The 2024 General Election ballot will be lengthy. Avoid lines and vote from the convenience of your home.

All Vote By Mail requests expired after the 2022 General Election. To request a Vote By Mail for the 2024 elections, visit our Vote By Mail Online Request or call 800-851-8754.

Constitutional Amendments

As required by 100.371(5), Florida Statutes, each proposed constitutional amendment that is placed on the ballot by the citizen initiative process is required to have included an initiative financial information statement. 

The Supervisor of Elections is required to provide this information on the supervisor’s website, and list, as well as the web sites for the Secretary of State and the Office of Economic and Demographic Research.

Division of Elections - 

General Election 2024:

Initiatives / Amendments / Revisions Database

Secretary of State -

Office of Economic and Demographic Research


Florida 2024 ballot measures - Ballotpedia