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1. What is stroke?
A stroke is a result of reduced blood supply to your part of the brain, resulting in a decreased level of oxygen and nutrients to the brain tissue. Within minutes, brain cells begin to die. A stroke is a medical emergency for which immediate and prompt treatment is required. Early action can reduce brain damage and future complications.
2. What are the symptoms of a stroke?
Symptoms of a stroke include speaking and understanding difficulty, confusion, paralysis or lack of sensation on the face, arm or leg, sudden blurred vision in one or both eyes, double vision, sudden and severe headache. The severity of symptoms depends upon the site and size of the brain area involved.
3. How is stroke diagnosed?
Doctor will ask about the origin and progress of the symptoms, any medical condition you suffer from like hypertension and diabetes and history of head injuries. Blood tests can tell your blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and any infection. A CT scan can show a haemorrhage, tumour, stroke and other conditions. An MRI can identify brain tissue damaged by brain haemorrhages and an ischemic stroke.
4. Can high blood pressure cause stroke?
Yes, high blood pressure can cause a leak or rupture in a blood vessel in the brain. This type of stroke is known as hemorrhagic stroke.
5. is physiotherapy helpful in recovering from stroke?
Yes, physiotherapy plays a key role in stroke recovery. To maintain circulation and prevent stiffness, affected muscles and nerves can be stimulated by stroke physical therapists. By learning basic muscle movements they can guide patients through the stages of stroke recovery.
Name | Recommended By | Review Count | Years of Experience | Fee |
Dr. Samir Patel | 75% | 4 | 11 | 1000 |
Dr. Vishal Jogi | 91% | 55 | 15 | 1600 |
Dr. Sucheta Mudgerikar | 79% | 7 | 39 | 1200 |
Dr. Mukesh Sharma | 50% | 5 | 23 | 2000 |
Dr. Bhumir Chauhan | 100% | 4 | 13 | 1400 |
Dr. Arvind Sharma | 57% | 6 | 800 |