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In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
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109 In Vitro Fertilization Ivf Doctors in Bangalore

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Aparnaa Care Clinic

Aparnaa Care Clinic

1 Gynecologist/Obstetrician
15 - 26 years experience
Electronics City
₹700Consultation Fees
91%922 Patient Stories

Dr. M. Gowri

34 years experience overall

Dr. Mamatha Reddy Y V

27 years experience overall

Dr. Archana Agarwal

31 years experience overall
800 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Ambika V

22 years experience overall
Archish Fertility & IVF

Archish Fertility & IVF

3 Gynecologist/Obstetrician
13 - 16 years experience
HSR Layout
₹700 - ₹1000Consultation Fees
100%7 Patient Stories

Dr. Triveni M P

23 years experience overall

Dr. Bhargavi Reddy

31 years experience overall
700 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Harini P Shetty

34 years experience overall

Dr. Varalakshmi k

23 years experience overall
500 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Shwetha Yadav

17 years experience overall
FAQs on In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Surgery
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Dr. Aishwarya V. Mathikatti

17 years experience overall
500 Consultation fee at clinic

In-vitro Fertilization (ivf)

In Vitro Fertilization Ivf S Doctors In Bangalore

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In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) in Bangalore

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is IVF?

In vitro fertilization or as is commonly called as IVF or test-tube babies. It is a procedure where fertilization of an egg or ovum is made to combine with sperm outside the body; essentially in a glass tube.  The words "in vitro" refers to "in glass".

How much does IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization) cost?

The cost of IVF treatment depends upon some of the factors like:-

  1. Consultation charges
  2. Donor’s charges in case the donor’s services are needed by the infertile couple. 
  3. Lab charges of the clinic
  4. Clinic’s cost
  5. Method used: IVF with ICSI (or) IVF with surrogate as prescribed by the experts to the infertile couples
  6. IVF with IUI
  7. IVF with oocytes

Following is the approximate cost of this procedure in Bangalore:

Minimum cost for IVF in Bangalore starts from Rs.25,000

Average price for IVF in Bangalore is approximately of Rs.1,40,000

Maximum amount to be paid for IVF in Bangalore rises up to Rs.2,00,000

 Is IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization) painful?

During IVF, the most sensitive step is to place the fertilized zygote back into the uterus. Patients may experience different levels of sensations. The definition of pain greatly depends on the degree of tolerance of the patient. Some may experience a slight sensation while others may narrate the same process as discomfort.

Is IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization) successful for infertility treatment?

IVF was discovered as assisted reproductive techniques for couples with difficult conception or infertility. The success rate depends on a variety of factors including age, previous pregnancies, type of technique used, type of fertility problem, use of ova and the center of IVF. 

What is the success rate for IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization) procedure?

Broadly, it is considered that the success rate is around 40% and is higher in younger couples. But it will vary between patients and will be affected by different factors such as the age of the eggs, type of infertility problem etc.

Why does IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization) fail?

Failure is a major concern in assisted reproductive techniques. The major factors involved are the age of the eggs, ovarian response, chromosomal issues, lifestyle factors, the degree of severity of infertility.

Are IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization) babies healthy?

The process is monitored under highly specialized and trained medical professionals and every care is taken to help the mother bear a normal child. However, 100% guarantee can never be given and unfortunate consequences including chromosomal abnormalities and pregnancy loss can happen.

Are there side effects of IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization)?

Side effects of infertility medication :

  1. Gastrointestinal complications- nausea and vomiting
  2. Respiratory complications- difficulty in breathing
  3. Gynecology related: hot flashes, ovarian enlargement, abdominal pain, Ovarian Hyper-stimulation syndrome or Superovulation  

Other risks:

  1. Loss of pregnancy
  2. Chromosomal aneuploidy
  3. Multiple Births- which can further have preterm or low birth weight babies
  4. Preterm birth or low birth weight of a single embryo
  5. Increased risk of DM 2 & hypertension in mother 

What is the difference between IVF and IUI?

