OVHcloud personal data usage policy

Privacy Policy

Updated as of 29 January 2024

At OVHcloud, protecting Personal Information is a key concern for us.

As part of its activities, OVH Hosting Inc. and companies within the OVH Group, excluding entities located in theUnited States (hereinafter collectively “OVHcloud”), may be required to collect, use, disclose and store Personal Information about you (“Concerned Person”, “you”, "your”,).

If you are an OVHcloud customer or prospective customer (hereinafter referred to as “Customer(s)”), or if you are an officer, employee, or employee of the latter (hereinafter referred to as “Agent(s)”), the purpose of this Privacy Policy is to describe the conditions under which OVHcloud manages your Personal Information, whether when using its products and services, its website, or contacts with its support service.

This policy does not apply to the Personal Information that Clients entrust to OVHcloud in the context of using its services, including those hosted by Clients on infrastructure provided to them by OVHcloud. This information is only used and stored by OVHcloud as a service provider, on instruction from the Client, under the conditions set out in the .

What is personal information ?

Personal Information is any information about an individual that can be identified, directly or indirectly, inaccordance with the Act respecting the protection of personal information in the private sector in Quebec (CQLR, c.P-39.1), the "Quebec Privacy Act".

This can be your surname, first name, postal or email address, but also an order or invoice number, or an IPaddress.

  1. Why does OVHcloud collect my Personal Information ?
  2. Where is the Personal Information collected by OVHcloud hosted ?
  3. Destruction and anonymization
  4. Destruction et anonymisation
  5. Who are the recipients of the Personal Information collected?
  6. Rights of data subjects

Why does OVHcloud collect my Personal Information ?

OVHcloud collects and uses the Personal Information of its Customers for the purposes of the activities described below. In this policy, the processing of Personal Information includes, but is not limited to, its use.

Personal Information is collected directly from you when you provide it to OVHcloud. This is the case, for example, if you send an email or fill out a web form, such as the customer account creation form. OVHcloud also collects Personal Information automatically on its websites and through analytical tools or digital markers. OVHcloud may use cookies in this connection. This Policy may also provide for other means by which Personal Information is collected.

  1. Contract Management
  2. Running OVHcloud services
  3. Customer Relationship Management
  4. Business Prospecting Management
  5. Enforcement Management
  6. Facilitating your future payments
  7. Collections Management
  8. Customer relationship management and improvement and statistical reporting
  9. Site Customization
  10. Online targeted advertising
  11. Compliance with legal obligations

1. Contract Management

Description of processing operations
OVHcloud processes Personal Information in the context of managing contracts concluded directly with its Customers and/or with partners. The Personal Information collected may relate to the Client and/or its Agents when the Client is a legal person or a partnership.

This Personal Information is used by OVHcloud to carry out the operations required to process orders, make services available, pay for   orders and subscriptions, and pay for related bills. Where applicable, such Personal Information may also be used for the delivery of products.

Classes of Personal Information Processed
As part of managing contracts, OVHcloud is required to process the following Personal Information: 

  • Identifying information, including:  surname, first name, postal and electronic contact information, phone number, identification document, proof of address;
  • Login data for the OVHcloud Control Panel: login email address, password, OVHcloud NIC handle, IP address, login log, etc.;
  • Payment data: bank card and/or bank account information;
  • Tracking data for the business relationship: order history, order amount, and invoices.

2. Running OVHcloud services

Description of processing operations

OVHcloud collects the Personal Information of its Customers and/or Agents in connection with the provision of its services and in order to ensure their maintenance.

Types of Personal Information Processed

  • Customer and/or their Agents’ identification data:  surname, first name, contact details, customer ID and users, or “NIC Handle” of the Customer or its Agents;
  • Communications between the Client and/or its Agents with OVHcloud: emails, support tickets relating to the provision and use of services, maintenance operations or any incidents;
  • Information relating to the services used, including technical data: characteristics of the services, information relating to their use, and the Service’s location (as defined in the OVHcloud General Conditions), machine IDs, IP addresses, configurations, connection data, service statuses, usage data and event logs.

