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11 Surgical Abortion Doctors in Pune

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Dr. Preeti Kale

24 years experience overall
₹700 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Avinash Phadnis

39 years experience overall
₹1000 Consultation fee at clinic

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Dr. Amit Patankar

32 years experience overall
₹1000 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Leena Patankar

32 years experience overall
₹1000 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Bharati Hiremath

23 years experience overall
₹500 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Mukta P Umarji

42 years experience overall
₹600 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Chinmay Pramod Umarji

14 years experience overall
₹600 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Vinod Bharati

22 years experience overall
₹700 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Neena Sathe

40 years experience overall
₹1000 Consultation fee at clinic
FAQs on Surgical Abortion Surgery

Dr. Amit Shaligram Patil

22 years experience overall
₹700 Consultation fee at clinic

Surgical Abortion

Surgical Abortions Doctors In Pune

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Surgical Abortion in Pune

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is Surgical Abortion?

Surgical Abortion is a process in which pregnancy is aborted through a surgical procedure by emptying the contents of the uterus.

How much does Surgical Abortion cost?

Cost for Surgical Abortion depends on factors like

  1. Admission fee
  2. Doctor fee
  3. Age of the patient
  4. Type of surgery
  5. The medical condition of the patient
  6. Post-surgical complications that are involved
  7. Type of hospital
  8. The admission room that you opted for

Minimum expenses in Pune starts from Rs.2,000

Average amount to be paid in Pune is approximately Rs.10,000

Maximum charges in Pune rise up to Rs.30,000

Right specialists type for Surgical Abortion?

A qualified Gynecologist or who has experience or training in Surgical Abortion is allowed to perform this method.

Is Surgical Abortion painful?

There will be some pain involved in surgical abortion. Medicines are given after the surgery to reduce pain and discomfort. You may experience bleeding and cramping after the procedure, so plan accordingly.

How Surgical Abortion is done?

Surgical Abortion is done in two ways:

  1. Aspiration abortion
  2. Dilation and evacuation (D&E)

Depending on the patient's health condition, the doctor may suggest any of the surgical abortions methods.

Aspiration abortion:

  1. In this method, a vacuum tube is inserted through the cervix into the uterus.
  2. Then the tube is connected to a suction device where the contents in the uterus are emptied.

Dilation and evacuation (D&E):

  1. In this method, a cannula is inserted into the uterus which helps in removing the tissue. Then with the help of a surgical instrument shaped like a spoon or scoop is used to scrape the lining of the uterus to remove any other residuals present. 
  2. In the final step, suction is performed to make sure all the contents are removed completely.

Do Surgical Abortions affect future pregnancies?

The overall risk of infertility after a Surgical Abortion is very less. It is safe if surgical abortions are performed within the first trimester by an experienced and skilled doctor and it does not affect your future pregnancy.

Is Surgical Abortion safe?

Surgical Abortion is considered safe when performed by experienced doctors and under high medical supervision.

Is Surgical Abortion painful with sedation?

Before the surgical procedure, you’ll be given sedatives and other medicines to make sure the area is numb. This will help in reducing the pain. 

Can Surgical Abortion be detected in future?

There is very less chance to detect Surgical Abortion in the future.

What is better Surgical Abortion or pill?

Women with pregnancy less than 4-6 weeks can choose pill or medical abortion. If more than 11 weeks of pregnancy, surgical abortion is well suggested. Depending on the patient's health condition, either surgical or pill/medical abortion is suggested by your doctor.

Does Surgical Abortion cause infertility?

Surgical Abortion itself cannot cause infertility. If this procedure is performed by professionals who are skilled and experienced in surgical abortion then there are very fewer chances of infertility.

When Surgical Abortion can be done?

Surgical Abortion is usually preferred within the first five weeks of pregnancy from your last period. Aspiration abortion can be done within 14 to 16 weeks of pregnancy while dilation and evacuation [D&E] can be performed after 14 to 16 weeks of pregnancy.

What happens after a Surgical Abortion?

