Sexual Health


Reports regarding

Hey so after the exposure I got myself tested after 28 days for herpes Values are as follows HSV-1 IGG-0.33 HSV-1 IGM-0.57 HSV-2 IGG-0.30 HSV-2 IGM-0.5 I have a few questions 1) Are these negative? 2)Should I repeat it again after 2 months? 3)Are these conclusive? 4) Was it just a viral infection similar to genital herpes? I had gone to the doctor after 12 days because I had redness and small dots on my private area who clinically diagnosed me with herpes and gave me medication for the same But as far as the values suggest they are negative Can it be a misdiagnosis? All other reports are also negative
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About hsv report

Hello sir/maam after miscarriage I did torch test in that I got hsv(1&2) igg positive-9.7 and hsv(1&2) igm-1. 4 Can u tell me when did I get this infection?? Did it mean I got it recently??
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TDpill along with rosavel f20

Can I take TD pill if I am taking rosavel f20 tablet? Also there is a little chest pain that lasts for few seconds only. So is it safe to take TD pill or will there be any side effects?
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Herpes simplex virus

I was diagnosed with herpes. My test report is Hsv 1&2 igm value is 0.500 Hsv 1$2 igg. Value is 8.66 What should I do now How to take treatment
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Want to know about my torch result

I had miscarriage after that I did torch test in that I got the following results Toxoplasma gondii igg;0.27 S/Co Toxoplasma gondii igm;0.51S/Co Rubella virus igg;1.78 S/Co Rubella virus igm;0.33 S/Co CMV igg;3.27 S/Co CMVigm;0.25 S/Co Hsv 1 igg;1.98 S/Co Hsv 1 igm;0.55 S/Co Hsv 2 igg;0.51 S/Co Hsv 2 igm;0.26 S/Co What does this mean??plz explain me??🙏
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About my reports

Hello sir/maam I did my torch test in that I got the following results..I'm attaching my file..plz tell me about my it normal??or anything else
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Depran L side effect

Taking Depran L for more than 2 months but now started feeling like vomiting, head spins and feeling dizzy .. I want to stop how it how should I do it ?
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Hiv Test conclusive??

Tests Hiv duo negative 28, 42, 52 ,84 days 98, 145 ,170, 220 ,270 days... Lal path labs RNA PCR qualitative TND.  14, 31 , 200 days Hiv rapid  antibody negative 13, 65 days 112 days Hiv tridot negative at 188,240, 380 days Syphilis negative 61 days. 84 days 214 days 235 days duo negative Comprehensive panel negative Std panel negative Are these tests conclusive? Tridot negative 12 months
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Tuberculosis in skin can b spread or not

Leg wound z there n skin tb result z positive Z this disease trasmit if v have intercource with the person
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ED, stress

Unsure why this question is not getting sent out. Sending it again via picture. Please take a look and advise
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