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145 Fertility Treatment Doctors in Bangalore

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Vriksh Fertility

Vriksh Fertility

1 Gynecologist/Obstetrician
14 years experience
HSR Layout
₹700Consultation Fees
98%154 Patient Stories

Dr. M. Gowri

34 years experience overall

Dr. Mamatha Reddy Y V

27 years experience overall
₹800 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Archana Agarwal

31 years experience overall
₹800 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Ambika V

22 years experience overall
₹500 Consultation fee at clinic
DYU Fertility & IVF Center

DYU Fertility & IVF Center

1 Gynecologist/Obstetrician
12 years experience
HSR Layout
₹700Consultation Fees
77%2 Patient Stories

Dr. Bhargavi Reddy

31 years experience overall
₹700 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Harini P Shetty

34 years experience overall
₹700 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Varalakshmi k

23 years experience overall
₹500 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Shwetha Yadav

17 years experience overall

Dr. Sandhya Shivakumar

22 years experience overall
FAQs on Fertility Treatment Surgery

Dr. Aishwarya V. Mathikatti

17 years experience overall
₹500 Consultation fee at clinic

Fertility Treatment

Fertility Treatments Doctors In Bangalore

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 (2019 Reviews & Ratings)
Fertility Treatment in Bangalore

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is fertility treatment?

When a couple is not able to reproduce they require medical assistance for that.

What are the causes of infertility in males? 

Causes of infertility in males are:

  1. Inadequate or abnormal production of sperm
  2. Difficulty with the delivery of sperm
  3. Due to the overexposure of some environmental factors, for example, that to pesticides, chemicals or harmful radiations
  4. Excessive smoking, drinking of alcohol, substance abuse (marijuana, anabolic steroids others), some medications (selective antibiotics, antihypertensives) can also cause infertility.
  5. Frequent and prolonged exposure to reproductive organs like that in hot tubs or sauna as they raise the core body temperature and affect sperm production.
  6. Cancer  

What are the causes of infertility in females?

Cause of infertility in females are:

  1. Ovulation disorders
  2. Injury or trauma
  3. Presence of tumors
  4. Cervical or uterine abnormalities
  5. Salpingitis
  6. Endometriosis
  7. Early menopause 
  8. Appendicitis
  9. Delayed puberty
  10. Amenorrhea (when there are no menstrual cycles)
  11. Diabetes
  12. Celiac disease
  13. Autoimmune diseases like Lupus
  14. Cancer

What is the eligibility criteria?

For women:

  1. Age of the patient is between 35-40 years and has not been able to conceive for the past six months
  2. Age of the patient is over 40 years
  3. Patient is having irregular menstrual cycles
  4. Extreme pain during the menstrual cycles
  5. History of infertility problems in the family
  6. History of infertility
  7. History of two or more miscarriages
  8. History of endometriosis
  9. History of pelvic inflammatory disease
  10. History of cancer and have undergone treatment for it

For men:

  1. History of testicular problems
  2. History of sexual problems
  3. Diagnosed with low sperm count
  4. Issues with sperm like premature ejaculation
  5. Have undergone treatment of cancer
  6. The small size of testicles
  7. Swelling in scrotum
  8. History of varicocele
  9. Family history of infertility

What are the techniques available?

  1. In-vitro fertilization
  2. Intracytoplasmic sperm injections
  3. Testicular sperm extraction
  4. Tube reversal technique
  5. Intrauterine insemination
  6. Zygote intrafallopian transfer
  7. Artificial insemination
  8. Ovulation induction
  9. Controlled ovarian hyperstimulation
  10. Egg donation
  11. Clomifene
  12. Gamete intrafallopian transfer

What is the success ration?

With the advancement of the medical sciences, the success has gone up to 45%

What is the cost of fertility treatment?

The cost of Fertility Treatment in Bangalore may vary from one person to another person due to the following reasons:

  1. Admission fee
  2. Doctor fee
  3. Type of hospital
  4. Age of the patient
  5. Type of treatment
  6. The medical condition of the patient
  7. Any other lab tests or examination tests such as X-ray, scanning, etc.

Minimum Price for Fertility Treatment in Bangalore starts from Rs.37,000

Average cost for Fertility Treatment in Bangalore is approximately Rs.40,000

Maximum Price for Fertility Treatment in Bangalore rises up to Rs. 45,000

Fertility Treatment

Fertility treatment is a very diverse topic. For a better understanding of this topic, we will first need to understand what fertility means. It is the basic percentage ratio or means by which it is calculated whether an individual is naturally capable or has the potential to reproduce. Inability to reproduce people with low fertility rates undergo this kind of treatment or assistance. Often it has been noticed that couples still in this modern age do not openly speak about this due to fear of society. This for both genders as male thinks that if there is a problem and society learns about it, they will judge and question the masculinity of the man whereas for women it is much worse. In the age where we are talking about women empowerment, we still judge women if she is not able to or has a lower fertility rate and discriminate. The important thing to notice here is that infertility can be in either of the sexes; male or female. Good for us that now we have the technology and get our answers via online and take medical assistance which is now easily available. 

