Preston Park

map of plans for preston park
Sign at park entrance - construction coming soon

Preston Park is a project that begun the design process in late 2021. This city property has had plans to become a park for many years, but there has not been funding and time to do so. The sale of some other city property has helped to fund phase one of this park. It will be an approximately 37 acre park that includes a large pond at the triangle formed by Crenshaw Rd. on the North, Beltway 8 on the East and Preston Rd. on the South. The trail that will surround the pond will provide a great exercise and recreational opportunity with potential connections to other locations.

Amenities proposed in Phase 1 of this park include:

  • Parking lot and entrance gate
  • Concrete trail surrounding the pond
  • Native tree plantings
  • Wetland vegetation plantings
  • Pond aerators
  • Benches

Other projects if funding will allow also include solar lighting, a fishing pier and other park amenities. 

Click Here to read the article from the Houston Chronicle!

For more information about this project, please email