Public Integrity

The Public Integrity Division receives its authority directly from the Chief of Police to investigate allegations of police misconduct with the overall objective of protecting the public, the department, and the officers. 

This division responds on a "call-out" basis as the need arises outside normal business hours.

The investigators are occasionally assisted by a designated member of the Detective Division, assigned by the Investigations Bureau Commander as circumstances require. 


The Pasadena Police Department takes great pride in the men and women who serve our community as professional peace officers. We set high standards of conduct and performance for our personnel because we are committed to upholding public trust in a manner consistent with community expectations and democratic values. We look forward to hearing from those we serve about the performance and services provided by our employees. If you feel circumstances warrant it, please submit a compliment about an employee by clicking on this link: Compliment an Employee.


While we continually strive for excellence, we do not profess to be perfect and occasionally fall short of our goals. If you have any questions, concerns, or complaints about our services or activities, please let us know promptly. 

The Pasadena Police Department's primary responsibility is to protect the public it serves. Citizens have a right to expect and receive fair, efficient, and impartial law enforcement. Therefore, any misconduct by department personnel must be thoroughly investigated and properly adjudicated to ensure these qualities. Your concerns as a citizen are important to us, and all complaints will be appropriately addressed. 


 A complaint may be initiated by contacting any supervisor of the police department or by contacting the Internal Affairs Division directly. In most cases, you will be required to formalize your complaint in a sworn affidavit. This may be done by mailing a signed letter detailing your complaint or making an appointment with the Internal Affairs Division to give your statement in writing. Bear in mind that you may be required to provide additional written information as part of the investigation process. 

To begin an inquiry, which is the first step in the complaint process, please click here. A member of our staff will contact you within three business days to follow up with your complaint. 

For more pressing matters, please contact our dispatch at 713-477-1221 to speak to an on-duty supervisor.


Complaints include, but are not limited to allegations of: 

  • Excessive Use of Force
  • Criminal Activity
  • Abuse of Authority
  • Harassment
  • Verbal Abuse
  • Improper Police Procedures
  • Racial Profiling


Texas State Law (Government Code 614.022) requires that all complaints against police officers be in writing and signed by the person making the complaint. Just as citizens who are arrested must be notified of the charges against them, police officers must be given copies of complaints before any disciplinary action may be taken. 

All complaints are investigated thoroughly and all findings are based on impartial evidence gained during the investigation. The more serious types of complaints such as excessive force, discharge of firearms, or criminal activity are investigated by the Internal Affairs Division. Comparatively, less serious allegations of misconduct, such as rudeness or improper police procedures, are investigated by the employee's supervisor. In all cases, the person making the complaint will be contacted during the investigation should additional information be needed. The complainant will also be notified by mail with the final disposition of the complaint.

Complaint Dispositions

  • Sustained - The investigation revealed sufficient evidence to prove the allegation(s).
  • Not Sustained - The investigation failed to disclose sufficient evidence to clearly prove or disprove the allegation(s) made in the complaint.
  • Exonerated - The incident complained of occurred but was lawful and proper.
  • Unfounded - The investigation indicated that the act or acts complained of did not occur or did not involve police personnel. 

If upon the conclusion of the investigation, the person making the complaint is dissatisfied or unclear on the outcome of the case, he or she may direct their questions to the Internal Affairs Division at 713-475-7830.


Many complaints or concerns that come to our attention can be explained satisfactorily by contacting the employee's supervisor. The supervisor will discuss your concerns in an attempt to resolve the issue.

The legal validity of a traffic citation or other criminal charge will not be investigated but will be handled by the court that has jurisdiction in that matter.

Complainants who have current criminal or traffic charges pending should be aware that the internal review process deals solely with departmental policy matters and the conduct of agency employees. Regardless of the outcome of an internal investigation, existing criminal or traffic charges must be dealt with through the judicial process. 


The deliberate making of a false report or complainant could constitute a violation of Chapter 37 of the Texas Penal Code and result in criminal prosecution.