Top health articles

Trending tips from doctors and health experts

Four Popular Ways Teeth Are Rebuilt
CompositeIf the cavity left by the decay or filling isn't too large, composite resin can provide a cosmetically appealing filling ...
Dental cariesRoot canal
Headache? Go to the Dentist
Do you wake up with pain in the head? Dentist Can Treat Headaches.There is more to headaches in the morning ...
ArthritisChronic Headache
Determining Your Facial Skin Type & Care Guide
Women's Health

Figuring out your skin type is the 1st step for getting a beautiful skin. Most women misdiagnose themselves & end up using the wrong regimen & products. This actually aggravates their skin more. Here's a cheat sheet to help you find the correct category- 1. Oily- Your face looks moist/shiny, especially at midday. 2. Dry/Sensitive - You have read patches. 

Right Way to Brush and Floss
This article is about how to best brush and floss your teeth. According to current guidelines you need to brush ...
Oral hygiene
The Best and Worst Foods to Cure a Hangover

The science of hangovers (& how to prevent them) is largely unstudied, which is why people invent their own “cures.” Though no one meal or drink can cure a hangover, certain foods are better for refuelling than others. You should restock your body with necessary fluids & nutrients that can lessen the body’s negative reaction to the chemicals in booze.

Understand "Night Fall" or "Wet Dreams"?
Nocturnal emission (Or commonly known as night fall) is an ejaculation of semen involuntarily.  Read this article to find out ...
Sexual Well-beingSleep disorders
Top points you didnt know about your allergy

If you are all too familiar with a sudden bout of rash and itching or sneezing and runny nose, then you probably have an allergy. Ranging from hair dye, food coloring agents to milk, your immune system might be over-reacting to anything in your environment. Read to know how to live with allergies. 

Post Excercise Meal for Athletes
A Special Note for Team SportsTeam sports such as soccer, basketball,volleyball, and football also present a unique set of challenges.If ...
ExerciseSportsMuscle hypertrophyStrength trainingHealthy Eating
You Can Be the Savior of Your Own Smile
Be true to your teeth or they will be false to you. One sole purpose of human teeth is, chewing ...
Dental careOral hygieneSmile Records
Diet to Improve Haemoglobin Levels (Hb%)
ANEMIA: A condition in which there is a deficiency of red cells or of haemoglobin in the blood, resulting in pallor and ...
Healthy EatingAnemia
Myths About Controlling Diabetes and Weight Gain with Sugar-Free Foods?
With Diwali round the corner, the temptation to gorge on sweets and fatty foods also increases. Overdosing on Diwali sweets ...
DietSweetnessDiabetesDiabetes in catsDiabetes - Type 1Weight control
How Knee Replacement Can Change Your Life
Knee pain and other knee-related problems are found in abundance in patients in India and around the world. But still, ...
Knee replacementKnee pain
15 self-care tips to deal with seasonal allergies
Are your eyes itchy, nose is running, you're sneezing, and you're covered in hives? In that case the most well-known ...
5 Effective Ways to Deal With Low Self Esteem
“Ups and downs in life are very important to keep us going because a straight line even in an E.C.G means ...
Myths About Protein for Weight Loss!
All social media ads, newspapers, television gives us a message that protein supplements help in having lean, muscular body and ...
DietsDietVitamins & SupplementsFad diets
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