Juvenile Firesetter

Mission Statement

Our mission is to protect our citizens and guest from the dangers of Juvenile Firesetters. Our goal and commitment is to identify and engage youthful firesetters and at risk children and their families. To involve them in a fire safety prevention, education, and intervention services.

The Pasadena Juvenile Firesetter Intervention Program (JFIP) is a program designed to reach out to children that have been involved with fire in an unsupervised atmosphere. Although curiosity about fire is natural, setting fires is not. The goal of the program is to provide the highest quality of education and intervention to the families of firesetters and thereby cease the unsafe behavior. The program currently has a 100% success rate.

A fire is reported every 3 1/2 hours in Texas as a result of children playing with fire, matches or other fire starter tools. Annually child-set fire result in more than:

  • 138 injuries
  • 8 deaths
  • $9 million in property loss

This program has been successful in reducing fire setting behavior. According to the NFPA, without intervention more that 75% of youths who have played with or set fire will do it again.

The fire service is often the first to identify youths who have set fire. Placing your child in an intervention program could prevent future fire setting and can further assist the family by providing valuable resources. 

JFIP accepts referrals from other agencies, firefighters, administrators from schools, church groups, family members, and juvenile courts.

Requirements to participate in the program:

  • Contact the Pasadena Fire Marshal's Office to schedule an appointment
  • A referral
  • Are curious
  • One parent must participate
  • For youths between the ages of 2 and 17 years
  • Be on time
  • Be prepared to invest 2-4 hours
  • Be willing to answer personal questions
  • Siblings are welcome to attend
  • All information is confidential


For more information about the Juvenile firesetter program contact Rafael Chacon at 713-475-5556 or e-mail rchacon@ci.pasadena.tx.us or Jessica Breese at 713-475-5556 or e-mail jbreese@ci.pasadena.tx.us

 Additional information on statewide Juvenile Fire Awareness and Intervention programs may be found at The State of Texas Fire Marshal’s Website.

JFIP Referral Form (DOC)