Technology Development and Transfer
Applying Science and Technology
Developing and transferring science and technology is an integral part of OSMRE’s mission to provide support to State and Tribal SMCRA programs. OSMRE provides resources for technical assistance, training, and technology development and support related to coal production and environmental protection.
OSMRE prioritizes the development of new technologies and scientific advances as well as the transfer of these technologies through training, workshops, forums, and publications. This development and transfer support and enhance the technical skills that States and Tribes need to effectively operate their regulatory and reclamation programs.
Some States and Tribes may not have or might not be able to afford to maintain the full scientific and engineering expertise to deal with the breadth of issues encountered when regulating active mining operations and reclaiming Abandoned Mine Land (AML) sites. Knowledge and service sharing with OSMRE enables States and Tribes to fulfill their SMCRA requirements.