
Career Opportunities

Job Description, Characteristics, and Opportunities

The primary responsibility of all uniform patrol officers is to protect the lives and property of the people of the City of Pasadena, to enforce federal, state and local laws and to serve the people in the manner necessary within the scope and duties of their particular assignment.

Effectively fulfilling the duties of a Pasadena police officer requires the employment of a broad range of skills while under stress and sometimes in hostile environments. The ability to appropriately respond to each situation is crucial, requiring keen observation, good communication, rational thinking and if an incident demands it, the ability to physically restrain another person.

While no written description can encompass the many skills necessary to resolve every challenge an officer may face, the list below is useful in providing a starting point for understanding what officers may be expected to do. Job Description

In addition to the Patrol Division, the Pasadena Police Department has many challenging and diverse assignments that are available to patrol officers.

After two years in the Patrol Division, officers may be assigned to Auto Crimes Unit, Community Services, Crime Scene Investigations, Domestic Violence, Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Unit, D.W.I. Task Force, Gang Intelligence Unit, K-9 Unit, Burglary & Theft, Violent Crimes, Financial Crimes, Juveniles, Motorcycle Unit, Narcotics, and Personnel and Training.

Officers also staff S.W.A.T., Crisis Negotiation Team, Special Events Response Team, Bicycle Patrol, and more.