To the extent that OVHcloud autonomously determines the conditions of use of this Personal Information in its tools and information system, OVHcloud is the company that collects, holds, retains, uses and communicates this Personal Information.

Please note that some OVHcloud services are provided in collaboration with partners (such as domain name operators sold by OVHcloud, or software license providers) to whom Personal Information may be communicated with the aim of delivering the products or services concerned. In this case, the conditions under which the partner uses this Personal Information are set out in the specific conditions applicable to the services concerned.

3. Customer Relationship Management

Description of processing operations
OVHcloud collects Personal Information relating to its Customers and/or their Attendant(s) as part of the management of exchanges with its Customer Service in order to respond to requests for information, and any complaints.

OVHcloud may also process Personal Information for the purpose of constituting evidence in the context of a dispute or litigation with its Client and/or its Agents.

Types of Personal Information Processed

  • Data identifying the Client and/or its Agents: name, first name, contact details, customer ID and users (“NIC Handle”) of the Client or its Agents;
  • Information relating to the services used: characteristics of the services, information relating to their use, and the location of the Service, machine IDs, IP addresses, configurations, connection data, service statuses, usage data and event logs;
  • Order, billing, and payment method information;
  • Communications between the Client and/or their Agents and OVHcloud’s Client Service (exchanges such as media tickets relating to the conclusion and execution of the contract, request and response histories, telephone records where applicable);
  • Personal Information on social media when customers or their agents contact us on these platforms;
  • The set of items that the customer provides to support.

As part of customer relationship management, the Personal Information of OVH Hosting Inc. customers may be accessible to employees of OVH Group companies located within the European Union.

4. Business Prospecting Management

Description of processing operations
OVHcloud collects Personal Information about its Customers and/or their Agents in order to inform them about OVHcloud activities (and where applicable, its partners), the launch of new products and/or services, offer them services and/or offer them promotions, and/or invite them to OVHcloud events.

OVHcloud uses the Personal Information collected for the purposes of the uses described above only after obtaining the express, free and informed consent of the data subject.

OVHcloud may also contact individuals for marketing purposes who have expressed their consent to receive communications from OVHcloud with OVHcloud partners. In this context, OVHcloud partners collect the Personal Information required to send communications, as well as the consent of the person concerned. OVHcloud ensures that their Personal Information and consent to commercial prospecting has been collected in accordance with applicable laws.

Categories of Personal Information Used

  • Customer and/or their Agents’ identification data: first name, last name, contact details, email address;
  • Internet browsing data: IP address, user ID, browsing history on OVH websites;
  • Interests of the Client and/or its Agents: data relating to the use of services, order history, consumption habits, participation in events;
  • Customer and/or their agents’ interactions with OVHcloud.

5. Enforcement Management

Description of processing operations
OVHcloud uses the Personal Information of its Customers and, where applicable,their Agents to ensure the security of payments, and to detect and prevent fraud. Assuch, OVHcloud has also implemented an optional multi-factor authentication feature to enhance the security of your account. As part of this use, Personal Information may be transferred to OVHcloud’s Fraud Prevention Team located in France and Quebec, or to Customer Relationship Teams in France and Quebec regarding a request related to your multi-factor authentication. 

Categories of Personal Information Used

  • Customer and/or their Agents’ identification data: name, surname, contact details,email address, postal address, province, city, country;
  • Payment data: information relating to the bank card and/or bank account;
    Connection data: IP address;
  • Tracking data of the business relation: order history, order amount, invoices and, if applicable, outstanding amount;
  • Location data.

In some cases, OVHcloud may be required to request the following documents:

  • Customer or their representative’s identification document;
  • proof of address;
  • Certificate of registration of a business;
  • Authority of the leader;
  • Bank details.

6. Facilitating your future payments

Description of processing operations
OVHcloud holds, stores and uses the Personal Information of its Customers relating to their payment method(s) in connection with the subscription by its Customers to a service with automatic renewal or when the Customer has expressed their wish to save their credit card on their customer account in order to facilitate their subsequent payments.

