Victim Assistance Information


  • Shelter Services - "The Bridge".............................. 713-473-2801
  • Adult/Child Protective Services........................... 800-252-5400
  • Crisis Hotline.................... 832-416-1177
  • HCA Houston Healthcare Southeast......................... 713-359-2000
  • Sarah's House....................713-475-1480
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline..............................800-799-SAFE
  •           TTY: 800-787-3224
  •           Chat online:
  •           Text: "START" to 88788
  • Texas Department of Public Safety Victim Support Services...512-424-2211

National Sexual Assault Hotline - RAINN (Rape, Abuse @ Incest National Network)

If you have been sexually assaulted, consider contacting the RAINN Hotline to connect with a trained staff member from a local sexual assault service provider in your area. 


  • Aid to Victims of Domestic Abuse.............. 713-224-9911
  • Lone Star Legal Aid................................... 713-652-0077
  • Houston Volunteer Lawyers...................... 713-228-0732
  • District Attorney's Domestic Violence ...... 713-274-0212 
  • District Attorney's Victim/Services ........... 713-274-0250

If you have any questions concerning your rights as a crime victim, protective orders, Texas Crime Victim Compensation, or any family violence issues contact the Pasadena Police Department Crime Victim Liaison at 713-475-4814.

Understanding the Criminal Justice Process

The Criminal Justice Process is designed to provide justice and protection for every member of society.  If you have been a victim of a crime, see the chart below to help you better understand the process and develop you expectations.  Please keep in mind this process could vary in length depending on the type of crime committed.

Criminal Justice Process English
Criminal Justice Process Spanish




It is a crime for any person to cause you physical injury or harm, even if that person is a member or former member of your family or household.

Please tell the investigating peace officer:

If you, your child, or any other household resident has been injured; or

IF you feel you are going to be in danger when the officer leaves or later.

You have the right to:

ASK the local prosecutor to file a criminal complaint against the person committing the family violence; and

APPLY to a court for an order to protect you (you should consult a legal aid office, a prosecuting attorney, or a private attorney). You cannot be charged a fee by a court in connection with filing, serving, or entering a protective order.

For example, the court can enter an order that:

(1) the abuser not commit further acts of violence;

(2) the abuser not threaten, harass, or contact you at home;

(3) directs the abuser to leave your household; and

(4) establishes temporary custody of the children and directs the abuser not to interfere with the children or any property.



The Bridge .................... 713-473-2801

Crime Victim Services - Pasadena Police Department ....... 713-475-4814

Harris County District Attorney's Domestic violence Division            (Protective Orders) ...... 713-274-0212

The Court Can Enter The Following Orders:


Prior to a hearing, a court may enter a EX PARTE PROTECTIVE ORDER. This order may direct the abuser to leave your home, and order the abuser to refrain from abusing you in the future. If any provision of an Ex Parte Protective Order has been violated, you should immediately notify the attorney who drafted it or call the Pasadena Police Department. 


After a hearing, the court may enter a PROTECTIVE ORDER. This Protective Order may be good for (2) years. A VIOLATION OF CERTAIN PROVISION OF A PROTECTIVE ORDER IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE. The Police Department should be notified if an individual violates a Protective Order by committing family violence, directly communicating with a family member in a threatening or harassing manner, or by going to or near the residence or a place of employment described in the protective order. A court may, in its order, establish temporary custody of children. If a police officer arrests a person in violation of a Protective Order not committed in his presence, or for any offense involving family violence, if physically able to do so, the victim must appear, at the police department following the arrest to file charges. Failure to do so may result in the release of the offender without charges. Any person charged with an offense has a right to bail and is subject to speedy release. The police department has no control over this action.

Family violence /protective orders


If charges are filed against the person who committed family violence against you, then the police officer investigating your case, the prosecutor, or you may ask the court for an emergency order. The order can prohibit the person who committed family violence against you from (1) committing further acts of violence against you, (2) threatening or harassing you, and (3) going to or near your residence, your place of work, and any school or child care facility regularly attended by your child or children. The order is good for 61 days. It allows criminal charges to be brought against the person who committed family violence against you if that person violates the order. The order may be requested when the person who committed family violence against you is brought before the court, such as during arraignment. 

