Vince Bayou Greenway Trail Project


Between November 2020 and May 2021, Pasadena Economic Development Corporation (PEDC) funded a planning study to investigate a hike and bike trail along Vince Bayou from Pasadena's Memorial Park to Strawberry Park. The City of Pasadena, particularly the Planning and Parks and Recreation Departments, were partners in the study, and Houston Parks Board served as the project manager. This trail was identified in multiple plans and studies, including the Pasadena Healthy Parks Plan and the Pasadena Livable Centers Study, demonstrating that a trail along Vince Bayou would create a safe connection for pedestrians and cyclists between parks, homes, schools, and businesses in the area. It would also connect the existing Strawberry Trail, a 3-mile concrete trail that runs along Vince Bayou from Strawberry Park south to Burke Crenshaw Park.

Trails are known to bring safety, connectivity, health, and economic benefits to an area and as such Pasadena Economic Development Corporation is excited to be able to provide funding and support to this important project.

Three virtual community meetings and an in-person pop-up event at the City of Pasadena's Memorial Park were held to gather community input for the study, identify and connect other key locations along the trail route, and build a database of future community trail stewards.

Upon completing the study, PEDC decided to fund the first phase of design and land acquisition of the proposed trail project. After the first design phase is complete and an analysis of community input is conducted, there will be an examination of feasibility to determine which portions of the trail can move forward through design and construction. 

Click here to sign up for email updates. 

Click here for printable map of route.



Steering Committee Members

  • Pasadena ISD
  • Houston-Galveston Area Council
  • Pasadena-Health Center
  • Harris County Public Health
  • MD Anderson/Pasadena Vibrant Community
  • Community Members
  • Pasadena Economic Development Corporation and Board
  • Neighborhood Network
  • Harris County Precinct 2
  • Harris County Transit
  • Food Town
  • City of Pasadena Parks and Recreation Department
  • City of Pasadena Planning Department
  • City of Pasadena Public Works
  • City of Pasadena Council Members
  • City of Pasadena Police Department

The committee meets regularly prior to any community meeting that is scheduled to provide guidance, support, and advice to the project partners.

VB Nov 21 - 2

Previous Vince Bayou Greenway Study - Community Meetings

February 11, 2021 - Community Meeting

On Thursday, February 11 at 6:00 p.m., a virtual community meeting was hosted by the City of Pasadena, Pasadena Parks and Recreation Department, Pasadena Economic Development Corporation and Houston Parks Board. The purpose of the meeting was to inform the public about this study and gather input. 

  • To view a recording of the meeting, click here.
  • To view a recording of the meeting in Spanish, click here.
  • To view a PDF of the presentation, click here.

April 7, 2021 - Community Meeting

On Wednesday, April 7, at 6:00 p.m., a second virtual community meeting was hosted by the study partners to provide an update on the study and show what the partners learned from the community during outreach efforts.

  • To view a recording of the meeting, click here.
  • To view a recording of the meeting in Spanish, click here.
  • To view a PDF of the presentation, click here.

Previous Vince Bayou Greenway Project - Community Meetings

February 3, 2022 - Community Meeting

On Thursday, February 3 at 6:00 p.m., a virtual community meeting was held on the Zoom platform that was broadcasted to in-person attendees at the Peter C. Fogo Recreation Center. The purpose of the meeting was to give a recap on the study, share the news that the study has transitioned into a project, and discuss the scope of the first phase of the design.

  • To view a recording of the meeting, click here.
  • To view a recording of the meeting in Spanish, click here.
  • To view a PDF of the presentation, click here.
  • To view a summary of the community meeting, click here.

April 26, 2022 - Pasadena Bike Shop Talk & Ride @ Memorial Park (Pasadena)

On Tuesday, April 26, 2022, Pasadena Parks and Recreation Department, Pasadena EDC, and Houston Parks Board hosted a free, family-friendly event at Pasadena's Memorial Park, featuring Bay Area Cycling for a tutorial on bike maintenance and safety.

Attendees learned about the Vince Bayou Greenway Project and the effort to transform Vince Bayou with recreational elements, including a trail between Pasadena’s Memorial Park and Strawberry Park. People also had the opportunity to provide input on the project's design and participate in a bike ride that included fun trivia questions along the way.

Popular suggested improvements included increased lighting, trash receptacles, bike racks, and benches at trailheads, entrances to trails with small parking lots, trail gateways, and smaller neighborhood entrances to trails. The most popular signage themes for the trail were nature and wildlife, Pasadena history, and bayou ecology.

Thank you to our food sponsor Food Town for the complimentary snacks and refreshments! CLICK HERE to see more photos from the event! Photo Credit: Anthony Rathbun

August 9, 2022 - Open House at Strawberry Park 

On Tuesday, August 9, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. Pasadena Parks and Recreation Department, Pasadena EDC, and Houston Parks Board hosted a free Open House at Strawberry Park to help shape and reimagine Vince Bayou as the heart of a new Bayou Greenway! A brief presentation by the project manager, Houston Parks Board, was followed by an open house where attendees shared feedback on design options via display boards. Spanish-language services firm, Tecolotl, provided in-person Spanish interpretation, and at least five attendees participated primarily in Spanish. Children's activities (coloring books and an Imagination Playground (build your own park)), as well as snacks, refreshments, and freebies, were available for those that attend. Food Town also donated gift cards to raffle off at the event. Photo Credit: Anthony Rathbun 

  • To view a PDF of the event presentation, click here.
  • To view a PDF of the Open House Summary, click here.
  • To view a PDF of the most current location map, click here.
  • To view a PDF of the bilingual fact sheet, click here.

Upcoming Vince Bayou Greenway Community Events

Stay tuned to our social media and website for upcoming event information!

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