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European Repository Network

Deadline Extended! Submit your feedback by September 13

Your input matters!

Join us in celebrating Zenodo’s 11th anniversary

Enjoy an exclusive interview featuring Lars Holm Nielsen and Jose Benito Gonzalez from CERN.

Dive into the full story and discover more!

podcast announcement

The Return of Podcast Series!

A new podcast episode is on the way...

Tune in for exclusive insights, captivating stories and much more.

European Repository Network

Deadline Extended! Submit your feedback by September 13.

Your input matters!

Join us in Celebrating Zenodo's 11th Anniversary

Enjoy an exclusive interview featuring Lars Holm Nielsen and Jose Benito Gonzalez from CERN.

Dive into the full story and discover more!

Podcast announcement

The Return of Podcast Series!

A new podcast episode is on the way...

Tune in for exclusive insights, captivating stories and much more.

Stay in the loop.

Latest News

In early August we wrote about the current status of the conversation that started in early 2023, regarding the futur...
Sep 13, 2024
This is a quick round-up of upcoming events, so you can save the dates on your calendar!
Sep 9, 2024
In a significant step towards advancing scholarly research, OpenAIRE and SCImago Lab have announced a strategic partn...
Sep 9, 2024
 On the cusp of the official launch of the EU Open Research Repository, we take some time to celebrate 11 years ...
Jul 25, 2024

From our Network

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OpenAIRE Graph Training: Analysing Data with Big Query

Join us in a hands-on training session designed to help you learn or refine your skills in analysing OpenAIRE Graph data from the Google Cloud with Biq Query.

The NEW workshop will alternate between presentations introducing the subject and queries and hands-on practice with guidance from our trainers. As such, spots are limited so register now!

  • Date: 18 OCT 2024 
  • Time: 01:00 PM - 05:00 PM CET
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