
At Oracle, sustainability is everyone’s business and our employees are key to helping us operationalize sustainability. We inspire action by celebrating the sustainability champions in our midst, communicating key initiatives, providing learning resources, and offering tools for collaboration.

Technology plays a critical role in building a more sustainable future, and—in collaboration with our customers—our employees are the ones making that a reality. Year-round, our employees improve how we all live and work by participating in a variety of activities to drive a more sustainable future. See them in action below.

Green Teams

Employees who share a passion for the environment band together to form Green Teams that lead sustainability efforts in Oracle hubs globally. They make an impact in their local communities by hosting educational sessions, driving energy efficiency, engaging with real estate and facilities teams to promote recycling and eliminate waste, encouraging more sustainable modes of transportation, volunteering with environmental organizations, and more.

Sustainability Champions

Annually, Oracle recognizes a group of Sustainability Champions—employees around the world who are leading by example and directly contributing to a more sustainable future. Sustainability Champions include employees who lead environmental volunteering projects, build application capabilities to address environmental needs, engage with suppliers to increase their environmental performance, raise awareness of alternative commuting options, and coordinate sustainability activities with colleagues in their local offices.

Oracle Volunteering

Protecting the environment is a key focus area of the Oracle Volunteering program. Year-round, Oracle Volunteers contribute tens of thousands of hours to care for the planet, including during Focus on Environment—Oracle’s annual global volunteering initiative, which spans the months of March and April.

See Oracle Volunteers in action

Daily actions to protect the planet

Oracle employees enthusiastically participate in Missions, a new initiative that empowers individuals to take positive actions that benefit the planet. Through easy-to-complete activities, employees can track how their daily actions support sustainability. From rethinking food waste to prioritizing water conservation, there are many ways employees can take action to help the planet both at home and at work. Since the program’s launch in 2021, over 1,000 employees have completed more than 11,000 activities to help protect the planet.


We empower employees to build their knowledge about the solutions needed for a sustainable future. In addition to learning what Oracle is doing to make an impact, employees engage in training and development opportunities to enhance their skills and support sustainability decisions at scale. By acquiring the skills to innovate and create new technology, our employees can further support our customers in achieving their sustainability goals.

Photo credits: 1. and 3. Mark Von Holden/Getty Images for Oracle. All other images copyright Oracle.