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FUE Hair Transplant
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9 Fue Hair Transplant Doctors in Delhi

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Dr. Sunakshi Singh

Hair Transplant Surgeon
15 years experience overall

Dr. Sajal Halder

Hair Transplant Surgeon
28 years experience overall

Dr. Gaurav Garg

17 years experience overall
1500 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Navnit Haror

11 years experience overall

Dr. Rahul Arora

Hair Transplant Surgeon
14 years experience overall

Dr. Lokesh

Plastic Surgeon
38 years experience overall

Dr. Nikhil Mehta

Hair Transplant Surgeon
18 years experience overall
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Dr. Ranjan Upadhyay

Hair Transplant Surgeon
20 years experience overall
2000 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Sharad Mishra

Hair Transplant Surgeon
19 years experience overall
1500 Consultation fee at clinic

Fue Hair Transplant

Fue Hair Transplants Doctors In Delhi

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FUE Hair Transplant in Delhi

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is FUE Hair Transplant?

Hair transplant is on a rising trend these days and FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) or Follicular Transfer is one of the two main methods used to extract the follicle for hair transplantation. Strip harvesting is another method used for transplantation of hair.

How much does FUE Hair Transplant cost?

Cost is approximate 25,000 to 1,25,000 Indian rupees, which means 25-30 rupees per root

Right specialists type for FUE Hair Transplant?

A Dermatologist or a Cosmetic Surgeon

What is bio FUE Hair Transplant?

Bio FUE is a new technique for FUE. It’s biotechnology for hair follicle extraction. While FUE includes only extracting hair follicle from donor area (area unaffected by hair loss), Bio FUE includes extractions and infusion of serum for the rapid growth of the hair.

What is micro FUE Hair Transplant?

Micro FUE is a minimal invasive method for hair transplant using a micro bore needle for extraction of follicles, wherein micro bore and micrografts are taken out for transplantation. Since the instruments used are tiny, the trauma is very little and hence healing is faster.

What are the side effects of FUE Hair Transplant?

FUE is otherwise a safe procedure, but the following may happen:

  1. Bleeding
  2. Infection
  3. Swelling at scalp
  4. Crust formation on the side of hair removal and implanted
  5. Folliculitis: Itching, inflammation of the hair follicles

Is FUE Hair Transplant safe?

FUE is a comparatively safer procedure, with minimal side effects.

Is FUE Hair Transplant permanent?

FUE is a permanent solution for hair loss or baldness.

Is FUE Hair Transplant painful?

FUE isn't as painful. However, mild discomfort may arise during the extraction process.

Is FUE Hair Transplant successful for hair loss?

Almost 98 % success rates are noted in various studies.

Can FUE Hair Transplant be done for women?

FUE is avoided in female gender, due to the need of head shaving at donor site or trimmed. FUSS -Follicular unit strip surgery is the choice of treatment in females.

What are the results of FUE Hair Transplant for hair loss?

An immediate hairline can be appreciated soon after transplant, but the same will be scabbed and swollen. It might take 10 days for all inflammation to settle and results.

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FUE Hair Transplant Overview

Starting in 2002, hair transplant procedure had a modern technique to offer its consumers, with fewer side effects, astonishing results, and early healing. The method they quoted as Follicular Unit Extraction or FUE. As the name suggests - FUE includes extraction of a whole complete hair follicle with its roots. It ‘ s different to strip method in a way that strip methods extract an entire strip or portion of the hair from the donor area. However, FUE taken single hair follicle and then implants it at recipient site- one by one.

FUE Hair Transplant Indications: pattern & stages of hair loss/baldness

Loss of hair has become a social taboo these days and requires close attention for a faster, safer and early resolution. However, not all hair losses qualify for an FUE procedure. 

The following are a few considerations for initiating the process:


  1. Male baldness or hair loss
  2. Failure to strip surgery method
  3. FUE is attempted in areas with thick donor area, making strip technique difficult
  4. Patient doesn’t approve of post-surgery scars
  5. Area of transplant is relatively smaller

Pattern and stages of hair loss:

Hair loss or baldness is medically known as Alopecia. Hair transplant is a rescue to those suffering. Alopecia is a medical condition that can happen in both men and women and has been seen affecting patients in a pattern or stages. A patient is referred to have alopecia when hair fall is seen in patches. Though affecting both genders, the treatment technique may be different depending on the stage and type of hair loss and also the gender. FUE, for example, is a treatment of choice in male baldness.

The pattern/stages include the following: 

Stage One

No hair loss is seen at this stage. There is presence of adolescent line of hair.

Stage Two 

A very mild hair loss is seen, limited to the frontal hairline.

Stage Three

It is considered significant by the dermatologists to be diagnosed as “alopecia” or “male pattern hair loss”. The patient mostly shows hairline receding at the temporal area of the scalp. There is additional area of hair loss seen at the crown area.