Causes of Infertility 

We will discuss these segregating the causes between genders. So first we will discuss the causes of infertility in a male.

Causes of infertility in males are:

  1. Inadequate or abnormal production of sperm. This can be due to many reasons like for example undescended or partially descended testicles, due to genetic defects, medical or health conditions like diabetes, some infections like mumps, HIV, gonorrhea or Chlamydia. Other recent studies have shown that varicocele (enlarged or enlargement of veins in the scrotum)can also affect the quality of sperms.
  2. The difficulty with the delivery of sperm. This majorly constitutes sexual problems like that of premature ejaculation. Some genetic diseases may also be the cause of this for example cystic fibrosis. Another cause that has been noticed in the delivery of sperms is due to blockage of in testicles or trauma to the reproductive organs.
  3. Due to the overexposure of some environmental factors, for example, that to pesticides, chemicals or harmful radiations.
  4. Due to excessive smoking, drinking of alcohol, substance abuse (marijuana, anabolic steroids others), some medications (selective antibiotics, antihypertensives) can also cause infertility.
  5. Frequent and prolonged exposure to reproductive organs like that in hot tubs or sauna as they raise the core body temperature and affect sperm production.
  6. Due to cancer, as treatment generally includes chemotherapy and radiotherapy which can cause reduced or impaired production of the sperm or reduced sperm count or poor quality of the sperm.  

Cause of infertility in females are:

  1. Due to ovulation disorders. These affect the release of the eggs from ovaries. Most common disorder noticed with this association is polycystic ovary syndrome. Another is hyperprolactinemia (in this there is excessive of prolactin production), hyperthyroidism (excessive production of thyroid hormone), hypothyroidism (reduced production of the thyroid), bullemia (excessive eating) etc.
  2. Due to doing excessive exercise in using an incorrect method
  3. Due to injury or trauma
  4. Due to the presence of tumors
  5. Due to cervical or uterine abnormalities which could be an abnormal opening of the cervix, the presence of polyps in the uterus, abnormal shape of the uterus, the presence of fibroids in the uterus, blockages in the uterus or fallopian tube due to fibroids
  6. Salpingitis: Wherever we find “it is” in medicine it means inflammation and salpingitis mean inflammation of the fallopian tubes. This can be caused due to some inflammatory disease generally caused or transferred by a sexually transmitted infection
  7. Endometriosis: the growth of endometrial tissues outside of the uterus
  8. Early menopause. The reasons for this are not clear yet but stress and hormonal imbalance are considered as the prime causes of this. Early menopause is when menstrual cycles end before the age of 40 (forty) years. Some other factors that have been associated with this are genetic factors (Turner’s Syndrome), substance abuse including the use of marijuana, smoking or drinking alcohol
  9. Due to appendicitis
  10. Due to delayed puberty
  11. Due to amenorrhea (when there are no menstrual cycles)
  12. Due to diabetes
  13. Due to celiac disease
  14. Due to autoimmune diseases like Lupus
  15. Due to cancer, as treatment generally includes chemotherapy and radiotherapy which can impair fertility in females


The most common and only symptoms is when you are not able to conceive or not able to get pregnant even after planning and trying. This is when you should think about consulting the doctor.

Eligibility criteria

We will discuss this again after segregating via genders that is males and females. An important thing to be kept in mind is that females should consider consulting doctors sooner. 

Eligibility criteria for women are:

  1. Age of the patient is between 35-40 years and has not been able to conceive for the past six months
  2. Age of the patient is over 40 years
  3. The patient is having irregular menstrual cycles
  4. Extreme pain during the menstrual cycles
  5. History of infertility problems in the family
  6. History of infertility
  7. History of two or more miscarriages
  8. History of endometriosis
  9. History of pelvic inflammatory disease
  10. History of cancer and have undergone treatment for it

Eligibility criteria for males are:

  1. History of testicular problems
  2. History of sexual problems
  3. Have been diagnosed with low sperm count
  4. Have other issues with sperm like premature ejaculation
  5. Have undergone treatment of cancer
  6. Small size of testicles
  7. Swelling in scrotum
  8. History of varicocele
  9. Family history of infertility

Risk Factors

After understanding the causes and eligibility let us now understand the risk factors. Unlike the causes and eligibility criteria, we can discuss this together for both the genders that are males and females as they are often the same. 

The risk factors include:

  1. Age – Fertility in females starts to decline with age. It has been observed that it starts to decline in mid-thirties that is around the age of thirty-five and thirty-six and then a rapid decline is noticed after the age of thirty-seven. Similarly, in men, fertility reduces after the age of forty.
  2. Smoking – Smoking of tobacco or marijuana can cause infertility in both the sexes that are males and females. Studies have shown that females who smoke are more prone to miscarriages and men who smoke are more prone to erectile dysfunction. Smoking of marijuana has also been associated with loss of libido. 
  3. Alcohol – Studies have shown that women who are trying to conceive should avoid alcohol as it increases the chances of birth defects, hence there is no safe level which can be used as a measure. As for men heavy alcohol drinking has been often associated with low motility of sperms.
  4. Exercise – if we do not exercise regularly, this can lead to being overweight and it can affect both the sexes and increase the risk of infertility. 

