Photo de bridge

Who are we?

We’re a leading telecommunications operator and digital service provider. We serve 287 million customers (at 31 December 2023), individuals, professionals, and large companies: and are one of the world’s foremost telecommunications operators for multinational companies, under the Orange Business brand.

Our strategic plan: Lead the Future

As a major digital service provider in Europe, Africa and the Middle East, we have recently launched our Lead the Future strategic plan. It is based on a new enterprise model centered around three principles: performance, excellence, and trust, to help us develop a more sustainable ESG enterprise model.

The quality of our infrastructure, where we are a pioneer in fiber, our customers’ satisfaction (NPS) and the expertise of our teams as well as our solid finances give us an unrivalled competitive advantage. In addition, thanks to our mastery of connectivity, security and resilience, Orange is uniquely placed in the sector. This plan aims to enhance and develop these strengths to position Orange as the group that builds the future of telecoms and digital solutions. Our aim is to achieve sustainable growth, particularly in cybersecurity, in Africa and in the Middle East.

Christel Heydemann, CEO of the Orange Group

Essential networks

Now more than ever, telecoms networks are core to our business activities, the environmental transition, and society at large. Our products and services are essential for our full range of customers – whether individuals, companies, administrations, other telecom operators, internet service providers or global content providers. 

  • In 5 years, data traffic carried over telecom networks has increased by a factor of 10 the world over. 

To respond to these ever-increasing uses, we have pursued an ambitious plan to deploy reliable, resilient, high-performance, and secure networks. This connectivity contributes to the development and appeal of many regions and communities. 

Orange is the leader in Europe, with 16.5 million FTTH (Fiber To The Home) customers and 75.4 million households connected at 31 December 2023.
99% population coverage in our 8 European countries. N°1 in France for mobile network quality for the 13th consecutive year. 4G coverage in 17 countries in Africa and the Middle East.
Seven European countries: Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, Poland, Romania, and 3 African countries: Botswana, Jordan and Senegal.

Find out more about how 5G can be used in industry 4.0 and sporting events:

We are ambitious in our submarine investments, which amount to more than 40 submarine cables and international consortia. This represents 450,000 kilometers of submarine cable, enough to circumnavigate the planet ten times over. Through Orange Marine, we also fund, lay, maintain, and repair submarine cables, with 230,000 km of fiber optic submarine cables laid to date.
We use satellite communications to provide VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) services to Orange Business customers whether on land or at sea, and to connect isolated mobile sites in Africa, while linking IP or voice to other operators. We lease space from other satellite operators (Eutelsat, Intelsat, SES, Arabsat). In March 2023, we signed a partnership with OneWeb to improve and extend the Group's global connectivity, particularly in rural and isolated areas in Europe, Latin America, and Africa. This will enable Orange Business to offer businesses of all sizes high-speed, resilient, and low-latency solutions.


Build a safer digital society

Cyberattacks are increasing, along with the damage they cause, with costs estimated at $6 trillion worldwide. As a worldwide network operator and European leader in corporate cybersecurity services through Orange Cyberdefense, we are at the forefront of detecting threats and protecting our thousands of customers. We cover a full range of needs, regardless of our customers’ size or business sector.

We pay particular attention to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) issues 

Our Purpose, which has been integrated into our company bylaws, states: As a trusted partner, Orange gives everyone the keys to a responsible digital world. 

We aim to be Net Zero Carbo by 2040. This goal also requires us to make considerable efforts to reduce our direct and indirect CO2 emissions, for example by increasing our energy efficiency, proportion of renewable energies, circular economy, and carbon capture.

Environmental commitment


Our programs promote digital equality and inclusion. We’re committed to reducing inequality related to digital access, equipment, uses, and understanding, by promoting inclusion and skills development without discrimination. We believe this approach will help to promote social progress and equal opportunities.   

Orange’s commitment to digital equality

Telecommunications, a story that began in the 18th century

On April 30, 1794, in France – in the midst of the Revolution – a telegram was sent, marking the very first transmission of a telegraphic message on the Lille-Paris line.

It symbolized the birth of Chappe’s optical telegraphy and the beginning of telecommunications development in France. As a whole new business sector emerged, the world of telecoms led to a different way of life for all of us, all over the globe!   

Orange, a brand with a rich history

Orange is a key character in this saga. Here some important dates.

  • 2024

    Orange and MASMOVIL complete transaction to form the leading operator in Spain in terms of customers

  • 2024

    “Orange is here” becomes the new Orange brand signature

  • 2024

    Paris 2024: Orange, Premium Partner and Official Supplier

  • 2020

    Launch of TOTEM, our European TowerCo, marking the acceleration of our strategy towards optimization, development, and increasing the value of our mobile assets

  • 2018

    Orange Money celebrates its 10th anniversary: launched in 2008, the service now has 29.1 million customers in 17 countries

  • 2017

    Orange Cyberdefense is inaugurated along with Orange Bank, the 100% mobile banking offer in France

  • 2006

    Orange becomes the single brand for mobile, TV, Internet and digital services in our main markets

  • 2003

    Orange is the first operator in France to launch TV over ADSL, with the first TV set-top box, and TV over mobile

  • 2000

    Acquisition of Orange to broaden the Group’s international appeal

  • 1996

    Launch of Wanadoo: Internet for all

  • 1994

    Launch of Orange in the United Kingdom, which revolutionizes the market, in particular with per-second billing

  • 1992

    Launch of Itinéris, a radio telephony service using the GSM standard

  • 1988

    The Directorate General of Telecommunications becomes France Télécom

  • 1984

    The beginning of global deregulation

  • 1970

    Development of the first fiber optics

  • 1959

    Creation of the Ministry of Postal and Telephone services

  • 1929

    Creation of the Ministry of Postal, Telegraph and Telephone (PTT) services

  • 1876

    Alexander Graham Bell’s first telephone patent was approved on 14 February