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55 Medical Termination Of Pregnancy Mtp Doctors in Bangalore

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Dr. M. Gowri

34 years experience overall

Dr. Mamatha Reddy Y V

27 years experience overall

Dr. Triveni M P

23 years experience overall

Dr. Bhargavi Reddy

31 years experience overall
700 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Harini P Shetty

34 years experience overall

Dr. Varalakshmi k

23 years experience overall
500 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Shwetha Yadav

17 years experience overall

Dr. Sandhya Shivakumar

22 years experience overall

Dr. Aishwarya V. Mathikatti

17 years experience overall
500 Consultation fee at clinic
FAQs on Medical Termination Of Pregnancy (Mtp) Surgery

Dr. Ruksana Kusther

24 years experience overall

Medical Termination Of Pregnancy (mtp)

Medical Termination Of Pregnancy Mtp S Doctors In Bangalore

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Medical Termination of Pregnancy [MTP] in Bangalore

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is MTP/Medical Abortion?

Medical termination pregnancy [MTP] is also called a medical abortion, medication abortion, or induced abortion. It is a medical method in which medications are used to terminate or end a pregnancy up to nine (9) weeks.

How much does MTP/Medical Abortion cost?

Cost of MTP may vary depending on the following factors

  1. Doctor fee
  2. Age of the patient
  3. The medical condition of the patient
  4. Post-procedure complications that are involved
  5. Type of hospital

The minimum cost for MTP in Bangalore starts from Rs.3,000

An average price for MTP in Bangalore is approximately Rs.5,000

The maximum amount to be paid for MTP in Bangalore rises up to Rs.8,000

Right specialist’s type for MTP/Medical Abortion?

Any doctor who is a qualified Gynecologist or who has experience in MTP is allowed to perform this method.

Is medical abortion painful?

There may be pain during and/or after the MTP method in women. This pain will differ from one person to another. Some women may experience discomfort and may take the pain killers prescribed by their doctors. Some may feel just like of normal period or abdominal cramps.

Do medical abortions affect future pregnancies?

The medicines which are used to terminate or prevent the pregnancy will be eliminated out of the body within a few days after consumption. So, there is no chance for these medicines to affect future pregnancies. However, seek advice from your doctor.

How to know medical abortion is complete/successful?

The best way to know whether the medical abortion is complete or not is by having a pregnancy check 3-4 weeks after the completion of the medical abortion course. If an individual is having extreme pain, heavy bleeding, or pregnancy symptoms even after the completion of the medical abortion course, then the individual should go for an ultrasound test to confirm that the abortion was complete or any ongoing pregnancy.

How long does medical abortion take?

In a medical abortion, medications like mifepristone and misoprostol are used. Mifepristone is taken in the presence of a doctor or in the clinic. Then misoprostol will be taken hours or days later depending on the instructions given by your doctor. It takes 3-4 weeks to complete a medical abortion. MTP works 96-98% if a woman is pregnant up to 8 weeks or less and 93% successful if taken between 8 to 10 weeks of pregnancy.

Can medical abortion be detected in the future?

If the medical abortion is done in the early stages of the pregnancy, then there may be very less chance to detect the changes in the cervix. When compared to surgical abortion, chances to detect the previous abortion is very less in medical abortion [MTP].

How medical abortion is done?

Medical abortion can be done by using medications such as:

  1.  Oral mifepristone and oral misoprostol
  2. Oral mifepristone and buccal or vaginal or sublingual misoprostol
  3. Methotrexate and vaginal misoprostol
  4. Only vaginal misoprostol

Till when is medical abortion possible?

Medical abortion is very effective if the medications are taken within the 8th week of pregnancy. These medications are not effective if taken after the 10th week of pregnancy. You are advised to consult your doctor before having a medical abortion.

In a medical abortion, when does bleeding start?

Vaginal bleeding may start within 1-2 days after taking mifepristone. But, in some women, the bleeding may start earlier than expected. Misoprostol can cause bleeding within 4-6 hours of consumption along with abdominal cramps.

