National Advisory Child Health and Human Development (NACHHD) Council

October 2024 Council (to be held on September 4-5, 2024)


Concept Review

  1. Biological Testing Facility (BTF) (M. Lee/DiPHR) 
  2. Development of Novel or Improved Infertility Technologies (Kent/FIB)
  3. NICHD Program Project Grants for HIV Research (Russo/MPIDB)
  4. Navigating Pediatric to Adult Healthcare: Lost in Transition (S. Lee/MPIDB)
  5. Natural History of Disorders Screenable in the Newborn Period (Huntzicker/IDDB)
  6. Research on Drowning Prevention (Dixon/PTCIB)
  7. Child Health Research Career Development Award (CHRCDA); K12 Mentoring for Pediatrician Scientists (Winer/PGNB)
  8. Effects of Contraception as Treatment for Gynecologic Disorders (Allen/CRB)
  9. Learning Disabilities Hubs (Miller/CDBB)

Meeting Info

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