Hurricane Safety


Our Office of Emergency Management works closely with the National Weather Service and the Texas Division of Emergency Management for the latest updates. Here are some direct links to keep you informed:

ReadyPasadena ALERTS

Sign up to receive local emergency alerts sent to your mobile phone, landline and/or email. Text PTXREADY to 77295 or go to to sign up and customize your preferences.

Hurricanes can cause massive damage and injury, but they’re not our only weather concern along the Gulf Coast. Large storm systems can bring havoc with their high winds and flash flooding potential, leaving a trail of serious injury and property damage in their wake.

Photo of the sky during a hurricane

There's not a lot we can do to prevent these weather events, but a few common sense preparations can make a big difference in how much inconvenience we experience during and after these events, and how ready we'll be to react effectively should we be called on to help our family or neighbors.

Preparations to Make Before a Storm

  • If you live in an area threatened by storm surge - an evacuation zone - discuss evacuation plans with your family. Check with city or county officials to find out if your home is in an evacuation zone. Plan your evacuation route now using a zip code-based map (PDF) that displays both main evacuation corridors as well as other evacuation connecting roadways.
  • Make a checklist of preparations to be made before an evacuation and go over it with your family. Review it again when a storm is in the Gulf of Mexico.
  • If you plan to stay in a hotel or motel, make reservations and confirm your reservations before you leave. If you plan to stay in a shelter, bring what you need to be comfortable, including bedding and toys for kids.
  • Prepare an emergency kit for your pets and a plan for how to care for them when you are on the road and in a shelter or motel. Do not leave your pets behind!
  • Refill and re-check supplies after every storm. Depending on storm damage, some people may be able to return home in a matter of days, for others re-entry may take longer.
  • Finally, stay informed by monitoring the news media. Local officials will provide information about current conditions, evacuations and re-entry.

Additional Resources