Intrauterine insemination or IUI is the procedure where sperms processed and concentrated are transferred into the uterus directly for fertilization with the ovum. In IVF the ovum/ ova and the sperms are fertilized outside the body in a glass tube.

Are there any success tips for IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization)?

Even though nothing guarantees the success of the IVF procedure, the following can augment the results :

  1. Choose your IVF center carefully
  2. Speak with the doctor and understand risk and success rates
  3. Understand the process and techniques
  4. Screening of ova and sperm quality
  5. Look for infertility signs and accept 
  6. Avoid ejaculation - this will enhance sperm count for the procedure
  7. Change dietary habits to increase in good fats and avoiding alcohol and caffeine
  8. De-stressing and meditation exercises
  9. Take counseling sessions and stay as calm as possible
  10. Avoid heavy exercises or lifting heavyweight

Is IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization) covered by insurance?

IVF may or may not be covered under your insurance. It depends on what plan you take and from what company are you insured under.

What next if IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization) fails?

  1. If the first cycle of IVF has failed, you may try for a second and a third attempt too. 
  2. Be vigilant and well informed about the procedure, risk factors and outcome rates.
  3. Discuss with your doctor for reasons of failure in your case and avoid the same.

You may also want to to know :

IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization)- Overview

In vitro fertilization or as is commonly called as IVF or test-tube babies. The words "in vitro" refers to "in glass". It is a procedure where an egg or ovum is made to combine with sperm outside the body or uterus; essentially in a glass tube. The procedure is an assisted reproductive technique to benefit infertile couples. Among all other techniques available, this has been the most effective one. IVF has various types and it is inevitable to determine the type of the IVF needed for a particular patient, its success rate and cost since the process is very expensive and time-consuming. 

IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization) Indications

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a technique to treat genetic or infertility problems. 
For Infertility issues; the doctor may advise the couple to undertake less invasive means before attempting IVF. This may include fertility drugs, Intrauterine Insemination. However, this is not a set guideline for attempting for non-invasive methods before IVF.

IVF may be directly advised in following health conditions as well :

  1. Fallopian tube damage or blockage
  2. Ovulation disorders
  3. Premature ovarian failure - This refers to non-production of normal estrogen amount, assisting in the release of eggs regularly. This usually is considered if the loss of ovarian function is seen before age of 40 years.
  4. Endometriosis
  5. Uterine fibroids
  6. Previous tubal sterilization or removal- IVF can help couples who have undergone sterilization surgeries
  7. Impaired sperm production or function - This includes below-average sperm concentration, poor sperm mobility, deformity in sperm size and sizeUnexplained infertility
  8. A genetic disorder- for the couples with a risk of passing a genetic disease to the next generation, you may be a candidate for preimplantation genetic diagnosis. IVF is a technique that makes a part of the preimplantation genetic diagnosis process. Fertilized embryos are identified of genetic disorders and are then implanted to the recipient uterus
  9. As an alternative for preserving fertility like cancer- For patients who have to undergo cancer treatment such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy, IVF is used as an option to preserve fertility. Ova or eggs are preserved in unfertilized state and can be used at a later stage
  10. Gestational carriers can be used in patients who don’t have a functional uterus

Eligible candidates for IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization)

The inclusion and exclusion criteria depend on area/country of treatment and the guidelines the specific area follows for offering treatment. For example- United Kingdom follows National Institute for health and care excellence guidelines, also known as NICE guidelines.

An ideal candidate for an IVF trial depends upon the following factors:

  1. Age and IVF cycles: It is believed that younger couples have higher chances of conception than after 40 years of age. Younger couples are also offered more number of cycles as compared to elder couples.
  2. Failed fertility techniques: Centres also offer IVF techniques with the previous history of failed intrauterine insemination, failed medical treatment, etc
  3. Failed attempts to conception- For an IVF treatment, it is inevitable to have a history of failed attempt to conceive despite unprotected sexual intercourse for at least 12 months
  4. Genetic disorders- Couples who are at risk of transferring genetic disorders, are often advised IVF through a gestational carrier
  5. Unhealthy uterine environment - conditions like bicornuate uterus, endometriosis, fibroids; wherein is it is medically stated that conception is not possible or will have a poor prognosis, gynecologists may suggest IVF
  6. Male infertility: Low sperm count, poor sperm mobility, etc, which is untreatable by medicines or measures, attempting IVF can be useful