Lease Termination

You may be able to legally end your lease without penalty.

To do so, you will need to have at least one of the following documents:

  • A temporary injunction, issued as part of a divorce proceeding.
  • Any of the protective orders listed above. 
  • A document regarding family violence against the tenant or occupant from at least one of the following:
    • A licensed health care services provider who examined you.
    • A licensed mental health services provider who examined or evaluated you.
    • An advocate at a family violence center who helped you.

To learn more, visit For more information and certification forms, visit and click on the Lease Termination tab under Moving Forward.


It is a crime for any person to cause you any physical injury or harm.

Please tell the investigating peace officer if you have been injured or if you feel you are going to be in danger when the officer leaves or at a later time.

You have the right to:

             (1) obtain a forensic medical examination within 120 hours of the assault to collect potential evidence and receive preventative medications, even if you decide not to make a report to a law enforcement agency;

             (2) anonymously track or receive updates regarding the status and location of each item of evidence collected in your case;

             (3) have a sexual assault program advocate present during a forensic medical examination;

             (4) have a sexual assault program advocate or other victim's representative present during an investigative interview with law enforcement;

             (5) ask the local prosecutor to file a criminal complaint against the person who assaulted you; and

             (6) if a defendant is arrested for a crime against you involving certain sexual crimes, stalking, or trafficking:

                   (A) request an order for emergency protection to be issued by a magistrate; and

                   (B) apply to a court for a permanent order to protect you (you should consult a legal aid office, a prosecuting attorney, or a private attorney).

For example, the court can enter an order that prohibits the person who assaulted you from:

             (1) committing further acts of violence;

             (2) threatening, harassing, or contacting you or a member of your family or household; and

             (3) going near your place of employment or near a child care facility or school attended by you or a member of your family or household.

You cannot be charged a fee by a court in connection with filing, serving, or entering a protective order.

If you have questions about the status of your case or need assistance, you may contact our crime victim liaison: 

Mercedes Santillanes 

Pasadena Police Department

1201 Davis St., Pasadena, TX 77506 


If you would like to speak with someone in the prosecuting attorney's office, you may reach their victim assistance coordinator at: 

1201 Franklin St. 2nd Floor, Houston, TX 77002 


Call the following sexual assault program or social service organization if you need assistance or wish to speak with an advocate:

The Bridge Over Troubled Waters

3811 Allen-Genoa Rd., Pasadena, TX 77504

24-hour Hotline


You may receive a sexual assault forensic medical examination at the following location(s):

The Bridge Over Troubled Waters

3811 Allen-Genoa Rd., Pasadena, TX 77504

24-hour Hotline


To get help from the National Human Trafficking Hotline:

1-888-373-7888 or text HELP or INFO to BeFree (233733).

right of crime victims


"Victim" means a person who is the victim of sexual assault, kidnapping, or aggravated robbery or who has suffered bodily injury or death as a result of the criminal conduct of another. (a) A victim, guardian of a victim, or close relative of a deceased victim is entitled to the following rights within the criminal justice system: 

(1) THE RIGHT to receive from law enforcement agencies adequate protection from harm and threats of harm arising from cooperation with prosecution efforts;

(2) THE RIGHT to have the magistrate take the safety of the victim or his family into consideration as an element in fixing the amount of bail for the accused;

(3) THE RIGHT, if requested, to be informed of relevant court proceedings and to be informed if those court proceedings have been canceled or rescheduled prior to the event;

(4) THE RIGHT to be informed, when requested, by a peace officer concerning the defendant's right to bail and the procedures in criminal investigations and by the district attorney's office concerning the general procedures in the criminal justice system, including general procedures in guilty plea negotiations and arraignments, restitution, and the appeals and parole process;

(5) THE RIGHT to provide pertinent information to a probation department conducting a presentencing investigation concerning the impact of the offense on the victim and his family by testimony, written statement, or any other manner prior to any sentencing of the offender;

(6) THE RIGHT to receive information regarding compensation to victims of crime as provided by Subchapter B, Chapter 56, including information relating to the cost that may be compensated under the Act and the amount of compensation, eligibility for compensation, and procedures for application for compensation under the Act, the payment for medical examination under the Article 56.06 of this code for a victim of sexual assault, and when requested, to referrals for available social service agencies that may offer additional assistance;