Categories of Personal Information Used

  • Customer and/or their Agents’ identification data: surname, first name, email address;
  • Bank card data: first 6 digits (relating to the bank that issued the card) and last 4 digits of the bank card or IBAN

7. Collections Management

Description of processing operations

OVHcloud uses the Personal Information of its Customers and/or Agents to identify unpaid orders and enable the recovery of outstanding amounts.

Categories of Personal Information Used

  • Identification data: surname, first name, email address, postal address;
  • Billing data: payment methods, bank details, order history, order amount, invoices and any outstanding amounts.

When using Personal Information for collection purposes, OVHcloud may transfer Personal Information to collection service providers and external advisors.

8. Customer relationship management and improvement and statistical reporting

Description of processing operations
OVHcloud collects Personal Information relating to its Customers and/or their Agents, as appropriate, as part of the management of the management and improvement of the customer relationship, in order to develop statistical reports to evaluate the overall satisfaction related to OVHcloud products.

Classes of Personal Information Processed

  • Information relating to the services used: characteristics of the services, information relating to their use, and the location of the Service, machine IDs, IP addresses, configurations, connection data, service statuses, usage data and event logs;
  • Any data communicated by Customers and/or their Agents (if applicable) as part of the satisfaction questionnaire sent by OVHcloud

As part of managing customer relationship improvements and for the purposes of improving OVHcloud services, the Personal Information of OVHcloud Hosting Inc. Customers and/or their Agents may be accessible to employees of OVHcloud Group companies located within the European Union.

9. Site Customization

The Personal Information collected for the customization of OVHcloud websites, as well as its use, is described in our Cookies Policy

10. Online targeted advertising

The personal information collected for online advertising related to your browsing on OVHcloud websites is indicated in our Cookies Policy

11. Compliance with legal obligations

Description of processing operations
As part of its business, OVHcloud is subject to various legal obligations, compliance with which requires the collection, use, communication and storage of Personal Information.

OVHcloud’s legal obligations include complying with tax and accounting obligations, processing requests to exercise the rights of data subjects using Personal Information, responding to certain requests from courts, judicial or administrative authorities for the provision of information, and declaring certain incidents of confidentiality.

When OVHcloud receives requests from judicial, administrative or other authorities to disclose Personal Information in its possession, it agrees to:

  • Check the competence of the requesting authority;
  • Only respond to validly formed requests;
  • If authorized, inform the data subject in advance in order to enable them to assert their rights;
  • Limit disclosure to only Personal Information required by the authority.

Classes of Personal Information Processed

  • Regarding compliance with tax and accounting obligations: all information related to orders and related invoices;
  • With respect to requests to exercise rights: all of the Personal Information that is the subject of the request;
  • With regard to requests from courts, judicial or administrative authorities: all of the Personal Information requested.

Where is the Personal Information collected by OVHcloud hosted ?

Hosting Personal Information
The Personal Information covered by this policy is hosted in Quebec in a datacentre owned and operated by OVHcloud.

If a customer chooses to use OVHcloud services in datacentres located outside of Canada (including the European Union, Singapore, India, or Australia), Personal Information necessary to perform the services may be hosted in the respective country.

Remote Access
Uses of Personal Information as well as occasional communications of Personal Information may be made outside of Quebec and/or Canada due to OVHcloud’s international dimension. As a result, companies within the OVH Group may participate in the use of the Customer’s Personal Information outside of Quebec and Canada.

When a disclosure of Personal Information outside of Quebec and/or Canada occurs, OVHcloud implements technical and administrative measures to protect Personal Information between members of the OVHcloud Group in accordance with applicable laws.