Medical treatment options

With the advancement of medical sciences, various options are available today. We will discuss them in brief. 

The medical options include:

  1. In-vitro fertilisatoin
  2. Intracytoplasmic sperm injections
  3. Testicular sperm extraction
  4. Follicle stimulating hormone
  5. Tube reversal technique
  6. Assisted reproductive technology
  7. Intrauterine insemination
  8. Transvaginal oocyte retrieval
  9. Zygote intrafallopian transfer
  10. Artificial insemination
  11. Ovulation induction
  12. Controlled ovarian hyperstimulation
  13. Egg donation
  14. Clomifene
  15. Acupuncture
  16. Gamete intrafallopian transfer

IVF or In vitro fertilization: 

This is a process in which the egg is fertilized by the sperm outside of the body that is in the in glass hence known as in vitro. In this process, we monitor and stimulate the ovulation process of the women and then remove the ova or egg from the ovaries. Then the sperm is allowed to fertilize the egg in a liquid medium. When the egg is fertilized it is called a zygote. After the zygote formation, it undergoes embryo culture for the next two to six days and then it is implanted in the same uterus or another women’s uterus while then our objective remains that we have to stabilize the pregnancy and establish a successful pregnancy. The success rate that has been observed throughout the world via this method is around forty-seven percent. But it has been observed that the success rate reduces with age above forty years. One major complication of this is the chances of multiple births as while transferring we transfer multiple embryos to increase the success ration hence it has been noticed that possibilities of twin and triplets increase with this process.

ICSI or intracytoplasmic sperm injection: 

In this procedure, we take a single sperm cell and then it is injected into the cytoplasm of the egg directly. The benefit of this is that the acrosome reaction step can be skipped. Acrosome reaction is the process in which the sperm first has to penetrate the cell wall of the egg and this can be quite challenging in some cases. Once the embryo is formed after intracytoplasmic sperm injection the zygote (fertilized egg ) is then transferred to the same uterus or another women’s uterus while then our objective remains that we have to stabilize the pregnancy and establish a successful pregnancy. This is mostly done in cases of male fertility issues. The most common complication associated with this is the occurrence of birth defects. Though the percentage is low, it should be kept in mind and regular screening and check-ups should be done while following up with the doctors. 

TESE or testicular sperm extraction:

 In this process under the sedation of local anesthesia viable sperms are extracted or removed by removing a small portion of tissue from the testicle which is then prepared for intracytoplasmic sperm injection. This is often recommended in cases where sperm is not produced by ejaculation and the cause of that can be azoospermia (a medical condition in which sperm is not present in the semen) or absence of vas deferens congenitally or genetically. Due to this process, the need for sperm donors has reduced dramatically.

Tube reversal surgery: 

This surgery goes by multiple names. It is also known as Tubal sterilization reversal or Tubal Ligation reversal or Microsurgical tubal reanastomosis. This is done to restore the fertility of the women who had undergone tubal ligation. 

There are various types of this surgery and they are-

  1. Tubotubal anastomosis
  2. Neo fimbrioplasty
  3. Microsurgical tubal reanastomosis also referred to as MTR
  4. Robotic-assisted tubal reversal
  5. Adiana sterilization reversal
  6. Tubal reimplantation
  7. Mini-laparotomy tubal reversal
  8. Laparoscopic tubal reversal
  9. Essure sterilization reversal

IUI or intrauterine insemination: 

In this, the sperms are placed inside the uterine by giving them a head start so that they can fertilize the egg and zygote formation can happen to lead to embryo formation. Though the sperms are given the advantage to cover less distance, they are still expected to reach the egg and fertilize it. The goal of this technique is to increase the number of sperms that reach the fallopian tube and then to the egg. This is generally recommended in cases for males who have a reduced motility rate of sperms or low count of sperms. Also, it is done in cases where the environment of the cervix is hostile to the sperms. This is a comparatively less expensive procedure and the success rate can reach to about twenty percent if the couple who is planning to conceive and get this done every month. 

AI or artificial insemination: 

In this process the sperm in placed or introduced into the cervix or uterus of the female to fertilize the egg and achieve pregnancy by other modes apart from sexual intercourse or sex. This is also called in vivo fertilization. It has various techniques and they are :

  1. Intracervical insemination
  2. Intrauterine insemination
  3. Intrauterine tuboperitoneal insemination
  4. Intratubal insemination

Clomifene or Clomiphene: 

This is a medication that is often used in the treatment of infertility in women. This drug has been classified as an essential drug by the world health organization. Some common side effects that have been observed for this medication are:

  1. Pelvic pain
  2. Hot flushes
  3. Vision changes
  4. Vomiting
  5. Ovarian cancer
  6. Seizures

GIFT or gamete intrafallopian transfer : 

In this technique, the eggs are taken from the female ovaries and then along with the male sperm placed in the fallopian tubes only. 

For more details, it would be better to consult a doctor and to understand what would be the best-suited option for the couple as prior to it they will have to undergo diagnostics and get themselves evaluated to the cause of infertility which we have already discussed.

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