Community Cat Program

We're passionate about helping all animals, including those that roam freely in our communities. Our Community Cat Program is dedicated to the well-being of unowned and unsocialized cats, ensuring they receive the care and attention they deserve. Here's what you need to know:

About Our Program:

Our Community Cat Program is designed to provide compassionate care for cats that live in our neighborhoods without traditional owners. These cats are often referred to as feral or stray, but they are an integral part of our community.


Q: What is a community cat? A: Community cats are unowned cats that live outdoors and are cared for by the community. They may be feral (unsocialized to humans) or stray (previously owned but lost or abandoned).

Q: What is Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR)? A: TNR is a humane approach to managing community cat populations. Cats are trapped, spayed or neutered, vaccinated, and then returned to their original location.

Q: How does your TNR program work? A: This program is used to prevent additional kitten births and disease spread between cats by trapping, neutering, vaccinating, and returning them to where they were found. The cats in the program are easily identifiable by their tipped ear.

Q: How can I get involved with your Community Cat Program? A: You can become a Colony Manager! For more information, please visit our Colony Manager page on our website.


We understand that some members of the community may have concerns about community cats. If you don’t want cats in your yard, here are some effective deterrents:

• Motion-activated sprinklers

• Scat mats

• High-pitched ultrasonic alarms

• Citronella

• Eucalyptus

• Securing garbage cans to prevent scavenging

• Placing citrus peels or coffee grounds in garden beds to discourage cats from digging

Nationwide Data on Community Cat Programs:

According to nationwide data, community cat programs have been highly successful in reducing cat overpopulation and improving the lives of community cats. Studies have shown that TNR programs lead to: 

• Reductions in Cat Overpopulation: Community cat programs, particularly trap-neuter-return (TNR) initiatives, have led to a significant decrease in cat overpopulation across the United States.

• Decreases in Shelter Intakes: TNR programs have been associated with a notable decline in the number of cats entering animal shelters. By stabilizing and reducing community cat populations, fewer cats end up in shelters.

• Decreases in Euthanasia Rates: With fewer cats entering shelters, euthanasia rates for cats have decreased as well. TNR efforts help prevent unnecessary euthanizations by addressing the root cause of overpopulation.

• Reductions in Nuisance Complaints: Implementing TNR programs has been shown to reduce nuisance complaints related to community cats. By spaying and neutering cats and returning them to their original locations, TNR programs help mitigate issues such as spraying, fighting, and yowling.

• Cost Savings: Community cat programs have resulted in cost savings for municipalities and animal welfare organizations. By reducing shelter intakes and euthanasia rates, communities save resources that would otherwise be spent on housing, caring for, and euthanizing cats.

• Health Benefits: TNR programs improve the overall health and well-being of community cats by providing them with medical care, reducing the spread of diseases, and stabilizing their populations.

Get Involved:

Ready to make a difference in the lives of community cats? Join our program today! Whether you volunteer your time, donate supplies, or spread awareness, every contribution helps create a brighter future for these cats.

Together, we can make a positive impact on the lives of community cats in our area. Thank you for your support!

For more information about our Community Cat Program or to get involved, please contact us at 713-848-5340 or at