The 2024 General Election ballot will be lengthy. Avoid lines and vote from the convenience of your home.

All Vote By Mail requests expired after the 2022 General Election. To request a Vote By Mail for the 2024 elections, visit our Vote By Mail Online Request or call 800-851-8754.

Data Requests

Voter Registration Data

  • Requests for voter registration data may be made in person, by telephone, in writing, or by email
  • Visit for office locations
  • Call 800-851-8754 and ask for candidate department
  • Mail your request to Supervisor of Elections, PO Box 300, Dade City, FL, 33526-0300
  • Email your request to [email protected] 
  • The voter information provided may include, but is not limited to: name, address, ID number, precinct, party, gender, race, voting history, etc.  If you would like public email addresses to be included, your request must specifically ask that the public emails be included with the data.
  • The data is provided in text format (.txt) and sortable once opened in specific applications (such as Excel or Access).  
  • Data is free of charge.
  • Contact the elections’ office for more information as needed.


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