or stitches as per the discretion of the surgeon.

Follicular Unit extraction (FUE)

  1. As we discussed in strip harvesting that we harvest a strip of linear skin from the donor site but in this we do not need to do the same. 
  2. We extract multiple singular follicles from the site using punch incisions with the help of micro scalpels and blade in association with the fine needles. 
  3. The follicles contain about one to four hairs in a single follicle and approximately 2000-3000 grafts are harvested. 
  4. Now FUE can be done in a single long session or multiple short sessions as per the comfort of the patient and the surgeon. 

The advantages that follicular unit extraction has over strip harvesting is that it gives much more better and natural results, does not require large area for harvesting like in strip harvesting, no linear scar and postoperative pain and discomfort is minimized. Also an advantage is no suture removal is required in this. But nothing is perfect in this world hence it also has some disadvantages. These include very high or increased surgical time as extracting and harvesting 3000 grafts takes time, higher cost to the patient as it is expensive and since it is technique sensitive so a very highly skilled surgeon is required to pull this off otherwise we will notice that some follicles are not able to stay at the transplanted site.

Another classification is on the basis of equipment used

  1. Manual
  2. Robotic

Preoperative assessment and planning

Routine preoperative guidelines include:

  1. Physical examination of the patient by the doctor along with the examination of the donor site
  2. Discussion of the expectations and the results
  3. Sharing of any prior medical or surgical history
  4. Diagnostics as recommended by the doctor if any
  5. Paperwork which includes signing of the consent form
  6. If you are on any blood thinners then you might have to stop taking it a week prior to the surgery or otherwise as per the recommendation of your doctor
  7. If you smoke or drink alcohol or any other substance abuse please inform your doctor and as per the recommendation of the doctor you might have to stop it
  8. Follow the instructions of your doctor

Postoperative guidelines or post-operative care

Even with the advancement in medical sciences we still need to take some preventive measures. These include:

  1. Change of semi-permeable wound dressing daily so as we allow seepage of blood and tissue fluid
  2. Recipient area should be shielded from the sun
  3. Shampooing of the area to prevent the formation of scabs; some doctors recommend starting of shampoo after two days of the surgery some suggest next day after the surgery. This will be left to the discretion of the surgeon
  4. Antibiotic course to avoid any infection

Side effects

  1. Tissue scarring due to the ability of the surgeon
  2. On-site infection
  3. Allergy due to anesthesia
  4. Shock loss - loss of hair postoperatively expected as the hair will grow back later

Alternatives for hair transplant

  1. Wigs or hairpiece - we can use them to cover the balding area
  2. Topical solutions like Minoxidil can be used to slow hair fall and induce the follicular growth
  3. Oral medication like Finasteride is also recommended
  4. Use of vitamin E capsules along with oil for the nourishment of the hair

Know more about Hair Transplant

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) Overview

A highly-advanced technique of hair transplantation, Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) is performed in a way, which imitates the pattern of natural hair growth and is an ideal choice for people who have large bald areas on their head. This procedure involves removing an entire strip of hair from a “donor area” where hair fall is less and hair growth is still thick. The area from where the strip is taken is sutured leaving a linear scar on the scalp. The strip containing the hair follicles is divided into grafts consisting of one or two follicles. The follicular units contain sebaceous glands (oil glands), nerves, a tiny muscle, and some fine hairs called vellus hairs. Thousands of these follicular unit grafts are placed into tiny incisions made on the bald areas of the patient's scalp, also known as the “recipient areas,” in a single session. The hair growth from these grafts follows a very natural growth pattern, giving away no tell-tale signs of surgery. 

Am I eligible/ineligible for the FUT hair procedure? 

Find out whether you are eligible/ ineligible for the FUT hair procedure from the table below: 

What happens during the FUT procedure?