Stage Four

Hairline recedes in temple areas at the front of the head, which is evident at the crown. But the sides of head still have hair.

Stage Five

Hair loss is very severe is more distinct between at crown and the temporal regions

Stage Six

A horseshoe-shaped formation of hair is seen around the baldness concentrated in the center of the scalp.

Stage Seven 

This is the last stage of the hair loss and only a wreath of hair is visible.

Advantages of FUE Hair Transplant

FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) and FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) are two methods of hair transplantation. 

However, FUE is used majorly because of its following advantages over FUT:

  1. FUE has much better results and permanent too
  2. The scar post FUE is a tiny dot or scar as compared to an entire strip in FUT
  3. It's safe and natural. It uses the hair follicles of your own self and hence rejection is minimal.
  4. Less invasive surgery, hence healing of donor area in faster
  5. Pain felt is minimal, even after the procedure
  6. The short sessions help the patients with early hair loss

Eligibility criteria for FUE Hair Transplant

Although, hair loss might be a result of any one of the age, genetics, environment, any disease, or from a combination of above. The hair transplantation technique and session will vary from patient to patient, depending on the needed outcome and extent of hair loss. 

The following should be kept in mind while deciding on hair transplantation:

  1. Male pattern baldness
  2. Thinning of hair in women
  3. Early stage hair loss
  4. Available donor hair follicles

Ineligibility criteria for FUE Hair Transplant

The following should avoid FUE:

  1. Patients with “ diffuse unpatterned alopecia”, fungal infections of scalp etc.. should not undergo hair transplant.
  2. Stage of hair loss plays an important role. At an advanced stage , it becomes difficult to get viable follicles for transplantation.
  3. Any severe bleeding disorder or high blood sugars- Patients should take appropriate treatment before opting for an invasive procedure“Widespread hair loss “pattern in women
  4. Patients with hair loss because of medical reasons such as Chemotherapy or Radiation therapy

Guidelines before undergoing FUE Hair Transplant

FUE is comparatively a non-invasive surgery and allows early healing for the patients. 

The following should be taken care of before the procedure:

  1. Search and study about the center and the doctor
  2. Understand the FUE and other techniques
  3. Enquire about the best method of transplantation available for you
  4. Before procedure, wear formal clothing. Avoid anything from above the headwear, like a T-Shirt.
  5. Any previous disease or diagnosis has to be re-investigated and clearances will be needed for the procedure
  6. Discuss with your surgeon about any regular drug intake.
  7. Wash your hair properly before treatment
  8. Wear a cap or cover your head to avoid dust in hair prior to the procedure
  9. Eat a light meal in morning
  10. Avoid smoking and alcohol 3-4 days prior to the procedure
  11. Some basic blood investigations will be done prior to the procedure

Steps of FUE Hair Transplant procedure

FUE is a new technique devised to minimise the invasion for the transplantation surgery. After the initial investigation and finalisation of the method, you may expect the following at the clinic to happen. 

Your doctor will also explain you the procedure: 

  1. Identification of donor area
  2. Cleaning of donor and the recipient area
  3. Marking of the donor area into grids or checkboxes
  4. Giving local anaesthesia at the donor site through needles/injections
  5. Your doctor may also be giving you mild sedatives and you may feel sleepyPlucking out of hair follicle as a single unit along with roots
  6. Separating the hair follicle of sebaceous fluids and debris under microscopeAnaesthetising the recipient areaImplanting hair follicle one by one
  7. Application of medicated cream containing protein at the donor area to stop bleeding and fill in holes

Your doctor may give you in-between breaks. It’s a long procedure and may require multiple sittings as per your requirement. Also drinking caffeine is to be avoided as this may increase the risk of bleeding from donor area.
It is to be understood that there are multiple options available before FUE and the same can be discussed with your dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon prior to considering hair transplantation. 

Also, there is another method FUT for the same transplantation. The only difference between and FUE and FUT is that in FUE every transplanted hair follicle is extracted as a single unit. However, in FUT, the surgeon will extract a strip from the donor area and implant the same at the recipient area.

Post-procedure care/ recovery after FUE Hair Transplant

Hair transplantation or particularly, FUE is a very tedious and work of precision. Post-transplant care for at least 2 weeks in very necessary, else you may lose your transplanted hair follicle. 