Ineligible candidates for IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization)

Following may be discouraged for attempting IVF as a mode of conception: 

  1. Elder couples, especially after the age of 40 years with a history of failed IVF or Intrauterine insemination procedures
  2. Couples with higher chances of transferring genetic or familial disorder
  3. Couples who haven’t tried unprotected sexual intercourse, especially in younger couples
  4. Couples without any trials of non-invasive techniques of conception such as fertility drugs, intrauterine insemination

Right specialists type for IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization)

Your doctor will hold an affiliated degree of specialization in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Further, the doctor might have done a fellowship in In-vitro Fertilisation techniques and may have an experience in handling infertility patients.

Preparation for IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization)

In Vitro fertilization isn’t an easy choice to be made for conception purpose. The results are never guaranteed and is highly expensive.

It is advised to consider and understand the following in detail before deciding to attempt IVF:

  1. Choice of doctor and the IVF clinic- research on your doctor's qualification and clinic’s success rates
  2. Expense - the treatment cost will vary as per the IVF technique attempted and the medical condition
  3. Treatment approach 
  4. Age of the couple

Preparing for IVF using your own sperms and eggs:

Your doctor may ask you to undergo a screening test, including the following :

  1. Ovarian reserve testing - This includes investigating levels of your follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), estradiol (estrogen) and antimullerian hormone in your blood, along with an ultrasound of your ovaries. This is done to evaluate the quantity and quality of your eggs
  2. Semen analysis
  3. Infectious disease screening - Both partners will be screened for communicable and infectious diseases like HIV
  4. Practice (mock) embryo transfer - A mock transfer of the embryo into uterus might be conducted to determine the depth of uterus and understand the likely success of implantation
  5. Uterine cavity exam- This will include radiological investigation such as sono-hysterography; the test includes injecting a fluid into the uterus through the cervix and then taking images of the uterine cavity through an Ultrasound (USG). An alternate to USG is Hysteroscopy- which is a transvaginal approach of examining uterine cavity with the help of a flexible tube and a telescope

The couple should inquisitive and should understand the steps of the procedures along with techniques involved.

 Following will be useful : 

How many embryos will be transferred?

How will extra embryos be used? 

IVF & CryopreservationHow will you handle a multiple pregnancy? 

The risks associated with carrying IVF through a donor (whether donating eggs, sperm or embryos) or a gestational carrier? 

Steps of IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization)

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a multistep procedure involving several steps as mentioned below:

Ovulation induction: 

This step involves treatment with artificial or synthetic hormones to help your ovaries produce more ova or eggs. This is done as some eggs don’t fertilize and develop after fertilization.

To assist the same following can be done :

  1. Medications for ovarian stimulation
  2. Medications for oocyte maturation
  3. Medications to prevent premature ovulation
  4. Medicines to prepare the lining of your uterus
  5. Vaginal ultrasound
  6. Blood tests

Egg retrieval: 

Approximately 36 hours after the final injection, egg retrieval is carried out. It is taken care that it is done prior to ovulation. The patient is given sedation and analgesics (pain medication). 

Following methods are used for egg retrieval:

  1. Transvaginal ultrasound aspiration
  2. Abdominal surgery or laparoscopy - This is done when trans vaginal ultrasound isn’t useful

The eggs retrieved are then put in a culture medium (nutritive liquid) and are incubated. They are then made to fertilize with sperm to form embryos. 

Sperm retrieval:

Following methods can be used to retrieve semen sample:

  1. Sample provided by your partner through masturbation
  2. Testicular aspiration - this uses a needle and aspirate the semen
  3. A donor can also provide the semen sample

After the sample collection, sperms are separated from semen fluid.


