Colony Manager

Want to Help Cats in Your Neighborhood? Become a Colony Manager!

TNVR/SNVR: What is it?: 

• Trap-Neuter-Vaccinate-Return/Shelter-Neuter-Vaccinate-Return is a non-lethal management program for community cats. 

• These cats are unowned and unsocialized/under-socialized and live in and are cared for by the community. 

• This program is used to prevent additional kitten births and disease spread between cats by trapping, neutering, vaccinating, and returning them to where they were found. The cats in the program are easily identifiable by their tipped ear.

How It Works: 

• An approved Colony Manager traps a cat, and then takes the cat to a vet to be sterilized and vaccinated. After a short recovery, the Colony Manager releases the cat to where he/she was found.

Colony Manager Responsibilities: 

• Each colony of cats is managed by a Colony Manager who is registered with our office.

• The Colony Manager is responsible for feeding, watering, and vetting the cat as well as ensuring the cat is not a nuisance.

Benefits Of TNVR/SNVR:

• TNVR helps reduce the outdoor cat population through sterilization. 

• Sterilization also helps reduce nuisance behaviors such as spraying, howling, roaming, and fighting.

• Disease spread is reduced because the cats are vaccinated.

Want to Become a Colony Manager?

• Fill out an application at our shelter or online here. 

• After filling out an application, one of our team members will contact you with next steps.

• For questions or to learn more, please call us at 713-848-5340 or send us an email at

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