The follicular unit transplantation method or the strip method of hair transplant involves the following procedure:

  1. At the outset, the doctor anesthetizes the scalp.
  2. A strip of your hair tissue is removed from what is called the donor area, or the area on your head where the hair is more resistant to balding, i.e., the back and sides.
  3. The doctor then sutures the area from where the strip of hair tissue was removed. This leaves a fine scar, which can be easily covered by your remaining hair.
  4. The donor strip is cut into individual follicular units through a process of precise microscopic dissection.
  5. The doctor then drills minuscule holes on your scalp, where the hair loss has occurred and inserts the follicular graft units.
  6. A disinfecting solution is gently applied to your scalp. 
  7.  Your donor area is dressed with a bandage.

At the end of the procedure, the doctor will ask you to wear a bandana or a cap to protect your head for a few days. 

What are the risks and disadvantages of the FUT procedure?

The risks and disadvantages of undergoing the FUT procedure include: 

  • Experiencing numbness, discomfort, or itching, during the process, which is transitory.
  • Experiencing shock hair loss after the procedure, which is temporary.  The hair usually grows back in 3-6 months.
  • Local inflammation and infection, if proper care is not taken during and after the surgery.
  • Scarring at the site where the donor strip is excised.
  • Longer recovery period, as this procedure is invasive.
  • Avoiding any form of strenuous activity for at least 4 weeks after the surgery.

What are the advantages of the FUT procedure?

The benefits of FUT procedure include:

  • A large number of follicles that can be transplanted in a single session
  • Provides better yield of hair compared to other hair procedures
  • An enhanced, natural-looking cosmetic effect, once the hair grows
  • More affordable than other hair procedures such as FUE

What guidelines should I follow before undergoing a FUT procedure? 

Once you are deemed physically fit to undergo an FUT hair procedure, there are certain guidelines you need to follow:

  • If you are taking any blood thinners, please let the doctor know immediately, as they may represent a contraindication to surgery.
  • If you are taking broad beta-blockers let your doctor know immediately.
  • If you use inhalers, you need to bring your inhaler to the clinic on the day of the procedure.
  • Do not cut your hair within two weeks of your procedure and leave your hair at least ½” in length in the back and on the sides to cover the sutures after your  FUT procedure.
  • Your scalp should not be sunburned prior to the procedure.
  • Do not take any anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) for one week prior to your procedure.
  • Do not take any B or E vitamins for one week before your procedure, this includes any multivitamins, as these tablets are known to increase bleeding.
  • Medications prescribed to you such as heart and blood pressure medications should be taken as prescribed right up to and including the day of your procedure.
  • If you smoke and drink alcohol, stop smoking and drinking alcohol two weeks prior to the procedure, as smoking and drinking can interfere with the healing process.
  • If you dye your hair regularly, please dye your hair three days prior to the procedure and be sure to scrub your scalp everyday, including on the day of the procedure, to keep it free from dye.

  • Please Note: You need to confirm with your doctor about washing your hair on the day of the procedure.

  • Massage the donor area marked by the doctor on your head for 10 minutes everyday prior to the procedure to increase the flexibility or laxity of the skin.
  • Some doctors may ask you to eat breakfast and lunch prior to the procedure, while others may ask you to refrain from eating and drinking at least 12 hours prior to the procedure. Please follow your doctor’s instructions.
  • Some doctors may advise you to wash your hair thoroughly on the day of the procedure and some do not. Please follow the instructions of your doctor.
  • Do not apply any hair sprays or other hair styling products on the day of the surgery.
  • Do not drink any caffeinated beverages on the day of the procedure.

Are there any post-treatment guidelines after the FUT procedure?

After undergoing an FUT procedure: 

  • Sleep in a semi-sitting position after the hair restoration procedure. This will help the swelling to reduce faster and will prevent you from accidentally touching the areas where the hair follicles have been transplanted.
  • Avoid touching, scratching, and rubbing the area where the hair follicles have been transplanted.
  • Some doctors advise you to gently shampoo your head the very next day of the surgery. Some doctors do not. Follow your doctor’s instructions. You may also be advised to shampoo your hair twice a day after around 7 days of the surgery.
  • Take the medications prescribed for you by your doctor.
  • Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol for two weeks after the surgery.
  • Cover your head with hats or a bandana to avoid direct contact with UV rays.
  • Avoid any form of strenuous activity, including strenuous exercises (except a short routine walk or jogging), for at least 28 - 30 days after an FUT procedure. You can resume exercising 28 days after the procedure.