Fertilization can be done using two common methods:

  1. Insemination
  2. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)

Other procedures before embryo transfer:

  1. Assisted hatching-  On 5th or 6th day after fertilization, an embryo hatches from its membranes called ‘zona pellucida’ and is ready for implantation. In cases of elderly women or multiple failed IVF, the hatching is assisted to increase the chance for growth post-transfer into the uterus.
  2. Preimplantation genetic testing - This is done to check for specific genetic diseases, number of chromosomes and chromosomal abnormalities. The embryo is made to incubate before it is transferred. A small sample is then retrieved and tested for the diseases. 

Embryo transfer:

This is done 2 to 6 weeks after egg retrieval. It is done under mild sedation and is a painless procedure. It takes around 2 weeks for a single IVF cycle to be completed. Also as per the medical condition diagnosed and the outcome of the previous cycle, more than one cycle may be required.

Post-procedure care/ recovery after IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization)

Embryo transfer is the last step for the IVF procedure. After the transfer, the couple can resume normal activities. The ovaries are still bulky and the female is advised to restrain strenuous activities like exercise or lifting heavyweights.

Risks/ complications associated with IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization)

Following are few effects the female partner may notice after the embryo transfer :

  1. Bloating or fullness sensation
  2. Mild cramping
  3. Constipation
  4. Tender breast due to effects of high estrogen levels
  5. Clear or blood-stained fluid may be passed soon after the procedure, due to swabbing of the cervix during embryo transfer

Advantages of IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization)

  1. IVF as a medical procedure has helped many couples to have a healthy baby, who are unable to conceive otherwise
  2. In ladies with blocked or damaged fallopian tube, IVF provides the best solution to have a healthy baby with their own eggs
  3. Elderly patients with a low count or reserve of eggs can take advantage of IVF
  4. Male infertility - Couples with male infertility have better results with IVF
  5. Unexplained infertility - In such cases, one can explore the results of the IVF and achieve greater success with IVF
  6. Polycystic Ovarian Disease / Syndrome (PCOD/PCOS)- It’s a condition with hormonal imbalance and the IVF procedure can assist such couples
  7. Endometriosis
  8. Unused embryos can be frozen and kept for later use and transfer
  9. Embryos through for IVF can also be used to screen for genetic diseases

Long term outcome/results of IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization)

IVF as a technique is expected to help the couple become parents with a healthy baby without any side effects. But the idea of creating test-tube babies or for that matter having any technique to assist the reproduction has always been a controversial issue. The following are few facts put forward by clinicians and renowned experts in the field of IVF, but these are still debatable:

  1. Deranged clotting factors
  2. The fact that IVF technique use and results in high estrogen levels in the body, it can result in an increased risk of blood clots
  3. There is a great chance that IVF babies may have a preterm delivery
  4. Pre-eclampsia- the term refers to an increase in blood pressure during pregnancy. There is a higher chance of mothers developing this. Such mothers are at risk of having cardiovascular disease later in life
  5. Stress and depression- this is seen higher in cases with failed IVF procedures
  6. Studies have also shown that babies born through IVF are at a higher risk of having birth defects

Success rate of IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization)

The success of IVF depends on a variety of factors mentioned above. Though research does not mark a number and guarantee success through IVF, it is believed that assisted reproductive techniques have a success of around 40%.

Options if IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization) is not successful:

IVF is offered as a multiple cycle approach and so failure in a single attempt isn’t considered as a failed IVF. Couples may opt for the following in cases of failed IVF attempts:

  1. Donor gametes
  2. Gestational surrogacy and traditional surrogacy 
  3. Adoption

Alternatives of IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization)

In Vitro Fertilisation is one of the assisted reproductive techniques. Couples may try for the following procedures as well. 

