Volunteer Pasadena

Volunteer Pasadena is a City of Pasadena program that matches citizens’ skills and energy with current needs in our city. We partner with private and community based organizations to provide city-wide volunteer opportunities. We encourage citizens to give of their time and talents, meeting our community’s needs through volunteering.

Reasons to Volunteer

Volunteering benefits both the individual and the City, each receiving their own rewards. As a City volunteer, you will experience numerous benefits. Here are some reasons to start volunteering today:

  • Show pride as you give back to your community
  • New and gratifying ways to fill free time
  • Contribute your knowledge, skills, interest and enthusiasm
  • Set a positive example and encourage others to do the same
  • Meet new and interesting people
  • Earn school credit
  • Involvement after retirement
  • Learn more about City government and your community
  • Experience how good it feels to help someone
  • Gain valuable experience
  • Add variety and spice to life
  • Have fun

If you are interested in volunteering, please email Lorrie Jowell with the event(s) you are interested in, or call 713-475-7259.