Campaign Finance Reports

TEXAS ETHICS COMMISSION, P.O. Box 12070, Capitol Station, Austin, Texas 78711-2070

Legislative Update: All Political Subdivisions Must Post Campaign Finance Reports Online - September 25, 2023

The 88th Legislature passed HB 2626, which requires all political subdivisions to post on their website all campaign finance reports filed on or after September 1, 2023. The new Internet posting requirement applies to all entities that receive campaign finance reports, including counties, cities, school districts, hospital districts, library districts, utility districts, water districts, etc. The campaign reports must be posted within 10 business days of receipt and remain on the political subdivision’s website for five years after the report is first made available. The political subdivision may redact the address (other than city, state and zip code) of any contributor before posting the report on its website. The report that includes the full address must remain available at the political subdivision’s office. If you have any questions, you can contact the Texas Ethics Commission at (512) 463-5800, or email

Candidates and officeholders must file semiannual reports if required. In addition, a candidate who has an opponent on the ballot in an election held on a uniform election date must file two pre-election reports (unless the candidate has elected modified reporting).

Semiannual Report - July 15, 2024

Semiannual report - July 15, 2024

30 days prior to Election This one will not need to be on 2024 but will need to be added during election years. (2025)

8 days prior to Election This one will not need to be on 2024 but will need to be added during election years. (2025)

Final Report