Nota sobre el futuro de las bicicletas y patinetes de Lyft del CEO David Risher

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PBSC arrives in Austin, Texas!

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We're delighted to announce the launch of a new fully-electric bike-sharing solution in Austin, Texas. Deployed in collaboration with our operating partner CapMetro, the system features 494 E-FIT e-bikes and 76 smart stations. The city has also unveiled an ambitious expansion plan, aiming to triple the size of the fleet over the next five years.

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More e-bikes for Santander Cycles

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In response to growing demand for electric bikes, the Santander Cycles bike-sharing solution in London is expanding. A further 900 E-FIT e-bikes have been added to the fleet, which now includes a total of 1,500 electric-assist bikes. 

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Partner’s Corner

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A record season for àVélo!


Quebec City's bike-sharing scheme sets a new record, reporting over 670,000 trips since the launch of its 2024 season just 3 months ago. These impressive figures reflect the system's growing popularity among the city's residents and tourists.

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Bicimad is on a roll


In Madrid, Bicimad reflects on its first half-year. In just six months, the system recorded over 4.5 million rides on its bikes, surpassing the annual records set until 2022. Impressively, 44% of the system's users are women, compared to 56% men. Congrats Bicimad for these impressive data!

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Bike Share Toronto's growing success


Bike Share Toronto smashed its daily ridership record, reaching 31,405 trips in a single day! Program Director Justin Hanna says he hopes to reach 6.2 million rides by 2024. This impressive performance highlights the citizens' commitment to active and sustainable mobility.

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PBSC fabrica su propia tecnología avanzada y fácil de usar.

Nuestras soluciones tecnológicas incluyen el software de gestión basado en la nube, la aplicación PBSC, las estaciones inteligentes y el dispositivo de anclaje patentado que bloquea tu bicicleta y se comunica con el sistema operativo.