(7) THE RIGHT to be informed, upon request, of parole procedures, to participate in the parole process, to be notified, if requested, of parole proceedings concerning a defendant in the victim's case, to provide to the Board of Pardons and Paroles for inclusion in the defendant's file information to be considered by the board prior to the parole of any defendant convicted of any crime subject to the Act, and to be notified, if requested, of the defendant's release;

(8) THE RIGHT to be provided with a waiting area, separate or secure from other witnesses, including the offender, and relatives of the offender, before testifying in any proceeding concerning the offender if a separate waiting area is not available, other safeguards should be taken to minimize the victim's contact with the offender and the offender's relatives and witnesses, before and during court proceedings;

(9) THE RIGHT to prompt return of any property of the victim that is held by a law enforcement agency or the attorney for the state as evidence when the property is no longer required for that purpose;

(10) THE RIGHT to have the attorney for the state notify the employer of the victim, if requested, of the necessity of the victim's cooperation and testimony in a proceeding that may necessitate the absence of the victim from work for a good cause;

(11) THE RIGHT to counseling, on request, regarding acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and testing for acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, antibodies to HIV, or infection or infection with any other probable causative agent of AIDS, if the offense is an offense under Section 21.11 (a) (1) [Indecency with a Child], 22.011 [Sexual Assault], or 22.021 [Aggravated Sexual Assault], Penal Code. 

(b) A victim is entitled to the right to be present at all public court proceedings related to the offense, subject to approval of the judge in the case.

(c) The office of the attorney representing the state, and the sheriff, police, and other law enforcement agencies shall ensure to the extent practicable that a victim, guardian of a victim, or close relative of a deceased victim is afforded the rights granted by Sub-section (a) of this article, and on request, an explanation of those rights.  

(d) A judge, attorney for the state, peace officer, or law enforcement agency is not liable for a failure or inability to provide a right enumerated in the article. The failure or inability of any person to provide a right or service enumerated in this article may not be used by a defendant in a criminal case as a ground for an appeal, a ground to set aside the conviction or sentence, or a ground in a habeas corpus petition. A victim, guardian of a victim, or close relative of a deceased victim does not have standing to participate as a party in a criminal proceeding or to contest the disposition of any charge.

State law provides that a victim, guardian of a victim, or close relative of a deceased victim may complete a Victim Impact Statement and have it considered by the court in a criminal case prior to the imposition of a sentence and by the Board of Pardons and Paroles in the parole process. 

A law enforcement agency that requests a medical examination of a victim of alleged sexual assault for the use in the investigation or prosecution of the offense shall pay all costs of the examination. This does not include any costs of treatment for injuries, pregnancy testing, and/or prevention or treatment for sexually transmitted diseases.

If you or your family have been contacted or threatened by the defendant or the defendant's family since the crime occurred, please contact your local law enforcement agency and prosecutor immediately.

crime victim compensation

Purpose: To compensate citizens of the United States who suffer personal injury or death as the result of a violent crime.

Administered by the Office of the Attorney General, Crime Victim Compensation Division, Austin, Texas.

Crime Victim Compensation is available to pay the amount of expense reasonably and necessarily incurred for;

(i) hospitals, doctors, dentists, surgical, prescriptions, optometry, chiropractic, crutches, artificial appliances, eyeglasses, or dental devices that are broken, physical therapy.

(ii) costs associated with making a home or automobile accessible, providing job training and vocational rehabilitation, training in the use of special appliances, home health care, and reimbursement of lost wages, for victims suffering catastrophic injuries.

(iii) psychiatric/psychological care or counseling.

(iv) loss of earnings because of a disability resulting from the personal injury.

(v) care of a child or dependent, enabling a victim, a victim's spouse, or a legal guardian of the victim, but not all of them, to continue or engage in gainful employment;

In order to qualify for a Crime Victim Compensation:

1. The crime must be reported to law enforcement within a reasonable period of time so as not to hamper the investigation and prosecution of the crime. 

2. Claim must be filed within three years unless good cause can be shown as to why the claim wasn't filed.

3. The victim must be cooperating with the law enforcement and prosecution efforts.

4. The victim must be the innocent victim of a violent crime.

Crime Victim Compensation is the last source of financial assistance to pay.

