A note on the future of Lyft bikes and scooters from CEO David Risher

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Following the recent deployment of Bicimad, Madrid's new fully-electric fleet, PBSC now has over 20,000 bikes rolling in Spain, including 14,000 electric bikes. The continuous growth positions PBSC as Spain's leading bike-sharing system provider. 

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Let's take a look back at the beginning of our Spanish expansion. In 2019, PBSC entered the Spanish market by deploying a new bike-sharing solution in Barcelona: the Bicing system. With proven expertise in systems transition management, our team handled the data migration from the old systems to the new ones. Thus, PBSC seamlessly migrated the data of more than 100,000 members. With an increase in ridership and membership, Bicing has quickly won over the hearts of Barcelonians, becoming an essential element of the city.

Building on its success, Bicing has announced plans to expand its fleet in 2024. This upcoming expansion will add 1,000 e-bikes and 74 new smart stations to the scheme, for a total number of 8,000 bikes, including 5,000 e-bikes, spread across 583 stations.

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Four deployments followed between 2020 and 2023: San Sebastian, La Coruña, Valladolid and finally Madrid. By introducing new systems replacing older ones provided by other suppliers, PBSC considerably expanded all four cities' fleets, doubling - or even tripling - the number of bikes and stations. All systems are equipped with our smart charging stations, able to recharge electric bikes quickly and automatically at the station.

Residents and tourists immediately embraced our new solutions, as evidenced by the numbers reported from operators showing a major increase in ridership and membership. Consequently, the fleets in San Sebastian and La Coruña have already experienced their initial expansions. Moreover, Bicicoruña has unveiled plans for a forthcoming expansion of its system, scheduled for early 2024. This expansion will introduce 300 e-bikes and 30 more stations to the fleet. 

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Our latest deployment in Madrid, Spain, achieved a significant milestone, standing as PBSC's largest e-bike fleet deployed in the world to date. This launch also highlights the growing trend towards the electrification of bike-sharing systems.

Since then, the system has consistently achieved new milestones, with a record-breaking year 2023. The solution registered over 7.6 million journeys in 2023, a 95% increase compared to the previous year when the system was provided by a former supplier. Over 18 million kilometers have been traveled with the new system and Bicimad counts an average of 900 daily registrations.

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PBSC is thrilled to celebrate its 5-year anniversary in Spain, as we provide more than 12 million people with healthy, active, and sustainable micromobility solutions ! Our growth in Spain doesn't stop there, as we are looking forward to future expansions, innovation, and upcoming cities launches in Spain. Stay tuned… 

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PBSC’s advanced, user-friendly technology is built in-house. In addition to our bikes, e-scooters and Smart Stations, we offer an app for users, management system for operators, and much more.