Street Lights

Street Lighting Purpose

The primary purpose of street lighting is to illuminate the roadway. Street lights are not intended for providing security lighting, parking lot lighting or any other private property lighting. All street lights are installed, owned and maintained by CenterPoint Energy. The City receives an annual allocation of street lights from CenterPoint. The City determines where these new lights may be located.


To make a request for a new street light within the City of Pasadena, please complete the Street Light Request Form (PDF) and submit via email to the Planning Department or call the Mayor’s Action Line at 713-475-5555.

Upon receipt of the request, the City will determine if street lights are warranted based on the existing conditions. If it is determined that a street light is necessary, the City will make a request to CenterPoint Energy to install the proposed street lights. CenterPoint will determine if the request can be fulfilled under the City’s street light allocation.


CenterPoint Energy is responsible for all street light maintenance within the city limits. To report a street light that is not working or any other problem with an existing street light, contact CenterPoint Energy at 713-207-2222, 800-332-7143, or use the online form.