During an Emergency

  1. 1 The Wally Wise safety mascot with a fire truck
  2. 2 The Wally Wise safety mascot with a helicopter

Wally Wise is a turtle who protects himself by quickly going inside his shell during any emergency. 

Wally teaches school children and their parents how to protect themselves during a chemical emergency by knowing how to Shelter In Place.

Wally Wise, the shelter in place mascot

From Wally

Hi Y'all! Welcome to my Home Page. I'm Wally. I spend my time teaching people what to do when they hear an emergency siren.

You may wonder what a turtle knows about chemical safety, but, I say who is BETTER than a turtle. When a siren sounds you need to go inside to shelter in place and, as a turtle, I always carry my shelter with me on my back.

To shelter in place you only need to remember three simple rules. Here, let me point them out to you....

Now that will be easy...won't it? 

  1. First go inside, close all doors and windows, and turn off the air conditioning (or central heat). 
  2. Next, turn your radio on to KTRH 740 a.m. to get updates on what is happening. 
  3. Finally, stay off the phone. Too many calls make it tough for emergency workers to talk with each other.

I work for the Southeast Regional LEPC (Texas). I really enjoy my work. If you have a group of people you would like for me to talk to, just call the LEPC office at 713-475-7088 or email me. I'm kinda busy...but, I'd love to come see you and talk about chemical safety.

Thanks for visiting my Home Page. I hope you come back real soon!

Dos & Don'ts of Sheltering in Place

  • Go inside your home, building or vehicle immediately.
  • Shut all doors and windows.
  • Turn off air conditioning or heating systems to prevent outside air from getting inside.
  • Turn on the radio or TV for official information. Emergency Alert System stations for the Houston area are KTRH-AM 740 and KUHF-FM 88.7.
  • Keep phone calls to a minimum; officials may try to call your home or business to provide more information.
  • Do not call 911 except to report an emergency at your location.
  • Do not call or go to your child's school; the school's staff is trained and prepared to care for your children.
  • Do not go to the incident scene; avoid the area by driving in a cross-wind direction away from the scene.