These include :

  1. Ovulation induction: In diseases like polycystic ovarian syndrome or disease, artificial induction may be useful as an alternative technique to IVF.
  2. Artificial insemination (AI) or Intrauterine insemination (IUI): This is a technique ranked closer to IVF. Sperms are prepared outside the male body and then inserted into the female reproductive system around the time of ovulation.  This is useful in couples with minor sperm insufficiency or unexplained infertility. 
  3. Surgical intervention: In cases where is infertility is the result of a primary disease such as endometriosis, surgery can be done and reverse infertility. Corrective surgeries can also happen in males depending on the diagnosis made.
  4. Combination of techniques: The couples may be advised to opt for a single procedure with multiple attempts or cycles or the doctor may also prescribe a combination of techniques, depending on the extent of the infertility. For example, Ovulation induction along with intrauterine insemination (IUI).

Know more about IVF

What is IVF?

Infertility is a common issue that affects many couples. This is defined as the inability to conceive despite having well-timed unprotected sexual intercourse for over a year. IVF or In-vitro Fertilization is a type of assisted reproductive technology that can help infertile couples conceive a child. This is often used to treat cases of infertility where no cause can be identified. IVF is a combination of medication and surgical procedures to induce ovulation, and help with the fertilization and implantation of embryos in the uterus.

How is IVF performed?

There are 4 main steps to the IVF process. A single round of treatment can take several months.

Step 1: Ovulation induction

This involves taking medication to help the ovaries produce eggs. Depending on the functioning of the ovaries, this medication may need to be taken for several months. Regular blood tests and ultrasounds are needed during this time to keep track of egg production.

Step 2: Egg retrieval

This is a minor surgery where the mature eggs are removed from the body. The procedure does not require anaesthesia but medication may be given to keep the patient comfortable. A thin, hollow tube is inserted through the vagina into the ovaries and used to gently suction out the eggs.

Step 3: Insemination

This step is performed in a lab. The harvested eggs and sperm are kept in a special container where the eggs may be fertilized. In some cases, the sperm may be directly injected into the eggs.

Step 4: Embryo Transfer

After 3-5 days, 2 or 3 embryos are implanted into the uterus.

If any of these embryos attach themselves to the uterine lining, pregnancy will occur.

Who is a good candidate for IVF?

You are eligible for IVF if:

  • You have been unable to conceive for over a year
  • You have tried other forms of fertility treatment unsuccessfully
  • You have blocked fallopian tubes
  • You have polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
  • You have endometriosis
  • You have uterine fibroids
  • You have premature ovarian failure
  • You have ovulation disorders

What risks will I face while undergoing the IVF procedure?

The risks of IVF include:

  • Cramps
  • Bloating
  • Mood swings
  • Breast tenderness
  • Headaches
  • Allergic reaction to the medication
  • Bleeding
  • Infections
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Multiple births
  • Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
  • Stress

What are the pre-procedure guidelines I should follow for an IVF? 

IVF is a long treatment and hence you must choose a clinic carefully. It is essential for the patient to be comfortable with the doctor and his team. Women trying to get pregnant must quit smoking and stop drinking alcohol before they begin treatment. It is also important to get adequate nutrition and exercise regularly to maintain a healthy BMI.

What should I do after the embryos are implanted?

It is advisable to rest for a day after the embryos are implanted. This gives them a better chance of attaching themselves to the uterus living. Normal activities may be resumed the next day. Any kind of vigorous activity should be avoided.

What determines the success of an IVF cycle?

IVF has a high success rate but not everyone has the same chances of success. Some of the factors that determine IVF success rates are:

  • Woman’s age
  • Younger women have a higher chance of getting pregnant as compared to older women. Women over the age of 40 years are often advised to use donor eggs.
  • Embryo status
  • Embryos that are transferred at a more developed stage usually have a higher chance of being implanted in the uterus as compared to lesser developed embryos.
  • Reproductive history
  • Women who have had children before have a higher chance of a successful IVF cycle. Women who have undergone IVF treatment before unsuccessfully have a low chance of getting pregnant with another round of IVF.
  • Cause of infertility
  • Women with severe endometriosis have a low chance of getting pregnant with IVF.
  • Lifestyle factors
  • Smoking and obesity reduce the chances of having a successful pregnancy after IVF. Women who smoke produce fewer mature eggs and have a higher risk of miscarriage. The use of recreational drugs, alcohol and certain types of medications can also be harmful.
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