Personal Information security measures

La protection des Renseignements Personnels est pleinement intégrée au système de gestion de sécurité de l’information d’OVHcloud, dans le cadre duquel OVHcloud poursuit différents objectifs tels que :

  • Déploiement d’une approche industrielle, à grand échelle de la sécurité ;
  • Positionnement d’OVHcloud comme un acteur de confiance dans l’écosystème numérique ;
  • Mise en place de systèmes de management de la sécurité (ISMS) et de la vie privée (PIMS) ;
  • Approche de la sécurité par les risques ;
  • Démonstration de la sécurité via les certifications, le contrôle interne et l’audit externe ;
  • Réponse unifiée aux incidents de sécurité et aux incidents de confidentialité ;
  • Intégration des enjeux de sécurité de protection de la vie privée dans l’évolution des produits ;
  • Évaluation de la sécurité et mise en place d’amélioration continue.

Par ailleurs, OVHcloud garantit que ses salariés autorisés à avoir accès à des Renseignements Personnels sont soumis à une obligation de confidentialité et reçoivent une formation appropriée concernant la protection des Renseignements Personnels.

Destruction and anonymization

OVHcloud reserves the right to anonymise the Personal Information that is the subject of this policy, i.e. to modify it so that it no longer directly or indirectly identifies, individualizes or singles the data subject, and to reuse it only in anonymous form.

OVHcloud strives to apply the following anonymization principles:

  • The impossibility of isolating an individual within a larger group based on the data;
  • The inability to link two records about the same person; and
  • The impossibility of inferring, with a high probability, unknown information about a person.

OVHcloud reserves the right to store and use this anonymised data for other legitimate, serious purposes than those set out in this policy, including producing statistics, developing new or improved services, conducting marketing analyzes, and developing business strategies.

Who are the recipients of the Personal Information collected ?

Les Renseignements Personnels collectés sont utilisés par le personnel d’OVH Hébergement Inc.
Nous veillons à ce que seules les personnes habilitées au sein de cette société puissent accéder aux renseignements personnels et uniquement lorsque cela est nécessaire à l’exécution de leurs missions.

Nous pouvons également être amenés à communiquer vos Renseignements Personnels à : 

  • des sociétés du Groupe OVHcloud, à l’exception des entités se situant aux Etats-Unis, dans le cadre de l’exécution des utilisations mentionnées à l’article II de la présente politique.
  • des prestataires tiers tels que des prestataires de services de sécurité, fournisseurs réseaux, fournisseurs d’applications et d’outils internes, prestataires de services de paiement, fournisseurs de solutions de courriels, enquêtes de satisfaction.

OVHcloud s’assure que ses fournisseurs de services s’engagent à respecter les lois applicables en matière de protection des Renseignements Personnels et mettent en place des mesures de protection des Renseignements Personnels appropriées. 

OVHcloud veille notamment à ce que ces fournisseurs de servicesn’aient accès qu’aux seuls Renseignements Personnels nécessaires à l’exécution de leur mission.

Rights of data subjects

In accordance with applicable laws, data subjects have the right to access their Personal Information, as well as the right to rectify it and request its deletion and portability. Where the use, retention and disclosure of Personal Information is based on the consent of the individual concerned, the individual has the right to withdraw that consent at any time. 

These rights may be exercised by mail to the following address: Privacy Officer, OVH Hosting Inc., 1801 McGill College Avenue, Suite 800, Montréal, Quebec H3A 2N4 Canada.

They can also be exercised using the email address . You may be asked to provide proof of identity to confirm your identity. This part will be deleted immediately after your request is processed.

In compliance with applicable laws, each request must be accompanied by information that can demonstrate the identity of the requestor. They shall be replied to as soon as possible and in any event within 30 days of receipt. In the event of reasonable doubt as to the identity of the person making the request, additional information necessary to confirm the identity of the person concerned, including the presentation of proof of identity, may be requested.

The person with the highest authority within OVHcloud has delegated the role of Personal Information Protection Officer to the OVHcloud Data Protection Officer. You can contact this person, to exercise your rights and in the event of any complaint, at the address mentioned above. 

OVHcloud will investigate any complaints about your Personal Information and, if warranted, take appropriate action to correct the situation. This complaint shall be answered as soon as possible and, where possible, within 30 days of receipt. In the event of dissatisfaction with the internal review of your complaint, the person concerned may contact the Commission d’accès à l’information du Québec or the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, or any other authority with jurisdiction over privacy matters.