Oracle 不仅鼓励员工每年进行慈善捐赠,同时还在危机时刻提供救济。另外,我们还通过 Oracle Cares 基金(由员工自愿捐款)向处于困境中的员工提供支持。
“Leveraging Oracle’s matching gifts program goes a long way in extending the impact of your personal donation.By having Oracle match my donation to Louisville Community Foundation, we were able to buy 140 winter jackets, hats, and pairs of gloves for children, helping to ensure every child has comfort and warmth.Big thanks to Oracle for helping us touch the lives of those in need.”
Oracle 支持员工投身慈善事业,通过为员工个人慈善捐款配捐来为全球各项事业贡献自己的一份力量。2023 财年,Oracle 针对员工捐赠共计配捐超过 510 万美元。
每当有灾难发生时,Oracle 都会就员工救济捐款进行配捐。2023 财年,我们为土耳其地震、美国飓风及其它自然灾害筹集了超过 100 万美元的救灾及灾后恢复资金。
Oracle Cares 是一支员工互助基金,旨在鼓励员工捐款来为有需要的同事提供帮助。2023 财年,Oracle Cares 提供了共计超过 18.8 万美元的 64 笔纾困资金来帮助员工走出自然灾难、失去亲人以及重伤重病(包括新冠肺炎)等泥潭。
“We experienced an apartment fire this year and our family lost everything except the clothes we were wearing.We had to quickly find a new place to live and buy new clothes, necessities, and furniture.We are so thankful to Oracle Cares for taking a little stress away by providing financial assistance during this time.”
图片来源:1 和 3. 德克萨斯州中部食品银行;2. 印度救助儿童会;4. World Central Kitchen