
UPDATE: Effective November 19, 2019

Ordinance Updates

The Pasadena Health Department’s Animal Control and Adoption Division and Mayor Jeff Wagner have collaborated on updates to several ordinances that will enhance pet ownership in the City of Pasadena. These ordinances were passed at the November 19, 2019 city council meeting and will go into effect immediately.  

These updates were proposed after careful consideration of pet ownership, the pet population, and public opinion in Pasadena. The regulations afford responsible pet owners additional freedoms, while encouraging residents to alter (spay / neuter) and contain their pets.  

Residents may now have a combined total of four cats and/or dogs—provided that all of the pets are altered (spayed / neutered) and all of the dogs are registered with the City. The registration fee for an altered pet remains $10; however, the fee for an unaltered pet is now $50. The ordinance also states that after a third impoundment at the Pasadena Animal Shelter, pets will be altered and microchipped, if necessary, at the owners’ expense.

Please read on for details on the changes, as well as more general information on animal control regulations.

Household Limits

Existing ordinance limitations of two dogs and two cats remain unchanged if any pet in the household is unaltered (not a spayed female or neutered male).  However, if all pets are spayed and neutered, any one of the following combinations of pets is allowed:

  • Four dogs
  • Three dogs and one cat
  • Two dogs and two cats
  • One dog and three cats
  • Four cats

Animal Control Ordinances

Residents must remain in compliance with animal control ordinances. For those who aren’t familiar, in the City of Pasadena:

  • All animals must be restrained by a fence or a leash at all times.
  • Areas where the animals are kept must be clean & sanitary.
  • Cats and dogs must be vaccinated annually against rabies.
  • Dogs must wear a current city license tag.


The registration fee is $10 for altered dogs and $50 for unaltered dogs. In addition to the fee, dogs must be vaccinated against rabies and residents must provide proof of vaccination in order to register their pet with the city and receive a license tag. The registration is good for the duration of the pet’s valid rabies immunization—either one or three years. Registration may be completed at Pasadena Animal Shelter. Fines for having an unregistered pet can go up to $500 for the first cited offense.


At the third impoundment at Pasadena Animal Shelter, a pet will be altered and microchipped, if necessary, at the owner’s expense. This is in addition to any associated impoundment and daily care fees for strays.


Did you know? Our city has pet ordinances meant to keep everyone safe.

¿Sabías? Nuestra ciudad tiene ordenanzas de mascotas para mantener a todos a salvo.

Vaccinations & Registration

  • Dogs must wear a city license tag.
    Perros deben usar una etiqueta de licencia de la ciudad.
  • Cats and dogs must be vaccinated annually against rabies
    Gatos y perros necesitan ser vacundas anualmente contra la rabi.

Read more information about maintaining vaccinations and licensing.

An animal control officer receives a kiss from a dog

Keeping Pets

  • Residents may now have a combined total of four cats and/or dogs—provided that all of the pets are altered (spayed / neutered) and all of the dogs are registered with the City. If any one pet is not altered, the citizen may have only two dogs and two cats.
    Solo dos perros y dos gatos por hogar.
  • Areas where animals are kept must be clean and sanitary.
    Las áreas donde se guardan los animales deben estar limpias y sanitarias.
  • All animals must be restrained by a fence or leash at all times.
    Todas las mascotas deben ser retenidos por una cerca o una correa en todo momento.

Failure to Comply

If you do not comply with the City's animal control ordinances, you may receive a citation or your pet may end up at the shelter. You will need to pay a fine or a fee for impoundment, so please, observe the ordinances and help keep Pasadena safe for all people and pets.