Plans & Notices

Community Development Department Zoom Meeting Invitation:   

Meeting ID: 810 021 0129Passcode: 0KHcd8  

Consolidated Plans (CON PLAN)

The City of Pasadena’s Consolidated Plan outlines a five year plan for the use of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) and Home Investment Partnership (HOME) funds.

The Plan addresses the housing and community development needs of Pasadena's low-income community.

Action Plan (AP)

The Annual Action Plan is required for each year of the five year plan. The plan describes in detail:

  • Activities to be undertaken during the program year
  • Areas in which those activities will be conducted
  • Sources of funds that will be used

Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Reports (CAPER)

At the close of each program year, the City uses its CAPER to inform the public on how entitlement funds have been expended. It evaluates the City’s performance in carrying out the identified goals in the annual Action Plan.

Public Notices

  1. Public Notice - Citizen Review Hearing (May) PY 24 (PDF)
  2. Public Notice - Proposed 2024 Annual Action Plan (PDF)
  3. Public Notice - Citizen Review for Substantial Amendment to the 2023-2027 Consolidated Plan and 2023 Annual Action Plan (PDF)
  4. Public Notice - 2024 Funds Available (PDF)
  5. Public Notice - Citizen Review Hearing (January) PY24 (PDF)
  6. Public Notice - Citizen Review Hearing for CPP Amendment (PDF)
  7. Public Notice - CAPER 2022 (PDF)
  8. Public Notice - 2023-2027 Consolidated Plan and 2023 Action Plan Substantial Amendment (PDF)
  9. Public Notice - Citizen Review Hearing (May) PY23 (PDF)
  10. Public Hearing for Proposed 2023-2027 Consolidated Plan, 2023 Annual Action Plan and Substantial Amendment to the 2018 Annual Action Plan (PDF)
  11. Notice - 2023 Funding Meeting (PDF)
  12. Public Notice - AI Meetings (PDF)
  13. 2023 Public Notice - Funds Available (PDF)
  14. Public Notice - Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice (PDF)
  15. Public Notice - 2022 Annual Action Plan Substantial Amendment (PDF)
  16. Public Notice - Needs Assessment Survey (PDF)
  17. PUBLIC NOTICE - Citizen Review Hearing (JAN) PY23
  18. Public Notice - CAPER 2021 (PDF)
  19. Public Notice - CAPER PY 2021 (PDF)
  20. Citizen Review Public Hearings for Proposed Annual Action Plan (2022) (PDF)
  21. Public Notice - Citizen Review Hearing (PDF)
  22. Public Notice - Substantial Amendment to the 2019 Annual Action Plan (PDF)
  23. 2022 Funding Meeting (PDF)
  24. Public Notice - Citizen Review Public Hearing (PDF)
  25. Public Notice - CAPER 2019 (PDF)
  26. Public Notice - Citizen Review Public Hearings 2019 (PDF)
  27. Public Notice - Citizen Review Public Hearings 2018 (PDF)
  28. Public Notice - 2017 CDBG/HOME?ESG Consolidated Programs: Nonprofit/Subrecipient Planning & Application Process (2) (PDF)
  29. 2022 Public Notice - Funds Available (PDF)
  30. Public Notice - CAPER PY20 (PDF)
  31. Public Notice - Citizen Review Virtual Public Hearing for Proposed Annual Action Plan (2021) (PDF)
  32. Notice - 2021 CDBG Increased Funding Meeting (PDF)
  33. Public Notice - Citizen Review Public Hearing (PDF)
  34. Notice - 2021 ESG Funding Meeting (PDF)
  35. Notice - 2021 Funding Meeting (PDF)
  36. 2021 Amended Public Notice - Funds Available (PDF)
  37. 2021 Public Notice - Funds Available (PDF)
  38. Public Notice - 2020 Annual Action Plan Substantial Amendment (PDF)
  39. Public Notice - Citizen Review Public Hearing (PDF)
  40. Public Notice - Citizen Review Virtual Public Hearing for Amendment to the 2019 Annual Action Plan (PDF)
  41. Public Notice - Citizen Review Virtual Public Hearing (2019 AAP Amendment) (PDF)
  42. Notice - CDBG-CV Funding Meeting (PDF)
  43. Public Notice - Proposed PY20 Action Plan (PDF)
  44. Notice - PY 20 Funding Meeting (PDF)
  45. Public Notice - Citizen Review Virtual Hearing - CPP and PY19 Amendments (PDF)
  46. 2020 Public Notice - Funds Available (PDF)
  47. Public Notice - Citizen Review Hearing - PY20 (PDF)
  48. Public Notice of Community Development Citizen Review Hearings - January 31, 2018 (PDF)
  49. Citizen Review Public Hearing - July 9, 2020 (PDF)
  50. Notice - CDBG-CV Funding Meeting (PDF)
  51. Public Notice Citizen Review Virtual Public Hearing - CARES Act Amendment (PDF)
  52. Public Notice - Notice of Funding Availability CDBG-CV (PDF)