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76 Best Nadi Pariksha Doctors In Bangalore

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Srinivas Clinic

Srinivas Clinic

13 years experience
₹500Consultation Fees
100%7 Patient Stories

Dr. Shree Lakshmi.N

24 years experience overall
400 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Tanmaya

Alternative Medicine
16 years experience overall
400 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Sharad Kulkarni

9 years experience overall
500 Consultation fee at clinic
Shree  Dhanvantari Ayurveda Hospital

Shree Dhanvantari Ayurveda Hospital

1 Ayurveda
39 years experience
₹500Consultation Fees
98%616 Patient Stories

Dr. Payal Khandelwal

16 years experience overall
600 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. N Lakshmi

10 years experience overall
300 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Rajasree P R

13 years experience overall
500 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. M.B. Gayathri

31 years experience overall
450 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Anuja Marawar

Alternative Medicine
24 years experience overall
500 Consultation fee at clinic

Nadi Pariksha

Best Nadi Pariksha Doctors In Bangalore

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Nadi Pariksha in Bangalore

Frequently Asked Question

What is Nadi Pariksha?

Nadi Pariksha is an ancient technique of Ayurveda and known as Pulse Diagnosis. It can detect mental, physical or emotional disturbances in an individual. Nadi Pariksha helps to reach to the root of the disease.

What is the best time for Nadi Pariksha?

The pulse rate of an individual varies from time to time and day to day hence the 3 types of the pulse are predominant at different times:

  1. Kapha - Dominant during mornings
  2. Pitta - Dominant during middays
  3. Vata - Dominant during the late afternoon and evenings

Modern science is unable to fathom the change in the pulse during a day. Whereas, Ayurveda links this phenomenon to the positions of the planets, moon, and sun.

What is the critical rule before Nadi Pariksha?

Nadi Pariksha has to be done during early mornings on an empty stomach or during the day after 3 hours of consumption of food.

How is a patient examined as a whole during Nadi Pariksha?

The Nadi examiner should be aware of all the underlying disorders, nature, history of the ailments, family history, reaction during climatic change, facial expressions, mood swings, breathing patterns, and sleeping patterns, etc. These concerns are necessary to accurately perform Nadi Pariksha.

How many fingers are being used for Nadi Pariksha?

The examiner/physician uses 3 fingers for Nadi Pariksha and they are:

  1. Index finger
  2. Middle finger
  3. Ring finger

What is the significance of Nadi Pariksha?

Few of the significance of Nadi Pariksha are listed below:

  1. Risk of the upcoming disorder can be identified
  2. Health status of an individual can be determined
  3. The imbalance between 3 doshas (Kapha, Pitta, and Vata) can be known
  4. It can also help in diagnosing disorders like - Diabetes, paralysis, infertility, skin disease, high blood pressure, and mental disorders, etc.

What are the drawbacks of Nadi Pariksha?

Nadi Pariksha is not scientifically proven, and it can be unreliable at times.

How is a Nadi Pariksha performed?

The patient has to be relaxed before Nadi Pariksha. The arm should be free and slightly bend from the elbow such that the patient’s forearm rests on the examiner’s left hand and the fingers of right hand i.e., index finger, middle finger, and ring finger are placed on the patient’s wrist. The index finger is placed slightly below the thumb and the other two fingers are placed beside the 1st finger, then the pulse is measured.

The difference in western pulse rate and ayurvedic pulse rate?

The western pulse rate of a normal healthy individual is approximately 60-72 bpm (beats per minute). Whereas, according to Nadi Pariksha technique, all the three doshas have different pulse rate:

  1. Kapha - 60 to 70 bpm
  2. Pitta - 70 to 80 bpm
  3. Vata - 80 to 90 bpm

What are the characteristics of three different doshas?


  1. Measured with the ring finger
  2. The speed is like a swimming swan
  3. Rhythm is regular
  4. Force is moderate
  5. Temperature is warm to cool
  6. Wall of the vessel is soft
  7. Tension and the volume is also moderate


  1. Measured with the middle finger
  2. The speed is like a frog
  3. Rhythm is regular
  4. Force is high
  5. Temperature is hot
  6. Wall of the vessel is elastic and flexible
  7. Tension and the volume is also high


  1. Measured with the index finger
  2. The speed is like a cobra (snake)
  3. Rhythm is irregular
  4. Force is low
  5. Temperature is cold
  6. Wall of the vessel is rough and hard
  7. Tension and the volume is also low
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