
The Health Department issues certified copies of birth and death certificates. In addition, the department is also responsible for the following:

  • Weed mowing program: inspection and mowing of weeds on vacant lots
  • Food sanitation: inspection of food establishments to enforce sanitation standards; issues annual food permits
  • Rodent and insect vector control: consultation and inspection of premises. The City of Pasadena Health Department is responsible for the administration of the City's pest mosquito control contract which requires the entire city to be treated once a month during the months of May to September. Additionally, Harris County Mosquito Control monitors for disease carrying mosquitoes, including traps located in Pasadena, and treats areas where disease carriers are confirmed. Complaints will be monitored to determine if additional applications are to be requested and scheduled by the City of Pasadena. Citizens can do their part by using general precautions such as:
    • Avoid over-watering lawns
    • Change bird bath water weekly
    • Clean out rain gutters
    • Eliminate standing water from tires, planters, feed bowls
    • Properly maintain pools and spas
    • Repair leaking outside faucets
    • Use mosquito repellants
    • Wear long sleeves and pants at dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are active
    • Keep tight fitting screens on doors and windows
  • Permits and licenses: issues permits for swimming pools and septic tanks; conducts inspection prior to permitting of dance hall, day care centers and wrecking yards
  • Inspection of hotels, motels, etc.
  • Enforces city ordinances related to health issues, such as the City's smoking ordinance (PDF) regulations effective September 1, 2007 and new regulations on the disposal of fats, oils and grease. You may read and download the regulation details.

The Health Department may also be able to provide speakers on topics related to public health and animal control. Officials with the department are available for consultation on new businesses or renovation of existing businesses.