WebSdk plugin for IntaSend Payments Button. IntaSend enables you to easily add payments to your website with a few lines of code.
Follow the instruction below to install and get started.
Visit our sandbox/developers test for your publishable API. More information is available on the IntaSend Documentation.
yarn add intasend-inlinejs-sdk
Define the container where you want the payment component to appear
<div id="checkoutElement" style="padding: 40;width: 400px; height: 100vh; background: #cacaca; overflow-y: auto;"></div>
Instantiate the checkout element. Include this before closing your body tag
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://unpkg.com/intasend-inlinejs-sdk@4.0.0/build/intasend-inline.js"></script>
function openInlineCheckout() {
const intasendObj = window.IntaSend({
publicAPIKey: "ISPubKey_test_91ffc81a-8ac4-419e-8008-7091caa8d73f",
redirectURL: "http://intasend.com",
live: false,
mode: "inline",
inlineContainer: "checkoutElement"
.on("COMPLETE", () => alert("COMPLETE"))
.on("FAILED", () => alert("FAILED"))
.on("IN-PROGRESS", () => console.log("INPROGRESS ..."))
amount: 10,
currency: "USD",
api_ref: "123",
email: "felix-inline@intasend.com"
<button class="intaSendPayButton" data-api_ref="payment-link" data-phone-number="254xxxxxxxx"
data-email="example@intasend.com" data-amount="100">
Pay Now
Include this before closing your body tag
<script src="https://unpkg.com/intasend-inlinejs-sdk@4.0.0/build/intasend-inline.js"></script>
let isObj = new window.IntaSend({
publicAPIKey: "<YOUR-API-KEY>",
live: true //or false for sandbox environment
.on("COMPLETE", (response) => { console.log("COMPLETE:", response) })
.on("FAILED", (response) => { console.log("FAILED", response) })
.on("IN-PROGRESS", () => { console.log("INPROGRESS ...") })