- Limitations on Your Use of Software
6.1. Your licence to use Software is a non-exclusive, personal licence to use the Software for private use only on the applicable Authorised Systems (as indicated on the box for Disc-Based Software, in the product description for Digital Software or otherwise notified by us to you from time to time) and only in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, India, Russia and Oceania. Your licence to use games is not transferrable unless your local applicable laws say it must be.
6.2. You must not use Software commercially, broadcast it, charge for its use or make other public performance of it without express permission from us and, if the publisher is another company, additionally from the publisher.
6.3. You must not lease, rent, sublicense, publish, modify, adapt, or translate any portion of the Software.
6.4. You must not emulate the Software.
6.5. To the fullest extent permitted by law, you must not reverse-engineer, decompile, disassemble or copy any portion of the Software, or create any derivative works, or otherwise attempt to create source code from Software object code.
6.6. You must not use any means to bypass or disable any encryption, security, or authentication mechanism for the Authorised Systems or any Software, or to gain unauthorised access or to interfere with any account, service, hardware, software or network connected to the PSN.
6.7. You must not use stolen or illegally acquired Authorised Systems or Software.
6.8. Use of the community features provided by your Authorised System and authorised Software published for use on it in accordance with the applicable agreements described in clause 9.1 will not breach clauses 6.2 and 6.5 of these Terms.