Following may be advised by your treating doctor:

  1. For first 3-4 days, keep your head inclined at 45 degrees while sleeping.
  2. Sleep straight over your spine every day for at least 4-5 days
  3. Regular application of your advised creams at the donor site is inevitable
  4. Do not wet  your scalp
  5. Regular dressings of the area
  6. Do not scratch or rub your recipient area or donor area 
  7. Scab will form by 20th day and the same will fall off naturally
  8. You may bathe your scalp by 2 weeks, after discussing with your doctor
  9. Pay your scheduled visit to the doctor
  10. Keep a watch on your diet and eat as suggested
  11. Take your pain medication and antibiotics in time to decrease the risk infection. 
  12. Massage your forehead as directed. Particularly from center to sides or temporal areas. This will help in avoiding forehead swelling and bruising and swelling under the eyes ( around the periorbital area)

Risks/ complications associated with FUE Hair Transplant

FUE is a comparatively safer method of hair transplantation. The side effects, if any seen, will be for a short while and will settle in few weeks. However, the same should always be discussed with your doctor once.

The patient may experience the following: 

  1. Pain at the donor and recipient site
  2. Bleeding from the donor site
  3. Infection
  4. Scalp swelling- particularly front head
  5. Bruising and swelling under the eyes
  6. Itching and excessive scab formation
  7. Numbness
  8. Sudden loss of all transplanted hair. This is known as Shock loss
  9. Irregular hair tufts

Long term outcome/results of FUE Hair Transplant

Hair transplantation has been seen having fairly satisfactory results. 

The following may be expected in long run:  

  1. Transplanted hair follicle will continue to grow in the area transplanted
  2. Density of the area
  3. Loss of hair may be seen if not taken care properly

Depending on the laxity of the scalp, the following may vary:

  1. Variation in growth and density
  2. Curling of hair
  3. Quality of hair

Alternatives of FUE Hair Transplant

Following can be considered before opting for FUE method:

  1. Oral medication to stop hair fall and to augment new hair growth
  2. Ointments and topical application to stimulate the hair follicles to help grow them.
  3. PRP/A Cell: This is the latest advancement in the field. Platelets containing certain growth factors are targeted to help grow hair follicles.
  4. Laser light combo
  5. Laser therapy

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Know more about FUE Hair Transplant

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) Overview

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), as opposed to the FUT procedure, is a hair transplant method in which the doctor extracts the follicular units of hair, from the donor area of your head, one by one.

The doctor uses a small microneedle, which punches a tiny incision around a hair follicle before extraction.

Each unit contains one to four hairs. These one to four hair groupings (called follicular unit grafts) are then transplanted into the balding areas of your head. In this method thus, there is no need for the surgeon to make a long incision in the donor area, as in the FUT procedure.

This is an ideal method of surgery for patients who like to wear their hair short. This method is also recommended for patients who have a tight scalp or have previously undergone the ‘strip’ or FUT method but with little or no success.

Am I eligible/ineligible for the FUE hair procedure? 

Find out whether you are eligible/ ineligible for the FUE hair procedure from the table below:

Eligible for FUE 

Ineligible for FUE 

- If you have been diagnosed with a condition which prevents natural hair growth.

- If you are above 25 years of age and have been balding for many years, and now your rashes on the scalp hair loss has stabilized.

- If you find medically proven hair loss treatments do not work for you.

- If you have a stable supply of donor hair.

- If you find medically proven hair loss treatments do not work for you. 

- If you have lost hair due to traumas such as burns or cosmetic procedures such as facelift.

- If you are at risk for thickened donor scars due to excessive scalp tightness or laxity.

- If you have general good health.

- If you would like to sport short hairstyles their own hair.

- If you do not have a problem to shave your head. (The donor area needs to be shaved for an FUE procedure.)

- If the cause of your hairfall is undiagnosed and you do not have alopecia but suffer from itching.

- If you are below 25 years with ongoing hair fall.

- If you suffer from multiple medical conditions such as uncontrolled diabetes, hypertension, asthma, or heart problems.

- If you take medicines such as blood thinners or beta blockers.

- If you suffer from trichotillomania which causes people to compulsively pull out in which case you need psychiatric counseling.

- If you have low density of hair on the back of the head which will not yield enough follicles for a transplant.

- If you have large bald patches.


What happens during the FUE procedure?

The follicular unit extraction method involves the following procedure:

  1. At the outset, the doctor anesthetizes the scalp.
  2. Using a small microneedle, the doctor makes a circular incision, less than 1 mm in diameter, around a follicular unit on your head, to isolate a graft.
  3. Then, using a tweezer-like instrument, the doctor extracts the follicular unit from your donor area. Multiple follicular units are extracted this way.
  4. Before the process of harvesting the follicular units, tiny holes are drilled on your scalp, where hair loss has occurred.
  5. The follicular units are then placed in these holes, from where they gradually start yielding hair.
  6. A disinfectant is gently applied to your head after the procedure.

At the end of the procedure, the doctor will ask you to wear a bandana or a cap to protect your head for a few days.
An advantage of the FUE procedure is that it has more donor site options, as grafts can be extracted from other parts of your body as well. FUE can also be used to fill in areas of eyebrows in men and women and beard in men. 