  1. After the surgical abortion, you are recommended to take rest for the whole day and also avoid lifting heavy objects for the next few days.
  2. Depending on the severity of the pain and health condition, some women should take more rest for up to a week.
  3. Recovery time for pregnant women who underwent dilation and evacuation method of abortion requires more time than the pregnant women who preferred aspiration procedure.

Is Surgical Abortion dangerous?

Surgical Abortion is considered safe when performed by experienced doctors and under medical supervision.

What happens during a Surgical Abortion?

In this process, a vacuum tube is inserted into the uterus through the cervix and the contents in the uterus are emptied through the suction method.

Are Surgical Abortions 100% effective?

The success rate for Surgical Abortions is about 99% and their efficiency depends if the doctors are highly skilled and experienced.

Can Surgical Abortion be done at 4 weeks?

Yes, Surgical Abortions can be done within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Can Surgical Abortion fail?

There are very rare chances of failure in surgical abortion. Most of the time, surgical abortions do not fail when performed by an experienced and skilled doctor.

You may also want to know

Surgical Abortion: Overview

Surgical Abortion is a type of abortion which terminates the pregnancy in women. Surgical abortions are known as in-clinic abortions where patients visit hospital or clinic for the surgery. Generally, there are 2 types of surgical procedures and they are the following:

  1. Aspiration abortions
  2. Dilation and evacuation [D&E] abortion

Aspiration abortion:

  1. This method is ideal for women with pregnancy up to 15 weeks and who are not eligible for medical abortion.
  2. This abortion is also known as vacuum abortions where the doctor will insert a tube into the uterus and the tube is attached to the suction device. Then, the uterus is emptied with the help of the suction device.
  3.  This type of abortion typically takes 5-10 minutes.

Dilation and evacuation [D&E]:

  1. This procedure is a suitable type of surgery for women with pregnancy for more than 15 weeks.
  2. This method is almost similar to the aspiration procedure until emptying the uterus.
  3. After removal of the tube from the uterus, your doctor will be using a small loop-shaped metal tool known as curette to remove the remaining tissue that may be present in the lining of the uterus.
  4. It typically takes 10-20 minutes to complete the procedure.

There may be mild to moderate pain during and after the procedures. Sedatives and pain killers are given before going to the surgery to reduce the pain.

Surgical Abortion Indications

Surgical Abortion is indicated in the following cases:

  1. When the parents/couples are not planning to have the child.
  2. When contraception fails.
  3. If there are any possible hazards on the mental/physical health of the mother.
  4. If there are any defects in the formation of the fetus.
  5. If there is an accidental pregnancy.

Eligible criteria for Surgical Abortion

  1. Pregnancy up to 15 weeks or more can undergo a surgical abortion.
  2. If medical abortion fails or abortion pills do not work.
  3. If you are allergic to the medications used in medical abortion.
  4. If you have a medical condition that is life-threatening to both the mother and the fetus.

Ineligible criteria for Surgical Abortion

  1. If pregnancy is almost complete.
  2. Patients who are afraid of surgery [depend on their decision].
  3. If a medical abortion is successful, then no need for surgical abortion.

Right specialists type for Surgical Abortion

A qualified Gynecologist or who has experience or training in Surgical Abortions is allowed to perform this method.

How to prepare for Surgical Abortion

  1. Before considering surgical abortion, have a clear discussion about the procedure with your doctor.
  2. Inform your doctor about your previous and current medical conditions and medication history.
  3. Should not eat certain food items before the procedure, please discuss with your doctor.
  4. Without having a discussion with your doctor, do not take any medications for up to 48 hours before the surgery.
  5. You are recommended to have an ultrasound scan to check the pregnancy.
  6. Have awareness about the complete procedure, its side effects, possible risks, and complications. If you have any doubts, clear them with your doctor before considering this procedure.

Steps of Surgical Abortion

Surgical Abortions can be done in two methods and they are:

  1. Aspiration abortion
  2. Dilation and evacuation [D&E] abortion

Aspiration abortion

  1. In this procedure, either a local anesthetic or general anesthetic can be used along with a sedative and a pain killer.
  2. A speculum is inserted to examine your uterus. Then the cervix will be stretched with the help of dilators during this procedure.
  3.  Then a vacuum tube is inserted into your uterus through your cervix. This vacuum tube will be connected to a suction pump. With the help of this, all the contents in the uterus are emptied.
  4. During this procedure, you may experience mild to moderate cramping or abdominal pain. But this will be reduced as soon as the tube is removed from the uterus.
  5. Once this procedure is completed, your doctor may check your uterus to make sure that it is empty. Later you will be given antibiotics to avoid infection.
  6. The approximate time needed for this procedure is usually 5-10 minutes.

