Note to Applicants, Tenants and Owners

The City of Pasadena Housing Program waiting list is currently CLOSED. We are not accepting applications at this time. 

Perspective and Current Waiting List Applicants

The City Of Pasadena Housing Choice Voucher Program waiting list is currently closed and is not accepting applications at this time. Pasadena Housing Office will publicly advertise when the waiting list opens.

If you are currently on The Pasadena Housing Office waiting list, you must keep the housing office informed if you have a change of address by submitting a Change Of Address form.  If you do not respond to notices of scheduled appointments or, any notice is returned to Pasadena Housing Office was undeliverable, your family’s name will be removed from the waiting list.

When your name reaches the top of the waiting list, Pasadena Housing Office will send written notification via the United States Postal Service to a physical mailing address to notify you to provide documents for screening and eligibility determination.  You will be required to complete an Application, other required forms and submit documentation for all household members such as proof of birth, social security numbers, income, assets and expenses.  Before you are issued a voucher, Pasadena Housing Office will verify your household information and determine whether you are eligible to participate in the Pasadena Housing Office Housing Choice Voucher Program.


As a participant of the Pasadena Housing Office Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCVP) remember to:

    Report changes in your income and or household composition within ten days of the change in writing on the appropriate change form.

    Be present at the unit for the annual HQS inspection

    Comply with annual recertification procedures timely

    Pay your portion of rent to the landlord, on time

    Comply with the terms of your lease

You must contact your case manager and inform them of any of the following:

    Any change in income

    Changes to your family composition

    Someone has moved out

    If you are having problems with your unit

    If a household member turns 18 years of age.


Good relationships between the Pasadena Housing Office and landlords are key to the program's success.

Please Remember:

    Your main point of contact is your Housing Coordinator.

    Always comply with all Fair Housing and Americans with Disabilities Act requirements.

    Inform Pasadena Housing Office when and if there are any changes in ownership and/or utility changes.

    Do not allow a tenant to move into the unit until there is an approved inspection, approved rent, signed lease and signed HAP contract.

    Continued occupancy will be based on your unit being in good standing with all Housing Assistance payments provisions as well as passing all required inspections.

    New move ins, return lease agreement within 24-48 hours to prevent a delay in HAP