The Crime Victim Assistance Program will assist you in applying for and obtaining benefits from CVC. We will also notify service providers that a claim has been applied for and is pending.



Es un crimen que una persona le cause daño físico (herida, golpes); no importa que esa persona sea miembro de su familia o alguien que ha vivido en su residencia.

Por favor dígale al oficial que investigue:

            Si usted, sus niños o alguien de su domicilio ha sido herido o si usted cree que cuando el oficial abandone la casa, alguien le va hacer daño a usted.

Usted tiene derecho a:

Pedir que el fiscal local ponga cargos criminales en contra de la persona que cometió violencia en contra de su familia.  Solicite a la corte una Orden de Protección para protegerla a usted. (Debe consultar con un abogado, a una oficina de ayuda legal o a un procurador) La corte no le puede cobrar a usted por registrar, entregar o iniciar una Orden de Protección.

Por ejemplo, la corte puede ordenar una orden donde:

         (1) El abusador no cometa otros actos de violencia;

         (2) El abusador no le hable, moleste o amenace a usted en su casa;

         (3) Que al abusador se salga de la casa;

         (4) Que se establezca custodia temporal de los niños y ordenar al abusador que no trate de hacerle daño a los niños ni a la propiedad.

Una violación de ciertas provisiones de protección ordenada por la corte, (como (1) y (2) de arriba) PUEDE SER UN DELITO.  Llame a los siguientes números si usted necesita protección o asistencia con órdenes de protección.


The Bridge (servicios de refugio) ……....….. 713-473-2801

Policía de Pasadena (servicios para víctimas del crimen) …...........….. 713-475-4814

División de Violencia Domestica (órdenes de protección)….............…. 713-274-0212

La Corte Puede Registrar Las siguientes Ordenes:

A)    Orden Protectiva EX PARTE

Antes de la cita formal, la corte puede presentar una Orden Protectiva EX PARTE.  Esta Orden dirige al abusador que se salga de su casa y que deje de maltratarla a usted en un futuro.  Si alguna provisión de una Orden Protectiva EX PARTE ha sido violada, debe notificar inmediatamente al abogado que inicio la orden, o llamar a la policía.

B)    Orden Protectiva

Después de la cita formal, la corte puede presentar una Orden Protectiva.  Esta orden puede estar en efecto por un año.  Una violación de Orden Protectiva es una ofensa criminal y se puede hacer cumplir dondequiera en el Estado de Texas.  El Departamento de Policía debe ser notificado si un individuo viola la Orden Protectiva, cometiendo un acto de violencia familiar, si se comunica con un miembro de la familia en una forma amenazante o molestante, o si se acerca o va la residencia o a al lugar de empleo, como este escrito en la orden.  La corte también puede establecer custodia temporal de los hijos.  Si un agente de la policía arresta a una persona por una violación de la Orden Protectiva, que no fue cometida en la presencia del oficial, o por cualquier ofensa en la presencia del oficial, o por cualquier ofensa envolviendo un acto de violencia familiar, es necesario que la víctima se presente al Departamento de Policía, si la víctima es físicamente capaz, para registrar una denuncia.  Si no lo hace, puede resultar en la libertad sin cargos al ofensor.  Cualquier persona que sea acusada con una ofensa tiene derechos a una fianza y ser liberado rápidamente, El Departamento de Police no tiene control sobre esta acción.

C)    Orden de Magistrado Para Protección de Emergencia

Si cargos son registrados en contra de la persona que cometió violencia familiar en contra de usted, el oficial de policía que investigo su caso, el fiscal público o usted misma, puede pedirle a la corte por una Orden de Emergencia.  Esta orden prohíbe a la persona que cometió violencia familiar en contra de usted de: (1) cometer mas hechos en contra de usted, (2) amenazar o acosar a usted (3) ir o estar cerca de su residencia, su trabajo, y escuela o lugar donde atienen y cuidan a sus niños.  La orden es buena por 61 días y deja que cargos criminales puedan ser formulados en contra de la persona que cometió violencia familiar en contra de usted, si la persona abusa esta orden.  Puede pedir esta orden cuando la persona que cometió violencia familiar en contra de usted, se presente en la corte o durante el proceso de la persona.