Dilation and evacuation [D&E] abortion

  1. Dilation and evacuation (D&E0 procedure is mostly preferred after the 15th week of pregnancy.
  2. In this procedure, either a local anesthetic or general anesthetic can be used along with a sedative and a pain killer.
  3. A speculum is inserted to examine your uterus. Then the cervix will be stretched with the help of dilators during this procedure.
  4. Then a vacuum tube is inserted into your uterus through your cervix.
  5. This vacuum tube will be connected to a suction pump along with some other medical tools. With the help of this, all the contents in the uterus are emptied.
  6. Then the tube is gently removed and with the help of a curette (a spoon or loop-shaped metal device) the remaining tissue which is linked to the uterus is gently removed by scraping. This ensures that the uterus is completely empty.

Post-procedure care/ recovery after Surgical Abortion

After completing the surgery, you may experience some of the side effects and they are:

  1. Bleeding
  2. Blood clots
  3. Abdominal pain
  4. Infection
  5. Sweating
  6. Nausea and vomiting
  7. Fainting

So, to reduce most of these side effects, your doctor may prescribe you some pain killers and antibiotics. 

Some instructions may be given by your doctor such as:

  1. You should visit your doctor after this procedure to make sure that the pregnancy is aborted.
  2. Follow-up visits to the doctor are mandatory to make sure that there is proper healing, to evaluate the uterine size, bleeding, and any other signs of infection.
  3. To avoid any risk of infection, you are suggested to avoid vaginal intercourse and usage of tampons for at least two weeks after the abortion.
  4. You may be asked to do an ultrasound scan if your doctor suspects that your abortion is incomplete.
  5. It is common to experience a range of emotions after an abortion. If you experience emotions like sadness, guilt, etc., you might take the help of a counselor.
  6. Do not smoke.
  7. Restrict the consumption of alcohol.
  8. Should not have sex for at least 2 weeks.

Consult your doctor if you still experience pregnancy symptoms. Follow all the instructions given by your doctor.

Risks/ complications associated with Surgical Abortion

Surgical Abortions are the safest operations in medical procedures. However, there may be complications and risks associated with it. They are the following:

  1. Infection to the uterus
  2. Blood clots
  3. Bleeding in the uterus
  4. Damage to the reproductive organs
  5. Incomplete abortion
  6. Very rarely allergic reaction to the anesthesia
  7. Damage to the cervix
  8. Perforation of the uterus
  9. Injury to the blood vessels

Advantages of Surgical Abortion

  1. It takes only a few minutes to terminate the pregnancy.
  2. Less bleeding and abdominal pain when compared with other abortion methods.
  3. Can continue breastfeeding after the surgery, if you are a breastfeeding mother.
  4. It has a high success rate.
  5. Fewer complications are involved in this method.

Long term outcome/results of Surgical Abortion

Surgical Abortions do not affect future pregnancy and have a very high success rate than other abortion methods. Mostly, there are no long-term outcomes for surgical abortion. It takes only a 5-20 minutes to terminate the pregnancy.

The success rate of Surgical Abortion

The success rate for Surgical Abortions is about 99% and their efficiency depends on the experience of skilled doctors.

Options if Surgical Abortion is not successful

In most cases, surgical abortions are highly successful. If in any case, surgical abortion fails to terminate the pregnancy then second surgery may be required as suggested by your Gynecologist.

Alternatives to Surgical Abortion

There are mostly two ways for abortion, and they are 

  1. Medical abortion.
  2. Surgical abortions

If the pregnancy is less than 10 weeks, you can choose medical abortion rather than surgical abortion. In case the pregnancy is more than 12 or 15 weeks, surgical abortion is well suggested. However, before choosing the right abortion method, consult your doctor.

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