What are the risks and disadvantages of the FUE procedure?

The risks and disadvantages of the FUE procedure include: 

  • Hundreds of tiny round white scars on the head caused by the incisions to extract the hair follicles, which will be typically invisible to the human eye after your hair has grown out.
  • Numbness, bleeding, itching, swelling around the eyes and forehead, and temporary cyst formation on the areas where the hair is being transplanted.
  • Risk of infection and inflammation, if proper care is not taken during and after the surgery.
  • Experiencing shock hair loss, which is temporary and the hair usually grows back in 3-6 months.  
  • Costly, tedious and a time-consuming procedure as individual follicular units are extracted.
  • Not be suitable for large areas of baldness.
  • A hair loss treatment programme is required for maintenance, post the operation.  

What are the advantages of an FUE procedure? 

Some of the advantages of the FUE procedure include: 

  • It is a less invasive surgery than FUT with no visible scarring in the donor area
  • It is ideal for short sessions and for patients in early stages of hair loss
  • It is ideal for patients who would like to sport short hairstyles
  • It is ideal for patients who have no problem in shaving their heads
  • It is ideal for mustache or eyebrow replacement

What guidelines should I follow before undergoing an FUE procedure? 

Once you are deemed physically fit to undergo an FUE hair procedure, there are certain guidelines you need to follow:

  • If you are taking any blood thinners, please let the doctor know immediately, as they may represent a contraindication to surgery.
  • If you are taking broad beta-blockers let your doctor know immediately.
  • If you use inhalers, you need to bring your inhaler to the clinic on the day of the procedure.
  • Your scalp should not be sunburned prior to the procedure.
  • Do not take any anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) for one week prior to your procedure.
  • Do not take any B or E vitamins for one week before your procedure, this includes any multivitamins, as these tablets are known to increase bleeding.
  • Medications prescribed to you such as heart and blood pressure medication should be taken as prescribed right up to and including the day of your procedure.
  • If you smoke and drink alcohol, stop smoking and drinking alcohol two weeks prior to the procedure, as smoking and drinking can interfere with the healing process.
  • If you dye your hair, please dye your hair three days prior to the procedure and be sure to scrub your scalp everyday, including on the day of the procedure, to keep it free from dye. (You need to confirm with your doctor about washing your hair on the day of the procedure)
  • Some doctors may ask you to eat breakfast and lunch prior to the procedure, while others may ask you to refrain from eating and drinking at least 12 hours prior to the procedure. Please follow your doctor’s instructions.
  • Some doctors may advise you to wash your hair thoroughly on the day of the procedure, while some do not. Please follow the instructions of your doctor.
  • Do not apply any hair sprays or other hair styling products on the day of the surgery.
  • Do not drink any caffeinated beverages on the day of the procedure.

Are there any post-treatment guidelines after the FUE procedure?

After undergoing the FUE procedure: 

  • Sleep in a semi-sitting position after the hair restoration procedure. This will help the swelling to reduce faster and prevent you from accidentally touching the areas where the hair follicles have been transplanted.
  • Avoid touching, scratching, and rubbing the area where the hair follicles have been transplanted.
  • Some doctors advise you to gently shampoo your head the very next day of the surgery. Some doctors do not. Follow your doctor’s instructions. You may also be advised to shampoo your hair twice a day after around 7 days of the surgery.
  • Take the medications prescribed for you by your doctor.
  • Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol for two weeks after the surgery.
  • Cover your head with hats or a bandana to avoid direct contact with UV rays.
  • Avoid any form of strenuous activity, including strenuous exercises for at least 28 - 30 days after an FUE procedure. You can resume mild exercises after around 14 days of the procedure.

How many grafts can be transplanted in one session of FUE and in how much time?

It will roughly take up 8-12 hours of your time, within which approximately 2000 grafts will be transplanted. You may require more sittings, which impacts the price, and can be a disadvantage.

How long does it take to recover from an FUE procedure?

It takes approximately 3 to 7 days to recover from an FUE procedure. 

What is the cost per graft in an FUE procedure? 

Cost of FUE Hair Transplant can vary depending upon the city/locality,  clinic/hospital type & amenities, experience of the provider, the technology & material used, extent of baldness, and donor area etc.

The cost may range from is Rs. 35 to Rs. 120 per graft
(Price is higher per graft than in an FUT procedure as FUE procedure is time-consuming)

Please consult your doctor to get the exact treatment plan and price quote suiting your unique needs.

Are the results of FUE procedure permanent?

Hair transplant results are generally considered to be permanent. 

Are there any alternatives to FUE procedure?

Based on the pattern and amount of your hair loss, skin condition, and size of the bald patches on your head, an alternative to FUE hair procedure may be FUT.

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