How many grafts can be transplanted in one session of FUT, and in how much time?

In one FUT session, you can undergo the transplantation of 5000 grafts safely, which is an advantage, as larger pockets of baldness can be addressed in a few sittings. The FUT method creates an enhanced, natural-looking cosmetic effect, once the hair grows. This process will take 4 to 8 hours of your time depending on the number of grafts to be transplanted. Since this is a less labour intensive surgery, it is affordable and allows a large number of grafts to be harvested in a single sitting. The scope of damage to your hair grafts during the graft dissection process is also minimal. 

How long does it take to recover from an FUT procedure?

It takes approximately 10 days to 14 days to recover from an FUT procedure.  

What is the cost of per graft in an FUT procedure? 

Cost of FUT Hair Transplant can vary depending upon the city/locality,  clinic/hospital type & amenities, experience of the provider, the technology & material used, extent of baldness, and donor area etc. The cost may range from is Rs. 25 to Rs. 80 per graft. Please consult your doctor to get the exact treatment plan and price quote suiting your unique needs.

Are the results of FUT procedure permanent? 

Hair transplant results are generally considered to be permanent. 

Are there any alternatives to FUT procedure? 

Based on the pattern and amount of your hair loss, skin laxity, and size of the bald patches on your head, an alternative to FUT hair procedure may be FUE.

Hair Transplant cost in Bangalore

In this article we will look at:

  • The Average Cost of Hair Transplant in Bangalore
  • Factors Affecting Hair Transplant Cost
  • Cost Breakup for Hair Transplant in Bangalore
  • Costs of Related Procedures for Hair Loss in Bangalore

The average cost of Hair Transplant in Bangalore

Hair transplant cost can vary from patient to patient based on factors like city/locality, clinic/hospital type, experience of the provider, number of follicles etc.
On average, hair transplant in Bangalore might cost you this much:

  • Minimum price starting at Rs.45,000
  • Average price at Rs.1,00,000
  • Maximum price upto Rs.2,65,000

Please consult your doctor to get the exact treatment plan and price quote suiting your unique needs.

Factors affecting Hair Transplant cost

The Cost of Hair Transplant in Bangalore varies from person to person due to the following reasons:

  • The extent of Hair Loss

  • Number of Grafts to be planted

  • The technique of Hair Transplant Used by Surgeon (FUT or FUE)

  • Number of sessions/sittings suggested by the Hair Transplant Surgeon

  • Experience and Goodwill of Surgeon

  • Affiliation of Doctor

  • Hair Characteristics or texture

Cost breakup for Hair Transplant in Bangalore

Overall Hair Transplant surgery’s cost is attributed to different components including surgery cost, post-surgery PRP sessions cost, medicines cost etc.

Following is the average cost of each component for hair transplant procedure in Bangalore:

  • Surgery cost (depending upon sessions): Rs. 40,000 - Rs. 75,000

  • Post surgery PRP sessions (3-6 sessions): Rs. 20,000 - Rs. 60,000

  • Hospitalization cost: Nil (Daycare procedure - no hospitalization required)

  • Consumable and Medicines: Rs. 5,000 - Rs. 10,000

Cost of related procedures for hair loss in Bangalore

Please find below the costs of other related procedures for Hair Loss:

  • Approximate cost of FUT in Bangalore - Rs.20 to 40 per graft

  • Approximate cost of FUE in Bangalore - Rs.35 to 75 per graft

  • Approximate cost of Mesotherapy in Bangalore - Rs.15,000 - Rs.40,000 per session

  • Approximate cost of BHT (Body Hair Transplant) in Bangalore - Rs.85 to 105 per graft

  • Approximate cost of DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) in Bangalore - 2 Lakhs to 3 Lakhs

  • Approximate cost of Robotic Hair Transplant in Bangalore - Generally almost double of FUE which is Rs.60 - 150 per graft

  • Approximate cost of PRP Therapy (Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy) - Rs. 3,000 to 10,000 per session
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