Vince Bayou Community Garden

VB Garden Grid (3)
  1. 1 Pictures at the Vince Bayou Community Garden
  2. 2 Pictures at the Vince Bayou Community Garden
  3. 3 Pictures at the Vince Bayou Community Garden
  4. 4 Pictures at the Vince Bayou Community Garden
  5. 5 Pictures at the Vince Bayou Community Garden
  6. 6 Pictures at the Vince Bayou Community Garden
  7. 7 Pictures at the Vince Bayou Community Garden
  8. 8 Pictures at the Vince Bayou Community Garden
  9. 9 a garden bed
  10. 10 ginger root and strawberries
  11. 11 bulletin board at the garden
  12. 12 sign in a garden plot
  13. 13 harvested carrots
  14. 14 fruit tree planting
  15. 15 fruit tree planting
  16. 16 fruit tree planting
  17. 17 fruit tree planting
  18. 18 fruit tree planting


Pasadena Parks and Recreation Department, in partnership with Chevron Pasadena Refinery, The Economic Development Corporation, Urban Harvest, and Pasadena's Planning Department, have worked to create a Community Garden for the citizens of Pasadena!

On existing Pasadena property, adjacent to Vince Bayou and Harris St., we have installed a curb and entrance, a locking gate, a parking area, and a fenced in garden. Thanks to a generous donation from our partner, Chevron Pasadena Refinery, we have installed the raised beds. This community garden will offer the opportunity for citizens to get outside and grow their own healthy vegetables. 

Questions? Feel free to contact us at 713-475-7048 or email us at 

Rent-A-Plot (Sign-Up)

  1. *Please read the following information. If you are still interested, please CLICK SUBMIT at the bottom of this page. By clicking submit, you agree that your information will be shared with the Parks and Recreation Department so you can be contacted to secure placement in the garden!

    The Pasadena Community and Demonstration Garden has a purpose! It's a community project for neighbors, friends and volunteers to work together for its success. It is beneficial to you as well as the community and it is fun! For these reasons, please show respect for your fellow gardener. Failure to comply will result in dismissal from the Pasadena Community and Demonstration Garden. For safety, fairness and the enjoyment of the garden the following rules will be strictly enforced.  


    1.    Do not share the combination lock code with anyone. This is the garden leader's responsibility. When the combination is given to you it is for your use only.

    2.    Membership inquiries should be directed to the Garden Leaders. Only Garden Leaders make bed assignments.

    3.    Garden beds are not transferable or assumed when a member leaves the garden.

    4.    For your security, lock yourself in the garden when you are alone.

    5.    Lock the gate when you leave. Don't leave it open for someone else.

    6.    Due to limited beds, new bed assignments will be made for one bed only.

    7.    You must maintain your plot in an "Acceptable Manner" -means that you are actively gardening -digging, sowing, planting, weeding, harvesting, watering, etc. -once a week during the growing season. If you are ill or on a short vacation, inform your garden leader or ask a fellow gardener to attend to your garden.

    8.    Warning notices and plot reassignment -A garden found to be in an unacceptable manner will be flagged by the garden leaders. The gardener will be given 10 days to remedy the situation. A second warning will be sent after the 10 days has passed and the garden bed still shows no improvement, for an additional 10 days to remedy (a total of 20 days). The gardener will then be notified that his or her garden bed has been reclaimed for reassignment.

    9.    When you have finished gardening, turn off the water and return the hose to the water spigot -do this to prevent accidents and as a courtesy to your neighbor.

    10.    When you are assigned a bed in the garden, you agree to help maintain the garden as needed -you may be asked to assist in planting, watering, weeding, mowing, etc.

    11.    Do not dig, fertilize, or spray anything, water, weed, plant or harvest from anyone's bed without permission!

    12.    The special soil and mulch were purchased by the City of Pasadena for use in the Pasadena community Garden Only! Never remove from the garden for use outside of the garden.

    13.    We do not grow vegetables to sell; we do not sell plants or seeds. This is a serious violation that will result in immediate termination!

    14.    Do not allow pets to roam the garden. All pets must be restrained while in the garden. Never allow pets in areas where food is being prepared or consumed.

    15.    We do not allow illicit plants to be grown in our garden. If discovered, you will be removed from the community garden and reported to the authorities.


        Dues are $25 semi-annually (Jan. – Jun. & Jul. – Dec.) or $40 for an entire year (Jan. – Dec.). Please give the signed Registration Form with your dues to City of Pasadena Parks and Recreation Dept. by Dec. 15th for the first half of the year or Jun. 15th for the second half of the year to secure your plot for the year. (Make checks payable to City of Pasadena.) Dues are not refundable. Fees can be waived for community organizations or schools.

        Members are expected to participate in the care and maintenance of our garden throughout the growing season. This includes the common areas as well as your individual plot. You will be asked to take responsibility for a specific caretaking task in the common areas. There will be group workdays that you will be encouraged to participate in.

        Members are expected to keep their plots neat and tidy: weed regularly, remove dead plants, contain plants within the plot, and harvest your vegetables when they're ripe. Each gardener is also responsible for keeping the walkways around their plot free of weeds, litter, debris, and sprawling plants. If you are having trouble keeping up or need help, please contact the leader.

        Any gardener whose plot has weeds over one foot tall, plants leaning into or obstructing surrounding walkways, or overripe and rotting vegetables will be notified by the garden leader. The situation must be amended within one week of notification or the plot will be reassigned. Again, contact the leader if you are having difficulty.

        If you take a vacation or must be gone for an extended time, it is your responsibility to find someone else to maintain your plot to the above standards in your absence. Please notify the garden leader of the name and phone number of this person. Notify your garden leader immediately if you are moving, or if you are no longer able to attend your garden plot so that it may be promptly reassigned.

        Water is available in the Garden from the spigot. Each member is expected to provide a sprayer head of their own choosing. Be sure to take with you when you leave. After watering, turn off the faucet and coil the hose(s) neatly. Return tools and equipment to the storage shed and lock the door. Return other Items to designated storage areas.

        All garden beds must be cleared of dead vegetation, unused stakes, and other debris by the end of December. This should be done regardless of whether garden bed use will continue, or it will be turned over to another gardener.

        Report immediately any theft or vandalism of community property or in your plot both to your garden leader, and the Pasadena Parks and Recreation Dept. (713) 475-7048.

    Finally, thank you in advance for your cooperation in following these guidelines. They will ensure that everyone has a successful and enjoyable growing season!

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Community Garden Plot Rental Fee

Item Half Year Full Year
One Planting Bed $25 $40
  1. Vince Bayou Community Garden

    Physical Address
    501 W. Harris Ave.
    Pasadena, TX 77506


CLICK HERE to check out photos from the Community Garden Grand Opening!