When does bleeding stop after medical abortion?

Generally, bleeding will continue for 1 to 3 weeks after the abortion. In some women, bleeding can be heavy for up to 24hours and then slows down. Bleeding stops after the 4th week of abortion or until the embryo is cleaned out of the uterus. Mostly, vaginal bleeding will stop after 4th or 5th week of abortion.

Do medical abortions cause infertility?

Usually, medical abortions don’t affect the fertility of an individual and 2nd pregnancy. However, there is a chance for premature birth and low birth weight.

Why does medical abortion fail?

Failure of medical abortion is very less. If there is no bleeding with pregnancy symptoms for 2 weeks, then the treatment is a failure. This failure may be due to the following reasons:

  1. Blood clots
  2. If the medication is not taken as instructed by your doctor

Does medical abortion have side effects?

 Mifepristone and misoprostol are medicines mostly used for medical abortion and there are few side effects for these medicines. Some of the side effects of medical abortion are the following:

  1. High fever
  2. Anemia [decrease in blood levels]
  3. Fast heartbeats
  4. Nausea
  5. Vomiting
  6. Diarrhea
  7. Weakness
  8. Abdominal discomfort
  9. Headache
  10. Pain in the pelvic region

Which is better: medical abortion or surgical?

In a comparison between medical abortion and surgical abortion, both procedures are economic and have a high success rate. So, before choosing either of the procedures, seek advice from your Gynecologist for best results.

Is medical abortion covered by insurance?

Your insurance may cover medical termination pregnancy [MTP]. It depends on what plan you take and from which company you are insured.

You may also want to know

MTP/Medical Abortion: Overview

MTP is an abbreviated form for medical termination of pregnancy. In this method, pregnancy is terminated with the help of medicines. In India medical abortion can be done within the first 10 or 12 weeks of pregnancy by using a combination of Mifepristone and Misoprostol pills or Methotrexate and Metoprolol, or Tamoxifen and Misoprostol. These pills are available in a combi-pack and should be taken in a span of 3 days. These pills should be prescribed by a doctor and should be used under medical surveillance. Medical abortion is a non-invasive, non-surgical process. Hence, it is mostly preferred by the majority of women.

MTP/Medical Abortion Indications

Medical termination of pregnancy is indicated in cases like:

  1. When the parents are not planning to have children
  2. When contraception fails
  3. If there are any possible hazards on the mental/physical health of the mother
  4. If there are any defects in the formation of the fetus
  5. If there is an accidental pregnancy

Eligible criteria for MTP/Medical Abortion

  1. First 10 to 12 weeks of pregnancy.
  2. If you have a medical condition that is life-threatening to both the mother and the fetus.

Ineligible criteria  for MTP/Medical Abortion?

  1. This method of abortion is not recommended in the second trimester.
  2. If you use an intrauterine device (IUD).
  3. If you have certain medical conditions which may complicate your abortion like bleeding disorders, heart disease, blood vessel disease, kidney disease, lung disease, liver disease, seizures, etc.
  4. If you are using certain medications like blood thinners, steroids, etc.
  5. If you have any allergies to the medications that are being used in the procedure.

Right specialist’s type for MTP/Medical Abortion

The doctor whom you want to consult for medical abortion should be a Gynecologist along with experience in medical termination pregnancy procedure. You may need to choose the appropriate clinic which is having all the required facilities for a medical abortion procedure.

How to prepare for MTP/Medical Abortion

  1. Before considering medical abortion, have a clear discussion about the procedure with your doctor.
  2. Inform your doctor about your previous medical conditions and medication history and about your current medications.
  3. You are recommended to have an ultrasound scan to confirm that the pregnancy is not outside the uterus and to also confirm if any tumor developed in the uterus.
  4. Your doctor may ask you to do urine and blood tests before this procedure.
  5. Have awareness about the complete procedure, side effects, possible risks, and complications. If you have any doubts, clear them with your doctor before considering this procedure.

