Refund policy

Right of withdrawal

  • Exercising the right of withdrawal
    • Customers who have placed Orders on the Site have a period of fourteen(14) days from the order’s date of receipt to change their mind. They can exercise this right of withdrawal by sending NOERDEN, before the expiry of the aforementioned period, an e-mail to the address shown in the “Site and Services Operator” article, or by sending NOERDEN any other unambiguous statement expressing their wish to withdraw.
    • Customers must return the Product(s) concerned by the Order via the carrier they choose as soon as possible, and no later than fourteen (14) days after notifying their decision to withdraw.
    • The exercise of the right of withdrawal requires no reason to be given. No penalty will be imposed on Customers, apart from return costs, for which Customers are responsible and must pay.
    • The Product(s) must be returned to NOERDEN in their original packaging, with all accessories if relevant, without any trace of use. It/they must be accompanied by a copy of the relevant Invoice. The Customer is deemed responsible if any Products are damaged when returned to NOERDEN.
    • Customers will be refunded the price of their Order as soon as possible, no later than fourteen (14) days from the date of actual receipt by NOERDEN of the withdrawal request. However, at the Customer’s request, NOERDEN may defer this refund until the Product(s) concerned by the Order is/are actually received.
    • The return costs remain the Customer’s responsibility.
  • Exclusion of the right of withdrawal
    • As an exception, Customers who purchase a gift card are expressly informed and accept that it constitutes digital content not provided on a physical medium, and it is provided in full to Customers upon payment.
    • In application of article L221-28 13° of the Consumer Code, Customers are expressly informed and expressly accept that if they wish to purchase a gift card, they must waive the abovementioned right of withdrawal at the time of the Order by ticking the box provided for this purpose on the Site.

Right of return & exchange

    • For Orders placed on the Site, returns can be processed within 14 days of receiving the delivery.
    • Returns are at the expense of the Customer; NOERDEN highly recommend Costumers to provide tracking on their parcel so that they may accurately locate their return.
    • Once NOERDEN receive the Customer’s return, he/she will receive a confirmation email from NOERDEN’s customer service department.
    • Parcels may be opened to test Products, but the testing of Products may not go beyond what is necessary to establish their nature, characteristics and functioning. No tape is to be attached to Products or Products packaging. Any protective films applied to Products should only be removed where strictly necessary to test them.
    • Once the return is received and inspected, should the Customer not wish to replace the Product, a refund will be issued to the original form of payment. Taxes are non-refundable.
    • Gift cards are non-refundable and non-returnable.
    • In the unlikely event that a Product is received faulty or with production failure, a replacement will be given. Customers shall contact NOERDEN’s customer service for more info about the right of return & exchange procedure.

Customers’ Guarantees

    • In the context of the Product Ordering Service, Customers benefit from legal non-conformity guarantees, and those for hidden defects in the item sold.
    • For your information, when acting on the basis of the legal conformity guarantee, all consumers:
      • Have two (2) years from the delivery of the item to take action;
      • May choose between repairing or replacing the goods, subject to the conditions of cost stipulated in Article L. 217-4 of the Consumer Code;
      • Are exempted from providing proof of the non-conformity of goods during the twenty-four (24) months following their delivery.
    • The legal conformity guarantee applies independently of any commercial guarantee granted.
    • All consumers may also decide to implement the guarantee against hidden defects of the item sold within the meaning of Article 1641 of the Civil Code. In this case, they may choose between cancelling the sale or a reduction of the sale price, pursuant to Article 1644 of the Civil Code.
    • If Customers notice that the Products that have been delivered are defective, non-compliant or damaged, they may return them to NOERDEN according to the following procedures.
    • Within a reasonable timeframe and at the latest within twenty-four (24) hours of delivery, they must contact NOERDEN’s customer service by email at the address indicated in the article on “Site and Services Operator” or by going to the “Customer Service” section on the Contact page of the Site, specifying the nature of the defect, non-compliance or damage found.
    • Customer should also include in their request a photograph of the Product showing the defect, non-compliance or damage as clearly as possible.
    • NOERDEN will then indicate whether or not it is necessary to return the Product(s) to NOERDEN. If so, Customers should send back the Product(s), and can obtain a refund of the return costs upon presentation of supporting documents in a form of voucher of the same value on the Site.
    • The Products must be returned to NOERDEN in their original packaging, accompanied by the relevant Invoice and the return number provided by NOERDEN.
    • Products may be tested but this test must not go beyond what is necessary to verify their conformity and working condition. No adhesive tape should be attached to the Product or its packaging. Any protective film applied to the Product should only be removed when strictly necessary for testing.
    • The above guarantees cannot be activated if the defect or non-conformity results from the following circumstances:
      • Improper use or maintenance of the Product
      • Improper storage of the Product
      • Exposure of the Product to water or moisture
      • Collision or fire
      • Infiltration of sand, dust or dirt
      • The Product’s exposure to extreme weather conditions
      • Theft
      • Use of the Product with products of other brands
      • Unusual or abnormal use of the Products
      • Any signs of wear and tear on the Product, particularly dents or scratches, resulting from its use by the Customer
      • Viruses or other software problems introduced into the Product
      • When the battery has not been changed by a professional and subsequent damage occurs.
    • NOERDEN will carry out the necessary checks and replace or refund the Product(s), depending on the choice indicated by the Customer.
    • NOERDEN will refund the Customer within fourteen (14) days of the Customer’s notification requesting a refund. Taxes are non-refundable, which Customers acknowledge and accept.
    • If it is impossible to replace the Product(s), NOERDEN reserves the right to send the Customer any other Product of equivalent value, which the Customer acknowledges and accepts.