Steps of MTP/Medical Abortion

Your doctor may prescribe you with two medications for medical termination of pregnancy. In which one tablet is oral and the other may be oral or sublingual or buccal or vaginal.

Method 1:

  1. In this method, oral mifepristone and oral misoprostol are prescribed by your doctor and will ask you to take oral mifepristone in the hospital or at the clinic on the same day.
  2. Oral misoprostol should be taken in your house after a few hours or days later or as instructed by your doctor. You are asked to visit the doctor after a week to confirm that the abortion is complete.

Method 2:

  1. In this method, oral mifepristone and vaginal or sublingual or buccal misoprostol are prescribed. This procedure is almost similar to method 1. 
  2. Misoprostol may be placed in the vagina or below the tongue or between your teeth and cheek depending on the type of the medicine prescribed by your doctor. The side effects involved in the vaginal, buccal and sublingual approach are minimal and the results may be effective.

Method 3:

  1. In this method, methotrexate and vaginal misoprostol are being used to abort the pregnancy. Methotrexate is mostly used for the ectopic pregnancies (pregnancy outside the uterus).
  2. If your doctor suggests this method, then follow all the instructions and steps given to you.

Method 4:

  1. Here vaginal misoprostol is used alone and should be taken as directed by your doctor. This method is less effective than other methods.

Post-procedure care/ recovery after MTP/Medical Abortion

The following care must be taken after the medical termination of the pregnancy. 

  1. Consult your doctor immediately if you experience fever for more than 24 hours, severe pain in the abdomen or pain in the back, heavy bleeding (using more than two pads an hour), vaginal discharge with a foul smell, etc.
  2. You should visit your doctor after this procedure to make sure that the pregnancy is aborted. Follow-up visits to the doctor are mandatory to make sure there is proper healing, to evaluate the uterine size, bleeding, and any other signs of infection.
  3. To avoid any risk of infection, you are suggested to avoid vaginal intercourse and usage of tampons for at least two weeks after the abortion.
  4. You may be asked to do an ultrasound scan if your doctor suspects that your abortion is incomplete.
  5. It is common to experience a range of emotions after an abortion. If you experience emotions like sadness, guilt, etc., you might seek the help of a counselor.

Risks/ complications associated with MTP/Medical Abortion

There are few risks and complications associated with medical abortion and they are the following:

  1. Heavy bleeding
  2. Severe abdominal pain
  3. Incomplete abortion
  4. Vomiting
  5. Anemia [decreased in blood levels]
  6. Maybe a chance for infection

Advantages of MTP/Medical Abortion

There are some advantages for medical abortion than the surgical abortion and they are the following:

  1. It is safe and effective for early stages of pregnancies.
  2. Anesthesia is not used in this procedure.
  3. It also helps to induce a miscarriage.
  4. No need to be admitted to the hospital during the medical abortion process.
  5. An individual can stay at home.
  6. There is no need to insert medical instruments into the uterus for aborting the pregnancy.

Long term outcomes/results of MTP/Medical Abortion

Medical abortion can be used within 10 weeks from the last period. This will help in aborting the pregnancy with minimal side effects and do not affect the next pregnancy. The medicines used in this procedure will not stay long enough in the body to show or to affect the body function.

The success rate of MTP/Medical Abortion

In most of the cases, medical abortion shows more than 95% of success rate when approached within 9 weeks of pregnancy. Only in 2-5% of the cases, required a surgical abortion even after using medical abortion.

Options if MTP/Medical Abortion is not successful

In a few cases, there may be a chance for the failure of medical abortion to abort the pregnancy. So, the patient may need to visit the clinic for a check-up and the doctor may suggest having minor surgery to eliminate the incomplete pregnancy.

Alternatives to MTP/Medical Abortion

To abort or to discontinue the pregnancy, there are two ways and they are medical abortion and surgical abortion. If the individual does not want to have a medical abortion, then surgical abortion is the way to abort the pregnancy.

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